Commit 72523199 authored by Alexander Nesterov's avatar Alexander Nesterov

Added gstreamer pipeline sample

parent 1b7aa92e
#include "opencv2/core/utility.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
string getGstDemuxPlugin(string container);
string getGstAvDecodePlugin(string codec);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
const string keys =
"{h help usage ? | | print help messages }"
"{p pipeline |gst-default| pipeline name (supported: 'gst-default', 'gst-vaapi', 'gst-libav', 'ffmpeg') }"
"{ct container |mp4 | container name (supported: 'mp4', 'mov', 'avi', 'mkv') }"
"{cd codec |h264 | codec name (supported: 'h264', 'h265', 'mpeg2', 'mpeg4', 'mjpeg', 'vp8') }"
"{f file path | | path to file }"
"{fm fast | | fast measure fps }";
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);
parser.about("This program shows how to read a video file with GStreamer pipeline with OpenCV.");
if (parser.has("help"))
return 0;
bool arg_fast_measure = parser.has("fast"); // fast measure fps
string arg_pipeline = parser.get<string>("pipeline"), // GStreamer pipeline type
arg_container = parser.get<string>("container"), // container type
arg_codec = parser.get<string>("codec"), // codec type
arg_file_name = parser.get<string>("file"); // path to videofile
VideoCapture cap;
if (!parser.check())
return 0;
// Choose the constructed GStreamer pipeline
if (arg_pipeline.find("gst") == 0)
ostringstream pipeline;
pipeline << "filesrc location=\"" << arg_file_name << "\"";
pipeline << " ! " << getGstDemuxPlugin(arg_container);
if (arg_pipeline.find("default") == 4) {
pipeline << " ! decodebin";
else if (arg_pipeline.find("vaapi1710") == 4)
pipeline << " ! vaapidecodebin";
if (arg_container == "mkv")
pipeline << " ! autovideoconvert";
pipeline << " ! video/x-raw, format=YV12";
else if (arg_pipeline.find("libav") == 4)
pipeline << " ! " << getGstAvDecodePlugin(arg_codec);
cout << "Unsupported pipeline: " << arg_pipeline << endl;
return -4;
pipeline << " ! videoconvert";
pipeline << " n-threads=" << getNumThreads();
pipeline << " ! appsink sync=false";
cap = VideoCapture(pipeline.str(), CAP_GSTREAMER);
else if (arg_pipeline == "ffmpeg")
cap = VideoCapture(arg_file_name, CAP_FFMPEG);
cout << "Unsupported pipeline: " << arg_pipeline << endl;
return -4;
// Choose a show video or only measure fps
cout << "_____________________________________" << '\n';
cout << "Start measure frame per seconds (fps)" << '\n';
cout << "Loading ..." << '\n';
Mat frame;
vector<double> tick_counts;
cout << "Start decoding: " << arg_file_name;
cout << " (" << arg_pipeline << ")" << endl;
int64 temp_count_tick = getTickCount();
cap >> frame;
temp_count_tick = getTickCount() - temp_count_tick;
if (frame.empty()) { break; }
if (arg_fast_measure && (tick_counts.size() > 1000)) { break; }
double time_fps = sum(tick_counts)[0] / getTickFrequency();
if (tick_counts.size() != 0)
cout << "Finished: " << tick_counts.size() << " in " << time_fps <<" sec ~ " ;
cout << tick_counts.size() / time_fps <<" fps " << endl;
cout << "Failed decoding: " << arg_file_name;
cout << " (" << arg_pipeline << ")" << endl;
return -5;
return 0;
// Choose a video container
string getGstDemuxPlugin(string container) {
if (container == "avi") { return "avidemux"; }
else if (container == "mp4") { return "qtdemux"; }
else if (container == "mov") { return "qtdemux"; }
else if (container == "mkv") { return "matroskademux"; }
return string();
// Choose a codec
string getGstAvDecodePlugin(string codec) {
if (codec == "h264") { return "h264parse ! avdec_h264"; }
else if (codec == "h265") { return "h265parse ! avdec_h265"; }
else if (codec == "mpeg2") { return "avdec_mpeg2video"; }
else if (codec == "mpeg4") { return "avdec_mpeg4"; }
else if (codec == "mjpeg") { return "avdec_mjpeg"; }
else if (codec == "vp8") { return "avdec_vp8"; }
return string();
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