Commit 72e2b8b3 authored by marina.kolpakova's avatar marina.kolpakova

remove size constraints of input frame

parent 08910e81
......@@ -256,8 +256,8 @@ template<typename Policy>
void CascadeInvoker<Policy>::operator()(const PtrStepSzb& roi, const PtrStepSzi& hogluv,
PtrStepSz<uchar4> objects, PtrStepSzi counter, const int downscales, const int scale, const cudaStream_t& stream) const
int fw = 160;
int fh = 120;
int fw = roi.rows;
int fh = roi.cols;
dim3 grid(fw, fh / Policy::STA_Y, (scale == -1) ? downscales : 1);
......@@ -240,15 +240,26 @@ struct cv::gpu::SCascade::Fields
cv::Mat hleaves(cv::Mat(vleaves).reshape(1,1));
Fields* fields = new Fields(mins, maxs, totals, origWidth, origHeight, shrinkage, 0,
hoctaves, hstages, hnodes, hleaves);
fields->voctaves = voctaves;
fields->createLevels(FRAME_HEIGHT, FRAME_WIDTH);
return fields;
int createLevels(const int fh, const int fw)
using namespace device::icf;
std::vector<Level> vlevels;
float logFactor = (::log(maxs) - ::log(mins)) / (totals -1);
float logFactor = (::log(maxScale) - ::log(minScale)) / (totals -1);
float scale = mins;
int downscales = 0;
float scale = minScale;
int dcs = 0;
for (int sc = 0; sc < totals; ++sc)
int width = ::std::max(0.0f, FRAME_WIDTH - (origWidth * scale));
int height = ::std::max(0.0f, FRAME_HEIGHT - (origHeight * scale));
int width = ::std::max(0.0f, fw - (origObjWidth * scale));
int height = ::std::max(0.0f, fh - (origObjHeight * scale));
float logScale = ::log(scale);
int fit = fitOctave(voctaves, logScale);
......@@ -260,44 +271,44 @@ struct cv::gpu::SCascade::Fields
if (voctaves[fit].scale < 1) ++downscales;
if (voctaves[fit].scale < 1) ++dcs;
if (::fabs(scale - maxs) < FLT_EPSILON) break;
scale = ::std::min(maxs, ::expf(::log(scale) + logFactor));
if (::fabs(scale - maxScale) < FLT_EPSILON) break;
scale = ::std::min(maxScale, ::expf(::log(scale) + logFactor));
cv::Mat hlevels(1, vlevels.size() * sizeof(Level), CV_8UC1, (uchar*)&(vlevels[0]) );
cv::Mat hlevels = cv::Mat(1, vlevels.size() * sizeof(Level), CV_8UC1, (uchar*)&(vlevels[0]) );
Fields* fields = new Fields(mins, maxs, origWidth, origHeight, shrinkage, downscales,
hoctaves, hstages, hnodes, hleaves, hlevels);
return fields;
downscales = dcs;
return dcs;
Fields( const float mins, const float maxs, const int ow, const int oh, const int shr, const int ds,
cv::Mat hoctaves, cv::Mat hstages, cv::Mat hnodes, cv::Mat hleaves, cv::Mat hlevels)
: minScale(mins), maxScale(maxs), origObjWidth(ow), origObjHeight(oh), shrinkage(shr), downscales(ds)
bool update(int fh, int fw, int shr)
plane.create(FRAME_HEIGHT * (HOG_LUV_BINS + 1), FRAME_WIDTH, CV_8UC1);
fplane.create(FRAME_HEIGHT * 6, FRAME_WIDTH, CV_32FC1);
if (fh == luv.rows && fh == luv.cols) return false;
plane.create(fh * (HOG_LUV_BINS + 1), fw, CV_8UC1);
fplane.create(fh * HOG_BINS, fw, CV_32FC1);
luv.create(fh, fw, CV_8UC3);
shrunk.create(FRAME_HEIGHT / shr * HOG_LUV_BINS, FRAME_WIDTH / shr, CV_8UC1);
shrunk.create(fh / shr * HOG_LUV_BINS, fw / shr, CV_8UC1);
integralBuffer.create(shrunk.rows, shrunk.cols, CV_32SC1);
hogluv.create((FRAME_HEIGHT / shr) * HOG_LUV_BINS + 1, FRAME_WIDTH / shr + 1, CV_32SC1);
hogluv.create((fh / shr) * HOG_LUV_BINS + 1, fw / shr + 1, CV_32SC1);
return true;
detCounter.create(sizeof(Detection) / sizeof(int),1, CV_32SC1);
Fields( const float mins, const float maxs, const int tts, const int ow, const int oh, const int shr, const int ds,
cv::Mat hoctaves, cv::Mat hstages, cv::Mat hnodes, cv::Mat hleaves)
: minScale(mins), maxScale(maxs), totals(tts), origObjWidth(ow), origObjHeight(oh), shrinkage(shr), downscales(ds)
void detect(int scale, const cv::gpu::GpuMat& roi, const cv::gpu::GpuMat& count, cv::gpu::GpuMat& objects, const cudaStream_t& stream) const
......@@ -316,8 +327,8 @@ struct cv::gpu::SCascade::Fields
cudaMemset(, 0, plane.step * plane.rows);
static const int fw = Fields::FRAME_WIDTH;
static const int fh = Fields::FRAME_HEIGHT;
const int fw = colored.cols;
const int fh = colored.rows;
GpuMat gray(plane, cv::Rect(0, fh * Fields::HOG_LUV_BINS, fw, fh));
cv::gpu::cvtColor(colored, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY, s);
......@@ -325,7 +336,7 @@ struct cv::gpu::SCascade::Fields
createLuvBins(colored, s);
integrate(fh, fw, s);
......@@ -352,8 +363,8 @@ private:
void createHogBins(const cv::gpu::GpuMat& gray, Stream& s)
static const int fw = Fields::FRAME_WIDTH;
static const int fh = Fields::FRAME_HEIGHT;
static const int fw = gray.cols;
static const int fh = gray.rows;
GpuMat dfdx(fplane, cv::Rect(0, 0, fw, fh));
GpuMat dfdy(fplane, cv::Rect(0, fh, fw, fh));
......@@ -386,8 +397,8 @@ private:
void createLuvBins(const cv::gpu::GpuMat& colored, Stream& s)
static const int fw = Fields::FRAME_WIDTH;
static const int fh = Fields::FRAME_HEIGHT;
static const int fw = colored.cols;
static const int fh = colored.rows;
cv::gpu::cvtColor(colored, luv, CV_BGR2Luv, s);
......@@ -400,11 +411,8 @@ private:
cv::gpu::split(luv, splited, s);
void integrate( Stream& s)
void integrate(const int fh, const int fw, Stream& s)
int fw = Fields::FRAME_WIDTH;
int fh = Fields::FRAME_HEIGHT;
GpuMat channels(plane, cv::Rect(0, 0, fw, fh * Fields::HOG_LUV_BINS));
cv::gpu::resize(channels, shrunk, cv::Size(), 0.25, 0.25, CV_INTER_AREA, s);
......@@ -423,6 +431,8 @@ public:
float minScale;
float maxScale;
int totals;
int origObjWidth;
int origObjHeight;
......@@ -447,8 +457,6 @@ public:
// 161x121x10
GpuMat hogluv;
GpuMat detCounter;
// Cascade from xml
GpuMat octaves;
GpuMat stages;
......@@ -458,6 +466,8 @@ public:
GpuMat sobelBuf;
std::vector<device::icf::Octave> voctaves;
DeviceInfo info;
enum { BOOST = 0 };
......@@ -488,6 +498,7 @@ void cv::gpu::SCascade::detect(InputArray image, InputArray _rois, OutputArray _
const GpuMat colored = image.getGpuMat();
// only color images are supperted
CV_Assert(colored.type() == CV_8UC3 || colored.type() == CV_32SC1);
......@@ -496,8 +507,8 @@ void cv::gpu::SCascade::detect(InputArray image, InputArray _rois, OutputArray _
if (colored.type() == CV_8UC3)
// only this window size allowed
CV_Assert(colored.cols == Fields::FRAME_WIDTH && colored.rows == Fields::FRAME_HEIGHT);
if (!flds.update(colored.rows, colored.cols, flds.shrinkage))
flds.createLevels(colored.rows, colored.cols);
flds.preprocess(colored, s);
......@@ -525,7 +536,7 @@ void cv::gpu::SCascade::detect(InputArray image, InputArray _rois, OutputArray _
if (colored.type() == CV_8UC3)
// only this window size allowed
CV_Assert(colored.cols == Fields::FRAME_WIDTH && colored.rows == Fields::FRAME_HEIGHT);
// CV_Assert(colored.cols == Fields::FRAME_WIDTH && colored.rows == Fields::FRAME_HEIGHT);
flds.preprocess(colored, s);
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