Commit 78e16a90 authored by Philippe FOUBERT's avatar Philippe FOUBERT

Back to the previous coding way (using the macro with the goto).

parent 93120775
......@@ -62,95 +62,75 @@ void CvCaptureCAM_XIMEA::init()
// Initialize camera input
bool CvCaptureCAM_XIMEA::open( int wIndex )
bool res = true;
#define HandleXiResult(res) if (res!=XI_OK) goto error;
int mvret = XI_OK;
if(0 == numDevices)
if(numDevices == 0)
return false;
if((mvret = xiOpenDevice( wIndex, &hmv)) != XI_OK)
res = false;
errMsg("Open XI_DEVICE failed", mvret);
return false;
else if(XI_OK != (mvret = xiOpenDevice(wIndex, &hmv)))
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
int isColor = 0;
// always use auto exposure/gain
mvret = xiSetParamInt( hmv, XI_PRM_AEAG, 1);
mvret = xiGetParamInt( hmv, XI_PRM_WIDTH, &width);
mvret = xiGetParamInt( hmv, XI_PRM_HEIGHT, &height);
mvret = xiGetParamInt(hmv, XI_PRM_IMAGE_IS_COLOR, &isColor);
if(isColor) // for color cameras
errMsg("Open XI_DEVICE failed", mvret);
res = false;
// default image format RGB24
mvret = xiSetParamInt( hmv, XI_PRM_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT, XI_RGB24);
// always use auto white balance for color cameras
mvret = xiSetParamInt( hmv, XI_PRM_AUTO_WB, 1);
// allocate frame buffer for RGB24 image
frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
else // for mono cameras
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
int isColor = 0;
// default image format MONO8
mvret = xiSetParamInt( hmv, XI_PRM_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT, XI_MONO8);
// always use auto exposure/gain
if(XI_OK != (mvret = xiSetParamInt(hmv, XI_PRM_AEAG, 1)))
res = false;
else if(XI_OK != (mvret = xiGetParamInt(hmv, XI_PRM_WIDTH, &width)))
res = false;
else if(XI_OK != (mvret = xiGetParamInt(hmv, XI_PRM_HEIGHT, &height)))
res = false;
else if(XI_OK != (mvret = xiGetParamInt(hmv, XI_PRM_IMAGE_IS_COLOR, &isColor)))
res = false;
if(isColor) // for color cameras
// default image format RGB24
if(XI_OK != (mvret = xiSetParamInt(hmv, XI_PRM_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT, XI_RGB24)))
res = false;
// always use auto white ballance for color cameras
else if(XI_OK != (mvret = xiSetParamInt(hmv, XI_PRM_AUTO_WB, 1)))
res = false;
// allocate frame buffer for RGB24 image
frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
else // for mono cameras
// default image format MONO8
if(XI_OK != (mvret = xiSetParamInt(hmv, XI_PRM_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT, XI_MONO8)))
res = false;
// allocate frame buffer for MONO8 image
frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
// allocate frame buffer for MONO8 image
frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
if(true == res)
//default capture timeout 10s
timeout = 10000;
if(XI_OK != (mvret = xiStartAcquisition(hmv)))
errMsg("StartAcquisition XI_DEVICE failed", mvret);
res = false;
errMsg("Open XI_DEVICE failed", mvret);
hmv = NULL;
//default capture timeout 10s
timeout = 10000;
mvret = xiStartAcquisition(hmv);
if(mvret != XI_OK)
errMsg("StartAcquisition XI_DEVICE failed", mvret);
goto error;
return true;
errMsg("Open XI_DEVICE failed", mvret);
hmv = NULL;
return false;
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