Commit 6bb1c07f authored by Kirill Kornyakov's avatar Kirill Kornyakov

java tests: COLOR_RGB2GRAY used instead of CV_BGR2GRAY

parent 69322033
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public class CascadeClassifierTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
ArrayList<Rect> faces = new ArrayList<Rect>();
Mat greyLena = new Mat();
imgproc.cvtColor(rgbLena, greyLena, imgproc.CV_RGB2GRAY);
imgproc.cvtColor(rgbLena, greyLena, imgproc.COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
//TODO: doesn't detect with 1.1 scale
cc.detectMultiScale(greyLena, faces, 1.09, 2, 2 /*TODO: CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE*/, new Size(30, 30));
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