Commit 7290d857 authored by marina.kolpakova's avatar marina.kolpakova

add ICF feature

parent fb113e5c
......@@ -106,13 +106,18 @@ struct Level {
// according to R. Benenson, M. Mathias, R. Timofte and L. Van Gool paper
struct CascadeIntrinsics {
static const float lambda = 1.099f/ 0.301029996f, a = 0.89f;
static const float lambda = 1.099f, a = 0.89f;
static const float intrinsics[10][4];
static float getFor(int chennel, int scaling, int ab)
static float getFor(int chennel, float scaling)
CV_Assert(chennel < 10 && scaling < 2 && ab < 2);
return intrinsics[chennel][(scaling << 1) + ab];
CV_Assert(chennel < 10);
if ((scaling - 1.f) < FLT_EPSILON)
return 1.f;
int ud = (int)(scaling < 1.f);
return intrinsics[chennel][(ud << 1)] * pow(scaling, intrinsics[chennel][(ud << 1) + 1]);
......@@ -120,12 +125,12 @@ struct Level {
const float CascadeIntrinsics::intrinsics[10][4] =
{ //da, db, ua, ub
// hog-like orientation bins
{a, lambda, 1, 2},
{a, lambda, 1, 2},
{a, lambda, 1, 2},
{a, lambda, 1, 2},
{a, lambda, 1, 2},
{a, lambda, 1, 2},
{a, lambda / log(2), 1, 2},
{a, lambda / log(2), 1, 2},
{a, lambda / log(2), 1, 2},
{a, lambda / log(2), 1, 2},
{a, lambda / log(2), 1, 2},
{a, lambda / log(2), 1, 2},
// gradient magnitude
{a, lambda / log(2), 1, 2},
// luv -color chennels
......@@ -133,6 +138,22 @@ struct Level {
{1, 2, 1, 2},
{1, 2, 1, 2}
struct Feature
cv::Rect rect;
int channel;
float threshold;
Feature(int x, int y, int w, int h, int c, float t) : rect(cv::Rect(x, y, w, h)), channel(c), threshold(t) {}
Feature(cv::Rect r, int c, float t) : rect(r), channel(c), threshold(t) {}
Feature rescale(float relScale)
cv::Rect r(cvRound(rect.x * relScale), cvRound(rect.y * relScale), cvRound(rect.width * relScale), cvRound(rect.height * relScale));
return Feature( r, channel, threshold * CascadeIntrinsics::getFor(channel, relScale));
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