Commit 79878a57 authored by Leonid Beynenson's avatar Leonid Beynenson

Fixed bug in cv::detail::waveCorrect

The function makes wave correction of a stitched panorama.
Earlier it gave wrong results for panorama made from 1 frame.
parent 2df3abe1
......@@ -589,6 +589,11 @@ void waveCorrect(vector<Mat> &rmats, WaveCorrectKind kind)
int64 t = getTickCount();
if (rmats.size() <= 1)
LOGLN("Wave correcting, time: " << ((getTickCount() - t) / getTickFrequency()) << " sec");
Mat moment = Mat::zeros(3, 3, CV_32F);
for (size_t i = 0; i < rmats.size(); ++i)
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