Commit 76afd9a1 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #5436 from jet47:fix-cuda-normalize

parents b37387ef 1bf811c3
......@@ -249,6 +249,10 @@ void cv::cuda::normalize(InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, double a, double b,
CV_Assert( src.channels() == 1 );
CV_Assert( mask.empty() || (mask.size() == src.size() && mask.type() == CV_8U) );
if (dtype < 0)
dtype = _dst.fixedType() ? _dst.type() : src.type();
dtype = CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype);
const int src_depth = src.depth();
......@@ -951,11 +951,11 @@ CUDA_TEST_P(Normalize, WithMask)
cv::cuda::GpuMat dst = createMat(size, type, useRoi);
cv::cuda::normalize(loadMat(src, useRoi), dst, alpha, beta, norm_type, type, loadMat(mask, useRoi));
cv::cuda::normalize(loadMat(src, useRoi), dst, alpha, beta, norm_type, -1, loadMat(mask, useRoi));
cv::Mat dst_gold(size, type);
cv::normalize(src, dst_gold, alpha, beta, norm_type, type, mask);
cv::normalize(src, dst_gold, alpha, beta, norm_type, -1, mask);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(dst_gold, dst, type < CV_32F ? 1.0 : 1e-4);
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