Commit 764d55b8 authored by Vladislav Vinogradov's avatar Vladislav Vinogradov

add extended documentation for Features2DAsync

parent f960a570
......@@ -233,28 +233,47 @@ private:
// Feature2DAsync
/** @brief Abstract base class for CUDA asynchronous 2D image feature detectors and descriptor extractors.
class CV_EXPORTS Feature2DAsync
virtual ~Feature2DAsync();
/** @brief Detects keypoints in an image.
@param image Image.
@param keypoints The detected keypoints.
@param mask Mask specifying where to look for keypoints (optional). It must be a 8-bit integer
matrix with non-zero values in the region of interest.
@param stream CUDA stream.
virtual void detectAsync(InputArray image,
OutputArray keypoints,
InputArray mask = noArray(),
Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
/** @brief Computes the descriptors for a set of keypoints detected in an image.
@param image Image.
@param keypoints Input collection of keypoints.
@param descriptors Computed descriptors. Row j is the descriptor for j-th keypoint.
@param stream CUDA stream.
virtual void computeAsync(InputArray image,
OutputArray keypoints,
OutputArray descriptors,
Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
/** Detects keypoints and computes the descriptors. */
virtual void detectAndComputeAsync(InputArray image,
InputArray mask,
OutputArray keypoints,
OutputArray descriptors,
bool useProvidedKeypoints=false,
bool useProvidedKeypoints = false,
Stream& stream = Stream::Null());
/** Converts keypoints array from internal representation to standard vector. */
virtual void convert(InputArray gpu_keypoints,
std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints) = 0;
......@@ -263,6 +282,8 @@ public:
// FastFeatureDetector
/** @brief Wrapping class for feature detection using the FAST method.
class CV_EXPORTS FastFeatureDetector : public cv::FastFeatureDetector, public Feature2DAsync
......@@ -288,6 +309,10 @@ public:
// ORB
/** @brief Class implementing the ORB (*oriented BRIEF*) keypoint detector and descriptor extractor
* @sa cv::ORB
class CV_EXPORTS ORB : public cv::ORB, public Feature2DAsync
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