Commit 723b42e0 authored by Marek Smigielski's avatar Marek Smigielski

Add namespaces and proper support of the pointers

parent 35d0a45d
......@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ class ClassInfo(GeneralInfo):
self.base = re.sub(r"^.*:", "", decl[1].split(",")[0]).strip().replace(self.jname, "")
def __repr__(self):
return Template("CLASS $namespace.$classpath.$name : $base").substitute(**self.__dict__)
return Template("CLASS $namespace::$classpath.$name : $base").substitute(**self.__dict__)
def getAllImports(self, module):
return ["import %s;" % c for c in sorted(self.imports) if not c.startswith('org.opencv.'+module)]
......@@ -1406,6 +1406,8 @@ class JavaWrapperGenerator(object):
clazz = ci.jname
cpp_code.write ( Template( \
JNIEXPORT $rtype JNICALL Java_org_opencv_${module}_${clazz}_$fname ($argst);
JNIEXPORT $rtype JNICALL Java_org_opencv_${module}_${clazz}_$fname
......@@ -1440,6 +1442,7 @@ JNIEXPORT $rtype JNICALL Java_org_opencv_${module}_${clazz}_$fname
cvargs = ", ".join(cvargs), \
default = default, \
retval = retval, \
namespace = ('using namespace ' + ci.namespace.replace('.', '::') + ';') if ci.namespace else ''
) )
# processing args with default values
......@@ -1535,7 +1538,7 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_opencv_%(module)s_%(j_cls)s_delete
Check if class stores Ptr<T>* instead of T* in nativeObj field
return self.isWrapped(classname) and self.classes[classname].base
return False
def smartWrap(self, name, fullname):
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