Commit 751cee8e authored by Maksim Shabunin's avatar Maksim Shabunin

Merge pull request #9907 from seiko2plus:vsxFixesImproves

parents 0608227e 2dc76d50
......@@ -523,24 +523,25 @@ OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_BIN_FUNC(v_add_wrap, vec_add)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_BIN_FUNC(v_sub_wrap, vec_sub)
/** Bitwise shifts **/
#define OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(_Tpuvec, splfunc) \
inline _Tpuvec operator << (const _Tpuvec& a, int imm) \
{ return _Tpuvec(vec_sl(a.val, splfunc(imm))); } \
inline _Tpuvec operator >> (const _Tpuvec& a, int imm) \
{ return _Tpuvec(vec_sr(a.val, splfunc(imm))); } \
template<int imm> inline _Tpuvec v_shl(const _Tpuvec& a) \
{ return _Tpuvec(vec_sl(a.val, splfunc(imm))); } \
template<int imm> inline _Tpuvec v_shr(const _Tpuvec& a) \
{ return _Tpuvec(vec_sr(a.val, splfunc(imm))); }
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_uint8x16, vec_uchar16_sp)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_int8x16, vec_uchar16_sp)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_uint16x8, vec_ushort8_sp)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_int16x8, vec_ushort8_sp)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_uint32x4, vec_uint4_sp)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_int32x4, vec_uint4_sp)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_uint64x2, vec_udword2_sp)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_int64x2, vec_udword2_sp)
#define OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(_Tpvec, shr, splfunc) \
inline _Tpvec operator << (const _Tpvec& a, int imm) \
{ return _Tpvec(vec_sl(a.val, splfunc(imm))); } \
inline _Tpvec operator >> (const _Tpvec& a, int imm) \
{ return _Tpvec(shr(a.val, splfunc(imm))); } \
template<int imm> inline _Tpvec v_shl(const _Tpvec& a) \
{ return _Tpvec(vec_sl(a.val, splfunc(imm))); } \
template<int imm> inline _Tpvec v_shr(const _Tpvec& a) \
{ return _Tpvec(shr(a.val, splfunc(imm))); }
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_uint8x16, vec_sr, vec_uchar16_sp)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_uint16x8, vec_sr, vec_ushort8_sp)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_uint32x4, vec_sr, vec_uint4_sp)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_uint64x2, vec_sr, vec_udword2_sp)
// algebraic right shift
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_int8x16, vec_sra, vec_uchar16_sp)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_int16x8, vec_sra, vec_ushort8_sp)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_int32x4, vec_sra, vec_uint4_sp)
OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_SHIFT_OP(v_int64x2, vec_sra, vec_udword2_sp)
/** Bitwise logic **/
......@@ -605,6 +606,64 @@ OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_INT_CMP_OP(v_int64x2)
/** Rotate **/
#define OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE(_Tpvec, suffix, shf, cast) \
template<int imm> \
inline _Tpvec v_rotate_##suffix(const _Tpvec& a) \
{ \
const int wd = imm * sizeof(typename _Tpvec::lane_type); \
if (wd > 15) \
return _Tpvec(); \
return _Tpvec((cast)shf(vec_uchar16_c(a.val), vec_uchar16_sp(wd << 3))); \
#define OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE_LR(_Tpvec, cast) \
OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE(_Tpvec, left, vec_slo, cast) \
OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE(_Tpvec, right, vec_sro, cast)
OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE_LR(v_uint8x16, vec_uchar16)
OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE_LR(v_int8x16, vec_char16)
OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE_LR(v_uint16x8, vec_ushort8)
OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE_LR(v_int16x8, vec_short8)
OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE_LR(v_uint32x4, vec_uint4)
OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE_LR(v_int32x4, vec_int4)
OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE_LR(v_uint64x2, vec_udword2)
OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE_LR(v_int64x2, vec_dword2)
template<int imm, typename _Tpvec>
inline _Tpvec v_rotate_right(const _Tpvec& a, const _Tpvec& b)
const int wd = imm * sizeof(typename _Tpvec::lane_type);
if (wd == 0)
return a;
return _Tpvec(vec_sld(b.val, a.val, 16 - wd));
template<int imm, typename _Tpvec>
inline _Tpvec v_rotate_left(const _Tpvec& a, const _Tpvec& b)
const int wd = imm * sizeof(typename _Tpvec::lane_type);
if (wd == 16)
return b;
return _Tpvec(vec_sld(a.val, b.val, wd));
#define OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE_64(_Tpvec, suffix, rg1, rg2) \
template<int imm> \
inline _Tpvec v_rotate_##suffix(const _Tpvec& a, const _Tpvec& b) \
{ \
if (imm == 1) \
return _Tpvec(vec_permi(rg1.val, rg2.val, 2)); \
return imm ? b : a; \
OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE_64(v_int64x2, right, a, b)
OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE_64(v_uint64x2, right, a, b)
OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE_64(v_int64x2, left, b, a)
OPENCV_IMPL_VSX_ROTATE_64(v_uint64x2, left, b, a)
////////// Reduce and mask /////////
/** Reduce **/
......@@ -726,7 +785,7 @@ inline int v_signmask(const v_float32x4& a)
inline int v_signmask(const v_int64x2& a)
const vec_dword2 sv = vec_sr(a.val, vec_udword2_sp(63));
VSX_UNUSED(const vec_dword2) sv = vec_sr(a.val, vec_udword2_sp(63));
return (int)vec_extract(sv, 0) | (int)vec_extract(sv, 1) << 1;
inline int v_signmask(const v_uint64x2& a)
......@@ -812,66 +871,47 @@ OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_BIN_FUNC2(v_int64x2, v_uint64x2, vec_udword2_c, v_absdiff, v
/** Rounding **/
inline v_int32x4 v_round(const v_float32x4& a)
{ return v_int32x4(vec_cts(vec_round(a.val), 0)); }
{ return v_int32x4(vec_cts(vec_round(a.val))); }
inline v_int32x4 v_round(const v_float64x2& a)
static const vec_uchar16 perm = {16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
return v_int32x4(vec_perm(vec_int4_z, vec_ctsw(vec_round(a.val)), perm));
{ return v_int32x4(vec_mergesqo(vec_cts(vec_round(a.val)), vec_int4_z)); }
inline v_int32x4 v_floor(const v_float32x4& a)
{ return v_int32x4(vec_cts(vec_floor(a.val), 0)); }
{ return v_int32x4(vec_cts(vec_floor(a.val))); }
inline v_int32x4 v_floor(const v_float64x2& a)
static const vec_uchar16 perm = {16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
return v_int32x4(vec_perm(vec_int4_z, vec_ctsw(vec_floor(a.val)), perm));
{ return v_int32x4(vec_mergesqo(vec_cts(vec_floor(a.val)), vec_int4_z)); }
inline v_int32x4 v_ceil(const v_float32x4& a)
{ return v_int32x4(vec_cts(vec_ceil(a.val), 0)); }
{ return v_int32x4(vec_cts(vec_ceil(a.val))); }
inline v_int32x4 v_ceil(const v_float64x2& a)
static const vec_uchar16 perm = {16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
return v_int32x4(vec_perm(vec_int4_z, vec_ctsw(vec_ceil(a.val)), perm));
{ return v_int32x4(vec_mergesqo(vec_cts(vec_ceil(a.val)), vec_int4_z)); }
inline v_int32x4 v_trunc(const v_float32x4& a)
{ return v_int32x4(vec_cts(a.val, 0)); }
{ return v_int32x4(vec_cts(a.val)); }
inline v_int32x4 v_trunc(const v_float64x2& a)
static const vec_uchar16 perm = {16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
return v_int32x4(vec_perm(vec_int4_z, vec_ctsw(a.val), perm));
{ return v_int32x4(vec_mergesqo(vec_cts(a.val), vec_int4_z)); }
/** To float **/
inline v_float32x4 v_cvt_f32(const v_int32x4& a)
{ return v_float32x4(vec_ctf(a.val, 0)); }
{ return v_float32x4(vec_ctf(a.val)); }
inline v_float32x4 v_cvt_f32(const v_float64x2& a)
static const vec_uchar16 perm = {16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
return v_float32x4(vec_perm(vec_float4_z, vec_cvf(a.val), perm));
{ return v_float32x4(vec_mergesqo(vec_cvf(a.val), vec_float4_z)); }
inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64(const v_int32x4& a)
return v_float64x2(vec_ctd(vec_mergeh(a.val, a.val), 0));
{ return v_float64x2(vec_ctdo(vec_mergeh(a.val, a.val))); }
inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64_high(const v_int32x4& a)
return v_float64x2(vec_ctd(vec_mergel(a.val, a.val), 0));
{ return v_float64x2(vec_ctdo(vec_mergel(a.val, a.val))); }
inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64(const v_float32x4& a)
return v_float64x2(vec_cvf(vec_mergeh(a.val, a.val)));
{ return v_float64x2(vec_cvfo(vec_mergeh(a.val, a.val))); }
inline v_float64x2 v_cvt_f64_high(const v_float32x4& a)
return v_float64x2(vec_cvf(vec_mergel(a.val, a.val)));
{ return v_float64x2(vec_cvfo(vec_mergel(a.val, a.val))); }
/** Reinterpret **/
/** its up there with load and store operations **/
......@@ -888,10 +928,20 @@ inline v_float32x4 v_matmul(const v_float32x4& v, const v_float32x4& m0,
const vec_float4 v0 = vec_splat(v.val, 0);
const vec_float4 v1 = vec_splat(v.val, 1);
const vec_float4 v2 = vec_splat(v.val, 2);
const vec_float4 v3 = vec_splat(v.val, 3);
VSX_UNUSED(const vec_float4) v3 = vec_splat(v.val, 3);
return v_float32x4(vec_madd(v0, m0.val, vec_madd(v1, m1.val, vec_madd(v2, m2.val, vec_mul(v3, m3.val)))));
inline v_float32x4 v_matmuladd(const v_float32x4& v, const v_float32x4& m0,
const v_float32x4& m1, const v_float32x4& m2,
const v_float32x4& a)
const vec_float4 v0 = vec_splat(v.val, 0);
const vec_float4 v1 = vec_splat(v.val, 1);
const vec_float4 v2 = vec_splat(v.val, 2);
return v_float32x4(vec_madd(v0, m0.val, vec_madd(v1, m1.val, vec_madd(v2, m2.val, a.val))));
#define OPENCV_HAL_IMPL_VSX_TRANSPOSE4x4(_Tpvec, _Tpvec2) \
inline void v_transpose4x4(const _Tpvec& a0, const _Tpvec& a1, \
const _Tpvec& a2, const _Tpvec& a3, \
......@@ -51,18 +51,6 @@
//! @{
#if CV_VSX
#define FORCE_INLINE(tp) extern inline tp __attribute__((always_inline))
#define VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(rt, rg, fnm, fn2) \
FORCE_INLINE(rt) fnm(const rg& a) { return fn2(a); }
#define VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(rt, rg, fnm, fn2) \
FORCE_INLINE(rt) fnm(const rg& a, const rg& b) { return fn2(a, b); }
#define VSX_IMPL_PERM(rt, fnm, ...) \
FORCE_INLINE(rt) fnm(const rt& a, const rt& b) \
{ static const vec_uchar16 perm = {__VA_ARGS__}; return vec_perm(a, b, perm); }
#define __VSX_S16__(c, v) (c){v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v}
#define __VSX_S8__(c, v) (c){v, v, v, v, v, v, v, v}
#define __VSX_S4__(c, v) (c){v, v, v, v}
......@@ -172,10 +160,19 @@ typedef __vector double vec_double2;
#define vec_bdword2_f (__VSX_S2__(vec_bdword2, 0))
#define vec_bdword2_t (__VSX_S2__(vec_bdword2, 1))
#define FORCE_INLINE(tp) extern inline tp __attribute__((always_inline))
#define VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(rt, rg, fnm, fn2) \
FORCE_INLINE(rt) fnm(const rg& a) { return fn2(a); }
#define VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(rt, rg, fnm, fn2) \
FORCE_INLINE(rt) fnm(const rg& a, const rg& b) { return fn2(a, b); }
* GCC VSX compatibility
#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(__IBMCPP__) && !defined(__clang__)
#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(__clang__)
// inline asm helper
#define VSX_IMPL_1RG(rt, rto, rg, rgo, opc, fnm) \
......@@ -193,7 +190,7 @@ FORCE_INLINE(rt) fnm(const rg& a, const rg& b) \
#define VSX_IMPL_2VRG(rt, rg, opc, fnm) VSX_IMPL_2VRG_F(rt, rg, #opc" %0,%1,%2", fnm)
#if __GNUG__ < 7
/* up to GCC 6 vec_mul only supports precisions and llong */
// up to GCC 6 vec_mul only supports precisions and llong
# ifdef vec_mul
# undef vec_mul
# endif
......@@ -209,15 +206,15 @@ FORCE_INLINE(rt) fnm(const rg& a, const rg& b) \
8, 9, 24, 25, 12, 13, 28, 29}; \
return vec_perm(Tcast(vec_mule(a, b)), Tcast(vec_mulo(a, b)), even_perm); \
VSX_IMPL_MULH(vec_short8, vec_short8_c)
VSX_IMPL_MULH(vec_short8, vec_short8_c)
VSX_IMPL_MULH(vec_ushort8, vec_ushort8_c)
/* vmuluwm can be used for unsigned or signed integers, that's what they said */
VSX_IMPL_2VRG(vec_int4, vec_int4, vmuluwm, vec_mul)
// vmuluwm can be used for unsigned or signed integers, that's what they said
VSX_IMPL_2VRG(vec_int4, vec_int4, vmuluwm, vec_mul)
VSX_IMPL_2VRG(vec_uint4, vec_uint4, vmuluwm, vec_mul)
/* redirect to GCC builtin vec_mul, since it already supports precisions and llong */
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_float4, vec_float4, vec_mul, __builtin_vec_mul)
// redirect to GCC builtin vec_mul, since it already supports precisions and llong
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_float4, vec_float4, vec_mul, __builtin_vec_mul)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_double2, vec_double2, vec_mul, __builtin_vec_mul)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_dword2, vec_dword2, vec_mul, __builtin_vec_mul)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_dword2, vec_dword2, vec_mul, __builtin_vec_mul)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_udword2, vec_udword2, vec_mul, __builtin_vec_mul)
#endif // __GNUG__ < 7
......@@ -237,74 +234,120 @@ FORCE_INLINE(rt) fnm(const rg& a, const rg& b) \
# define VSX_IMPL_CMPGE(rt, rg, opc, fnm) \
VSX_IMPL_2VRG_F(rt, rg, #opc" %0,%2,%1\n\t xxlnor %x0,%x0,%x0", fnm)
VSX_IMPL_CMPGE(vec_bchar16, vec_char16, vcmpgtsb, vec_cmpge)
VSX_IMPL_CMPGE(vec_bchar16, vec_char16, vcmpgtsb, vec_cmpge)
VSX_IMPL_CMPGE(vec_bchar16, vec_uchar16, vcmpgtub, vec_cmpge)
VSX_IMPL_CMPGE(vec_bshort8, vec_short8, vcmpgtsh, vec_cmpge)
VSX_IMPL_CMPGE(vec_bshort8, vec_short8, vcmpgtsh, vec_cmpge)
VSX_IMPL_CMPGE(vec_bshort8, vec_ushort8, vcmpgtuh, vec_cmpge)
VSX_IMPL_CMPGE(vec_bint4, vec_int4, vcmpgtsw, vec_cmpge)
VSX_IMPL_CMPGE(vec_bint4, vec_uint4, vcmpgtuw, vec_cmpge)
VSX_IMPL_CMPGE(vec_bdword2, vec_dword2, vcmpgtsd, vec_cmpge)
VSX_IMPL_CMPGE(vec_bint4, vec_int4, vcmpgtsw, vec_cmpge)
VSX_IMPL_CMPGE(vec_bint4, vec_uint4, vcmpgtuw, vec_cmpge)
VSX_IMPL_CMPGE(vec_bdword2, vec_dword2, vcmpgtsd, vec_cmpge)
VSX_IMPL_CMPGE(vec_bdword2, vec_udword2, vcmpgtud, vec_cmpge)
/* redirect to GCC builtin cmpge, since it already supports precisions */
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_bint4, vec_float4, vec_cmpge, __builtin_vec_cmpge)
// redirect to GCC builtin cmpge, since it already supports precisions
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_bint4, vec_float4, vec_cmpge, __builtin_vec_cmpge)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_bdword2, vec_double2, vec_cmpge, __builtin_vec_cmpge)
// up to gcc5 vec_nor doesn't support bool long long
# undef vec_nor
template<typename T>
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(T, T, vec_nor, __builtin_vec_nor)
template<typename T>
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(T, T, vec_nor, __builtin_vec_nor)
FORCE_INLINE(vec_bdword2) vec_nor(const vec_bdword2& a, const vec_bdword2& b)
{ return vec_bdword2_c(__builtin_vec_nor(vec_dword2_c(a), vec_dword2_c(b))); }
FORCE_INLINE(vec_bdword2) vec_nor(const vec_bdword2& a, const vec_bdword2& b)
{ return vec_bdword2_c(__builtin_vec_nor(vec_dword2_c(a), vec_dword2_c(b))); }
#endif // __GNUG__ < 6
// vector population count
#ifndef vec_popcnt
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_uchar16, vec_uchar16, vpopcntb, vec_popcnt)
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_uchar16, vec_char16, vpopcntb, vec_popcnt)
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_ushort8, vec_ushort8, vpopcnth, vec_popcnt)
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_ushort8, vec_short8, vpopcnth, vec_popcnt)
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_uint4, vec_uint4, vpopcntw, vec_popcnt)
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_uint4, vec_int4, vpopcntw, vec_popcnt)
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_udword2, vec_udword2, vpopcntd, vec_popcnt)
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_udword2, vec_dword2, vpopcntd, vec_popcnt)
#endif // vec_popcnt
#if __GNUG__ < 5
// vec_xxpermdi in gcc4 missing little-endian supports just like clang
# define vec_permi(a, b, c) vec_xxpermdi(b, a, (3 ^ ((c & 1) << 1 | c >> 1)))
// vec_packs doesn't support double words in gcc4
# undef vec_packs
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_char16, vec_short8, vec_packs, __builtin_vec_packs)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_uchar16, vec_ushort8, vec_packs, __builtin_vec_packs)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_short8, vec_int4, vec_packs, __builtin_vec_packs)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_ushort8, vec_uint4, vec_packs, __builtin_vec_packs)
VSX_IMPL_2VRG_F(vec_int4, vec_dword2, "vpksdss %0,%2,%1", vec_packs)
VSX_IMPL_2VRG_F(vec_uint4, vec_udword2, "vpkudus %0,%2,%1", vec_packs)
# undef vec_packs
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_char16, vec_short8, vec_packs, __builtin_vec_packs)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_uchar16, vec_ushort8, vec_packs, __builtin_vec_packs)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_short8, vec_int4, vec_packs, __builtin_vec_packs)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_ushort8, vec_uint4, vec_packs, __builtin_vec_packs)
VSX_IMPL_2VRG_F(vec_int4, vec_dword2, "vpksdss %0,%2,%1", vec_packs)
VSX_IMPL_2VRG_F(vec_uint4, vec_udword2, "vpkudus %0,%2,%1", vec_packs)
# define vec_permi vec_xxpermdi
#endif // __GNUG__ < 5
// shift left double by word immediate
#ifndef vec_sldw
# define vec_sldw __builtin_vsx_xxsldwi
// vector population count
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_uchar16, vec_uchar16, vpopcntb, vec_popcntu)
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_uchar16, vec_char16, vpopcntb, vec_popcntu)
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_ushort8, vec_ushort8, vpopcnth, vec_popcntu)
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_ushort8, vec_short8, vpopcnth, vec_popcntu)
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_uint4, vec_uint4, vpopcntw, vec_popcntu)
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_uint4, vec_int4, vpopcntw, vec_popcntu)
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_udword2, vec_udword2, vpopcntd, vec_popcntu)
VSX_IMPL_1VRG(vec_udword2, vec_dword2, vpopcntd, vec_popcntu)
// converts between single and double-precision
#ifndef vec_cvf
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_float4, vec_double2, vec_cvf, __builtin_vsx_xvcvdpsp)
FORCE_INLINE(vec_double2) vec_cvf(const vec_float4& a)
{ return __builtin_vsx_xvcvspdp(vec_sld(a, a, 4)); }
#ifdef vec_cvf
# undef vec_cvf
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_float4, vec_double2, vec_cvf, __builtin_vsx_xvcvdpsp)
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_double2, vec_float4, vec_cvfo, __builtin_vsx_xvcvspdp)
FORCE_INLINE(vec_double2) vec_cvf(const vec_float4& a)
{ return vec_cvfo(vec_sldw(a, a, 1)); }
// converts 32 and 64 bit integers to double-precision
#ifndef vec_ctd
# define vec_ctd(a, b) __vec_ctd(a)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_double2, wd, vec_int4, wa, xvcvsxwdp, __vec_ctd)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_double2, wd, vec_uint4, wa, xvcvuxwdp, __vec_ctd)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_double2, wd, vec_dword2, wi, xvcvsxddp, __vec_ctd)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_double2, wd, vec_udword2, wi, xvcvuxddp, __vec_ctd)
// converts word and doubleword to double-precision
#ifdef vec_ctd
# undef vec_ctd
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_double2, wd, vec_int4, wa, xvcvsxwdp, vec_ctdo)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_double2, wd, vec_uint4, wa, xvcvuxwdp, vec_ctdo)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_double2, wd, vec_dword2, wi, xvcvsxddp, vec_ctd)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_double2, wd, vec_udword2, wi, xvcvuxddp, vec_ctd)
FORCE_INLINE(vec_double2) vec_ctd(const vec_int4& a)
{ return vec_ctdo(vec_sldw(a, a, 1)); }
FORCE_INLINE(vec_double2) vec_ctd(const vec_uint4& a)
{ return vec_ctdo(vec_sldw(a, a, 1)); }
// converts word and doubleword to single-precision
#undef vec_ctf
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_float4, wf, vec_int4, wa, xvcvsxwsp, vec_ctf)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_float4, wf, vec_uint4, wa, xvcvuxwsp, vec_ctf)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_float4, wf, vec_dword2, wi, xvcvsxdsp, vec_ctf)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_float4, wf, vec_udword2, wi, xvcvuxdsp, vec_ctf)
// converts single and double precision to signed word
#undef vec_cts
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_int4, wa, vec_double2, wd, xvcvdpsxws, vec_cts)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_int4, wa, vec_float4, wf, xvcvspsxws, vec_cts)
// converts single and double precision to unsigned word
#undef vec_ctu
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_uint4, wa, vec_double2, wd, xvcvdpuxws, vec_ctu)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_uint4, wa, vec_float4, wf, xvcvspuxws, vec_ctu)
// converts single and double precision to signed doubleword
#ifdef vec_ctsl
# undef vec_ctsl
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_dword2, wi, vec_double2, wd, xvcvdpsxds, vec_ctsl)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_dword2, wi, vec_float4, wf, xvcvspsxds, vec_ctslo)
// shift left double by word immediate
#ifndef vec_sldw
# define vec_sldw __builtin_vsx_xxsldwi
FORCE_INLINE(vec_dword2) vec_ctsl(const vec_float4& a)
{ return vec_ctslo(vec_sldw(a, a, 1)); }
// converts single and double precision to unsigned doubleword
#ifdef vec_ctul
# undef vec_ctul
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_udword2, wi, vec_double2, wd, xvcvdpuxds, vec_ctul)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_udword2, wi, vec_float4, wf, xvcvspuxds, vec_ctulo)
FORCE_INLINE(vec_udword2) vec_ctul(const vec_float4& a)
{ return vec_ctulo(vec_sldw(a, a, 1)); }
// just in case if GCC doesn't define it
#ifndef vec_xl
......@@ -327,8 +370,13 @@ VSX_IMPL_2VRG_F(vec_uint4, vec_udword2, "vpkudus %0,%2,%1", vec_packs)
* Also there's already an open bug
* So we're not able to use inline asm and only use built-in functions that CLANG supports
* and use __builtin_convertvector if clang missng any of vector conversions built-in functions
// convert vector helper
#define VSX_IMPL_CONVERT(rt, rg, fnm) \
FORCE_INLINE(rt) fnm(const rg& a) { return __builtin_convertvector(a, rt); }
#if __clang_major__ < 5
// implement vec_permi in a dirty way
# define VSX_IMPL_CLANG_4_PERMI(Tvec) \
......@@ -362,26 +410,6 @@ VSX_IMPL_2VRG_F(vec_uint4, vec_udword2, "vpkudus %0,%2,%1", vec_packs)
# define vec_sldw vec_xxsldwi
/* converts between single and double precision */
#ifndef vec_cvf
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_float4, vec_double2, vec_cvf, __builtin_vsx_xvcvdpsp)
FORCE_INLINE(vec_double2) vec_cvf(const vec_float4& a)
{ return __builtin_vsx_xvcvspdp(vec_sld(a, a, 4)); }
/* converts 32 and 64 bit integers to double-precision */
#ifndef vec_ctd
# define vec_ctd(a, b) __vec_ctd(a)
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_double2, vec_int4, __vec_ctd, __builtin_vsx_xvcvsxwdp)
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_double2, vec_uint4, __vec_ctd, __builtin_vsx_xvcvuxwdp)
// implement vec_ctd for double word in a dirty way since we are missing builtin xvcvsxddp, xvcvuxddp
// please try to avoid using it for double words
FORCE_INLINE(vec_double2) __vec_ctd(const vec_dword2& a)
{ return vec_double2_set((double)vec_extract(a, 0), (double)vec_extract(a, 1)); }
FORCE_INLINE(vec_double2) __vec_ctd(const vec_udword2& a)
{ return vec_double2_set((double)vec_extract(a, 0), (double)vec_extract(a, 1)); }
// Implement vec_rsqrt since clang only supports vec_rsqrte
#ifndef vec_rsqrt
FORCE_INLINE(vec_float4) vec_rsqrt(const vec_float4& a)
......@@ -391,27 +419,157 @@ VSX_IMPL_2VRG_F(vec_uint4, vec_udword2, "vpkudus %0,%2,%1", vec_packs)
{ return vec_div(vec_double2_sp(1), vec_sqrt(a)); }
// vec_popcnt should return unsigned but clang has different thought just like gcc in vec_vpopcnt
#define VSX_IMPL_POPCNTU(Tvec, Tvec2, ucast) \
FORCE_INLINE(Tvec) vec_popcntu(const Tvec2& a) \
{ return ucast(vec_popcnt(a)); }
VSX_IMPL_POPCNTU(vec_uchar16, vec_char16, vec_uchar16_c);
VSX_IMPL_POPCNTU(vec_ushort8, vec_short8, vec_ushort8_c);
VSX_IMPL_POPCNTU(vec_uint4, vec_int4, vec_uint4_c);
// redirect unsigned types
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_uchar16, vec_uchar16, vec_popcntu, vec_popcnt)
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_ushort8, vec_ushort8, vec_popcntu, vec_popcnt)
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_uint4, vec_uint4, vec_popcntu, vec_popcnt)
// converts between single and double precision
#ifdef vec_cvf
# undef vec_cvf
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_float4, vec_double2, vec_cvf, __builtin_vsx_xvcvdpsp)
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_double2, vec_float4, vec_cvfo, __builtin_vsx_xvcvspdp)
* __builtin_altivec_vctsxs in clang 5 and 6 causes ambiguous which used by vec_cts
* so we just redefine it and cast it
FORCE_INLINE(vec_double2) vec_cvf(const vec_float4& a)
{ return vec_cvfo(vec_sldw(a, a, 1)); }
// converts word and doubleword to double-precision
#ifdef vec_ctd
# undef vec_ctd
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_double2, vec_int4, vec_ctdo, __builtin_vsx_xvcvsxwdp)
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_double2, vec_uint4, vec_ctdo, __builtin_vsx_xvcvuxwdp)
VSX_IMPL_CONVERT(vec_double2, vec_dword2, vec_ctd)
VSX_IMPL_CONVERT(vec_double2, vec_udword2, vec_ctd)
FORCE_INLINE(vec_double2) vec_ctd(const vec_int4& a)
{ return vec_ctdo(vec_sldw(a, a, 1)); }
FORCE_INLINE(vec_double2) vec_ctd(const vec_uint4& a)
{ return vec_ctdo(vec_sldw(a, a, 1)); }
// converts word and doubleword to single-precision
#if __clang_major__ > 4
# undef vec_ctf
VSX_IMPL_CONVERT(vec_float4, vec_int4, vec_ctf)
VSX_IMPL_CONVERT(vec_float4, vec_uint4, vec_ctf)
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_float4, vec_dword2, vec_ctf, __builtin_vsx_xvcvsxdsp)
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_float4, vec_udword2, vec_ctf, __builtin_vsx_xvcvuxdsp)
// converts single and double precision to signed word
#if __clang_major__ > 4
# undef vec_cts
# define vec_cts(__a, __b) \
_Generic((__a), vector float \
: (vector signed int)__builtin_altivec_vctsxs((__a), (__b)), vector double \
: __extension__({ \
vector double __ret = \
(__a) * \
(vector double)(vector unsigned long long)((0x3ffULL + (__b)) \
<< 52); \
__builtin_convertvector(__ret, vector signed long long); \
#endif // __clang_major__ > 4
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_int4, vec_double2, vec_cts, __builtin_vsx_xvcvdpsxws)
VSX_IMPL_CONVERT(vec_int4, vec_float4, vec_cts)
// converts single and double precision to unsigned word
#if __clang_major__ > 4
# undef vec_ctu
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_uint4, vec_double2, vec_ctu, __builtin_vsx_xvcvdpuxws)
VSX_IMPL_CONVERT(vec_uint4, vec_float4, vec_ctu)
// converts single and double precision to signed doubleword
#ifdef vec_ctsl
# undef vec_ctsl
VSX_IMPL_CONVERT(vec_dword2, vec_double2, vec_ctsl)
// __builtin_convertvector unable to convert, xvcvspsxds is missing on it
FORCE_INLINE(vec_dword2) vec_ctslo(const vec_float4& a)
{ return vec_ctsl(vec_cvfo(a)); }
FORCE_INLINE(vec_dword2) vec_ctsl(const vec_float4& a)
{ return vec_ctsl(vec_cvf(a)); }
// converts single and double precision to unsigned doubleword
#ifdef vec_ctul
# undef vec_ctul
VSX_IMPL_CONVERT(vec_udword2, vec_double2, vec_ctul)
// __builtin_convertvector unable to convert, xvcvspuxds is missing on it
FORCE_INLINE(vec_udword2) vec_ctulo(const vec_float4& a)
{ return vec_ctul(vec_cvfo(a)); }
FORCE_INLINE(vec_udword2) vec_ctul(const vec_float4& a)
{ return vec_ctul(vec_cvf(a)); }
#endif // CLANG VSX compatibility
* XLC VSX compatibility
#if defined(__IBMCPP__)
// vector population count
#define vec_popcntu vec_popcnt
// overload and redirect wih setting second arg to zero
// since we only support conversions without the second arg
#define VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(rt, rg, fnm) \
FORCE_INLINE(rt) fnm(const rg& a) { return fnm(a, 0); }
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_double2, vec_int4, vec_ctd)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_double2, vec_uint4, vec_ctd)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_double2, vec_dword2, vec_ctd)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_double2, vec_udword2, vec_ctd)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_float4, vec_int4, vec_ctf)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_float4, vec_uint4, vec_ctf)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_float4, vec_dword2, vec_ctf)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_float4, vec_udword2, vec_ctf)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_int4, vec_double2, vec_cts)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_int4, vec_float4, vec_cts)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_uint4, vec_double2, vec_ctu)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_uint4, vec_float4, vec_ctu)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_dword2, vec_double2, vec_ctsl)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_dword2, vec_float4, vec_ctsl)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_udword2, vec_double2, vec_ctul)
VSX_IMPL_OVERLOAD_Z2(vec_udword2, vec_float4, vec_ctul)
// fixme: implement conversions of odd-numbered elements in a dirty way
// since xlc doesn't support VSX registers operand in inline asm.
#define VSX_IMPL_DIRTY_ODD(rt, rg, fnm, fn2) \
FORCE_INLINE(rt) fnm(const rg& a) { return fn2(vec_sldw(a, a, 3)); }
VSX_IMPL_DIRTY_ODD(vec_double2, vec_float4, vec_cvfo, vec_cvf)
VSX_IMPL_DIRTY_ODD(vec_double2, vec_int4, vec_ctdo, vec_ctd)
VSX_IMPL_DIRTY_ODD(vec_double2, vec_uint4, vec_ctdo, vec_ctd)
VSX_IMPL_DIRTY_ODD(vec_dword2, vec_float4, vec_ctslo, vec_ctsl)
VSX_IMPL_DIRTY_ODD(vec_udword2, vec_float4, vec_ctulo, vec_ctul)
#endif // XLC VSX compatibility
// ignore GCC warning that casued by -Wunused-but-set-variable in rare cases
#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(__clang__)
# define VSX_UNUSED(Tvec) Tvec __attribute__((__unused__))
#else // CLANG, XLC
# define VSX_UNUSED(Tvec) Tvec
// gcc can find his way in casting log int and XLC, CLANG ambiguous
#if defined(__clang__) || defined(__IBMCPP__)
FORCE_INLINE(vec_udword2) vec_splats(uint64 v)
{ return vec_splats((unsigned long long) v); }
FORCE_INLINE(vec_dword2) vec_splats(int64 v)
{ return vec_splats((long long) v); }
* implement vsx_ld(offset, pointer), vsx_st(vector, offset, pointer)
* load and set using offset depend on the pointer type
......@@ -468,75 +626,6 @@ VSX_IMPL_2VRG_F(vec_uint4, vec_udword2, "vpkudus %0,%2,%1", vec_packs)
{ vsx_stf(vec, VSX_OFFSET(o, p), (long long*)p); }
#if defined(__clang__) || defined(__IBMCPP__)
// gcc can find his way in casting log int and XLC, CLANG ambiguous
FORCE_INLINE(vec_udword2) vec_splats(uint64 v)
{ return vec_splats((unsigned long long) v); }
FORCE_INLINE(vec_dword2) vec_splats(int64 v)
{ return vec_splats((long long) v); }
// Implement store vector bool char for XLC
#if defined(__IBMCPP__) && defined(__clang__)
FORCE_INLINE(void) vec_xst(const vec_bchar16 &vec, long o, uchar* p)
{ vec_xst(vec_uchar16_c(vec), VSX_OFFSET(o, p), p); }
// Working around vec_popcnt compatibility
* vec_popcnt should return unsigned but clang has different thought just like gcc in vec_vpopcnt
* use vec_popcntu instead to deal with it
#if defined(__clang__) && !defined(__IBMCPP__)
# define VSX_IMPL_CLANG_POPCNTU(Tvec, Tvec2, ucast) \
FORCE_INLINE(Tvec) vec_popcntu(const Tvec2& a) \
{ return ucast(vec_popcnt(a)); }
VSX_IMPL_CLANG_POPCNTU(vec_uchar16, vec_char16, vec_uchar16_c);
VSX_IMPL_CLANG_POPCNTU(vec_ushort8, vec_short8, vec_ushort8_c);
VSX_IMPL_CLANG_POPCNTU(vec_uint4, vec_int4, vec_uint4_c);
// redirect unsigned types
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_uchar16, vec_uchar16, vec_popcntu, vec_popcnt)
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_ushort8, vec_ushort8, vec_popcntu, vec_popcnt)
VSX_REDIRECT_1RG(vec_uint4, vec_uint4, vec_popcntu, vec_popcnt)
# define vec_popcntu vec_popcnt
// Working around vec_cts compatibility
* vec_cts in gcc and clang converts single-precision to signed fixed-point word
* and from double-precision to signed doubleword, also there's no implement for vec_ctsl
* vec_cts in xlc converts single and double precision to signed fixed-point word
* and xlc has vec_ctsl which converts single and double precision to signed doubleword
* so to deal with this situation, use vec_cts only if you want to convert single-precision to signed fixed-point word
* and use vec_ctsl when you want to convert double-precision to signed doubleword
* Also we implemented vec_ctsw(a) to convert double-precision to signed fixed-point word
// converts double-precision to signed doubleword for GCC and CLANG
#if !defined(vec_ctsl) && !defined(__IBMCPP__) && (defined(__GNUG__) || defined(__clang__))
// GCC4 has incorrect results in convert to signed doubleword
# if !defined(__clang__) && __GNUG__ < 5
# define vec_ctsl(a, b) __vec_ctsl(a)
VSX_IMPL_1RG(vec_dword2, wi, vec_double2, wd, xvcvdpsxds, __vec_ctsl)
# else // GCC > 4 , CLANG
# define vec_ctsl vec_cts
# endif
// converts double-precision to signed fixed-point word
#if defined(__IBMCPP__)
# define vec_ctsw(a) vec_cts(a, 0)
#else // GCC, CLANG
# define vec_ctsw(a) vec_int4_c(__builtin_vsx_xvcvdpsxws(a))
// load 4 unsigned bytes into uint4 vector
#define vec_ld_buw(p) vec_uint4_set((p)[0], (p)[1], (p)[2], (p)[3])
......@@ -566,14 +655,14 @@ FORCE_INLINE(Tvec) vec_ldz_l8(const Tp *p)
return vec_and(vec_ld_l8(p), (Tvec)mask); \
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_uchar16, uchar)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_char16, schar)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_char16, schar)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_ushort8, ushort)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_short8, short)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_uint4, uint)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_int4, int)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_float4, float)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_short8, short)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_uint4, uint)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_int4, int)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_float4, float)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_udword2, uint64)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_dword2, int64)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_dword2, int64)
VSX_IMPL_LOAD_L8(vec_double2, double)
// logical not
......@@ -601,41 +690,45 @@ FORCE_INLINE(rt) vec_unpackhu(const rg& a) \
{ return reinterpret_cast<rt>(vec_mergeh(a, zero)); }
VSX_IMPL_UNPACKU(vec_ushort8, vec_uchar16, vec_uchar16_z)
VSX_IMPL_UNPACKU(vec_uint4, vec_ushort8, vec_ushort8_z)
VSX_IMPL_UNPACKU(vec_udword2, vec_uint4, vec_uint4_z)
VSX_IMPL_UNPACKU(vec_uint4, vec_ushort8, vec_ushort8_z)
VSX_IMPL_UNPACKU(vec_udword2, vec_uint4, vec_uint4_z)
* Implement vec_mergesqe and vec_mergesqo
* Merges the sequence values of even and odd elements of two vectors
#define VSX_IMPL_PERM(rt, fnm, ...) \
FORCE_INLINE(rt) fnm(const rt& a, const rt& b) \
{ static const vec_uchar16 perm = {__VA_ARGS__}; return vec_perm(a, b, perm); }
// 16
#define perm16_mergesqe 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30
#define perm16_mergesqo 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_uchar16, vec_mergesqe, perm16_mergesqe)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_uchar16, vec_mergesqo, perm16_mergesqo)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_char16, vec_mergesqe, perm16_mergesqe)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_char16, vec_mergesqo, perm16_mergesqo)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_char16, vec_mergesqe, perm16_mergesqe)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_char16, vec_mergesqo, perm16_mergesqo)
// 8
#define perm8_mergesqe 0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29
#define perm8_mergesqo 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_ushort8, vec_mergesqe, perm8_mergesqe)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_ushort8, vec_mergesqo, perm8_mergesqo)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_short8, vec_mergesqe, perm8_mergesqe)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_short8, vec_mergesqo, perm8_mergesqo)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_short8, vec_mergesqe, perm8_mergesqe)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_short8, vec_mergesqo, perm8_mergesqo)
// 4
#define perm4_mergesqe 0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27
#define perm4_mergesqo 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_uint4, vec_mergesqe, perm4_mergesqe)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_uint4, vec_mergesqo, perm4_mergesqo)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_int4, vec_mergesqe, perm4_mergesqe)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_int4, vec_mergesqo, perm4_mergesqo)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_uint4, vec_mergesqe, perm4_mergesqe)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_uint4, vec_mergesqo, perm4_mergesqo)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_int4, vec_mergesqe, perm4_mergesqe)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_int4, vec_mergesqo, perm4_mergesqo)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_float4, vec_mergesqe, perm4_mergesqe)
VSX_IMPL_PERM(vec_float4, vec_mergesqo, perm4_mergesqo)
// 2
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_double2, vec_double2, vec_mergesqe, vec_mergeh)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_double2, vec_double2, vec_mergesqo, vec_mergel)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_dword2, vec_dword2, vec_mergesqe, vec_mergeh)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_dword2, vec_dword2, vec_mergesqo, vec_mergel)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_dword2, vec_dword2, vec_mergesqe, vec_mergeh)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_dword2, vec_dword2, vec_mergesqo, vec_mergel)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_udword2, vec_udword2, vec_mergesqe, vec_mergeh)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_udword2, vec_udword2, vec_mergesqo, vec_mergel)
......@@ -657,8 +750,8 @@ VSX_IMPL_MERGESQHL(vec_int4)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_udword2, vec_udword2, vec_mergesqh, vec_mergeh)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_udword2, vec_udword2, vec_mergesql, vec_mergel)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_dword2, vec_dword2, vec_mergesqh, vec_mergeh)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_dword2, vec_dword2, vec_mergesql, vec_mergel)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_dword2, vec_dword2, vec_mergesqh, vec_mergeh)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_dword2, vec_dword2, vec_mergesql, vec_mergel)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_double2, vec_double2, vec_mergesqh, vec_mergeh)
VSX_REDIRECT_2RG(vec_double2, vec_double2, vec_mergesql, vec_mergel)
......@@ -682,13 +775,13 @@ FORCE_INLINE(void) vec_st_interleave(const Tvec& a, const Tvec& b, \
vsx_stf(vec_mergeh(ac, bd), 32, ptr); \
vsx_stf(vec_mergel(ac, bd), 48, ptr); \
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE(uchar, vec_uchar16)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE(schar, vec_char16)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE(uchar, vec_uchar16)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE(schar, vec_char16)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE(ushort, vec_ushort8)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE(short, vec_short8)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE(uint, vec_uint4)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE(float, vec_float4)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE(short, vec_short8)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE(uint, vec_uint4)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE(float, vec_float4)
// 2 and 4 channels deinterleave for 16 lanes
#define VSX_IMPL_ST_DINTERLEAVE_8(Tp, Tvec) \
......@@ -748,7 +841,7 @@ FORCE_INLINE(void) vec_ld_deinterleave(const Tp* ptr, Tvec& a, Tvec& b, \
d = vec_mergesql(cd0, cd1); \
VSX_IMPL_ST_DINTERLEAVE_16(ushort, vec_ushort8)
VSX_IMPL_ST_DINTERLEAVE_16(short, vec_short8)
VSX_IMPL_ST_DINTERLEAVE_16(short, vec_short8)
// 2 and 4 channels deinterleave for 4 lanes
#define VSX_IMPL_ST_DINTERLEAVE_32(Tp, Tvec) \
......@@ -777,8 +870,8 @@ FORCE_INLINE(void) vec_ld_deinterleave(const Tp* ptr, Tvec& a, Tvec& b, \
c = vec_mergeh(m0, m1); \
d = vec_mergel(m0, m1); \
VSX_IMPL_ST_DINTERLEAVE_32(uint, vec_uint4)
VSX_IMPL_ST_DINTERLEAVE_32(int, vec_int4)
VSX_IMPL_ST_DINTERLEAVE_32(uint, vec_uint4)
VSX_IMPL_ST_DINTERLEAVE_32(int, vec_int4)
VSX_IMPL_ST_DINTERLEAVE_32(float, vec_float4)
// 2 and 4 channels interleave and deinterleave for 2 lanes
......@@ -815,9 +908,9 @@ FORCE_INLINE(void) vec_ld_deinterleave(const Tp* ptr, Tvec& a, Tvec& b, \
c = vec_mergeh(v0, v1); \
d = vec_mergel(v0, v1); \
VSX_IMPL_ST_D_INTERLEAVE_64(int64, vec_dword2, vsx_ld2, vsx_st2)
VSX_IMPL_ST_D_INTERLEAVE_64(int64, vec_dword2, vsx_ld2, vsx_st2)
VSX_IMPL_ST_D_INTERLEAVE_64(uint64, vec_udword2, vsx_ld2, vsx_st2)
VSX_IMPL_ST_D_INTERLEAVE_64(double, vec_double2, vsx_ld, vsx_st)
VSX_IMPL_ST_D_INTERLEAVE_64(double, vec_double2, vsx_ld, vsx_st)
/* 3 channels */
#define VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_16(Tp, Tvec) \
......@@ -882,7 +975,7 @@ FORCE_INLINE(void) vec_ld_deinterleave(const Tp* ptr, Tvec& a, Tvec& b, Tvec& c)
c = vec_perm(vec_perm(v1, v2, c12_perm), v3, c123_perm); \
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_8(ushort, vec_ushort8)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_8(short, vec_short8)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_8(short, vec_short8)
#define VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_4(Tp, Tvec) \
FORCE_INLINE(void) vec_st_interleave(const Tvec& a, const Tvec& b, \
......@@ -907,8 +1000,8 @@ FORCE_INLINE(void) vec_ld_deinterleave(const Tp* ptr, Tvec& a, Tvec& b, Tvec& c)
b = vec_perm(v2, vec_sld(v1, v3, 8), flp2); \
c = vec_perm(vec_sld(v2, v1, 8), v3, flp); \
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_4(uint, vec_uint4)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_4(int, vec_int4)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_4(uint, vec_uint4)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_4(int, vec_int4)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_4(float, vec_float4)
#define VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_2(Tp, Tvec, ld_func, st_func) \
......@@ -929,9 +1022,9 @@ FORCE_INLINE(void) vec_ld_deinterleave(const Tp* ptr, Tvec& a, \
b = vec_permi(v1, v3, 2); \
c = vec_permi(v2, v3, 1); \
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_2(int64, vec_dword2, vsx_ld2, vsx_st2)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_2(int64, vec_dword2, vsx_ld2, vsx_st2)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_2(uint64, vec_udword2, vsx_ld2, vsx_st2)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_2(double, vec_double2, vsx_ld, vsx_st)
VSX_IMPL_ST_INTERLEAVE_3CH_2(double, vec_double2, vsx_ld, vsx_st)
#endif // CV_VSX
......@@ -74,6 +74,12 @@ namespace cv
#define RNG_NEXT(x) ((uint64)(unsigned)(x)*CV_RNG_COEFF + ((x) >> 32))
#ifdef __PPC64__
#define PPC_MUL_ADD(ret, tmp, p0, p1) \
asm volatile("fmuls %0,%1,%2\n\t fadds %0,%0,%3" : "=&f" (ret) \
: "f" (tmp), "f" (p0), "f" (p1))
* Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs) *
......@@ -248,6 +254,14 @@ static void randf_32f( float* arr, int len, uint64* state, const Vec2f* p, bool
volatile float32x4_t v0 = vmulq_f32(vld1q_f32(f), p0);
vst1q_f32(arr+i, vaddq_f32(v0, p1));
#elif defined __PPC64__
// inline asm is required for numerical stability!
// compilers tends to use floating multiply-add single(fmadds)
// instead of separate multiply and add
PPC_MUL_ADD(arr[i+0], f[0], p[i+0][0], p[i+0][1]);
PPC_MUL_ADD(arr[i+1], f[1], p[i+1][0], p[i+1][1]);
PPC_MUL_ADD(arr[i+2], f[2], p[i+2][0], p[i+2][1]);
PPC_MUL_ADD(arr[i+3], f[3], p[i+3][0], p[i+3][1]);
arr[i+0] = f[0]*p[i+0][0] + p[i+0][1];
arr[i+1] = f[1]*p[i+1][0] + p[i+1][1];
......@@ -269,6 +283,8 @@ static void randf_32f( float* arr, int len, uint64* state, const Vec2f* p, bool
vdup_n_f32((float)(int)temp), vdup_n_f32(p[i][0])),
arr[i] = vget_lane_f32(t, 0);
#elif defined __PPC64__
PPC_MUL_ADD(arr[i], (float)(int)temp, p[i][0], p[i][1]);
arr[i] = (int)temp*p[i][0] + p[i][1];
set(GNU_MACHINE "powerpc64-linux-gnu" CACHE STRING "GNU compiler triple")
set(GNU_MACHINE "powerpc64le-linux-gnu" CACHE STRING "GNU compiler triple")
if(COMMAND toolchain_save_config)
return() # prevent recursive call
option(AT_PATH "Advance Toolchain directory" "")
option(AT_RPATH "Add new directories to runtime search path" "")
option(AT_HOST_LINK "Enable/disable Link against host advance toolchain runtime" OFF)
option(AT_NO_AUTOVEC "Disable/enable Auto Vectorizer optimization" OFF)
string(REGEX REPLACE "/+$" "" AT_PATH "${AT_PATH}")
message(FATAL_ERROR "'AT_PATH' option is required. Please set it to Advance Toolchain path to get toolchain works")
message(FATAL_ERROR "'${AT_PATH}' Advance Toolchain path isn't exist")
message(FATAL_ERROR "GNU C compiler isn't exist on path '${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}'. Please install Advance Toolchain with ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} supports")
message(FATAL_ERROR "GNU C++ compiler isn't exist. Invalid install of Advance Toolchain")
message(FATAL_ERROR "GCC root path '${AT_GCCROOT_PATH}' isn't exist. Invalid install of Advance Toolchain")
message(FATAL_ERROR "System root path '${AT_SYSROOT_PATH}' isn't exist. Invalid install of Advance Toolchain")
string(REPLACE "," ";" RPATH_LIST ${AT_RPATH})
#get 64-bit dynamic linker path
string(REPLACE " " ";" RTLDLIST "${RTLDLIST}")
#RTLDLIST must contains 32 and 64 bit paths
message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not fetch dynamic linker path. Invalid install of Advance Toolchain")
foreach(RPATH ${RPATH_LIST})
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fno-tree-vectorize -fno-tree-slp-vectorize")
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -fno-tree-vectorize -fno-tree-slp-vectorize")
# what about
find_program(CMAKE_LINKER NAMES ld)
find_program(CMAKE_AR NAMES ar)
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