Commit 72066a51 authored by Vitaly Tuzov's avatar Vitaly Tuzov Committed by mshabunin

Fix for OpenVX-based implementation of HAL multiplication API

parent 3bd5055a
......@@ -343,11 +343,23 @@ inline int ovx_hal_mul(const T *a, size_t astep, const T *b, size_t bstep, T *c,
int rounding_policy = VX_ROUND_POLICY_TO_ZERO;
if (scale != 0x0.01010102)
int exp = 0;
double significand = frexp(scale, &exp);
if((significand != 0.5) || (exp > 1) || (exp < -14))
rounding_policy = VX_ROUND_POLICY_TO_NEAREST_EVEN;// That's the only rounding that MUST be supported for 1/255 scale
vxContext * ctx = vxContext::getContext();
vxImage ia(*ctx, a, astep, w, h);
vxImage ib(*ctx, b, bstep, w, h);
vxImage ic(*ctx, c, cstep, w, h);
vxErr::check(vxuMultiply(ctx->ctx, ia.img, ib.img, (float)scale, VX_CONVERT_POLICY_SATURATE, VX_ROUND_POLICY_TO_ZERO, ic.img));
vxErr::check(vxuMultiply(ctx->ctx, ia.img, ib.img, (float)scale, VX_CONVERT_POLICY_SATURATE, rounding_policy, ic.img));
catch (vxErr & e)
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