Commit 6a4d881a authored by Jason Newton's avatar Jason Newton

use vector instead of non-standard stack allocation. also correct program argument borkage

parent 00bdca76
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ static void on_trackbar(int, void*)
Mat bw = threshval < 128 ? (img < threshval) : (img > threshval);
Mat labelImage(img.size(), CV_32S);
int nLabels = connectedComponents(bw, labelImage, 8);
Vec3b colors[nLabels];
std::vector<Vec3b> colors(nLabels);
colors[0] = Vec3b(0, 0, 0);//background
for(int label = 1; label < nLabels; ++label){
colors[label] = Vec3b( (rand()&255), (rand()&255), (rand()&255) );
......@@ -41,14 +41,14 @@ static void help()
const char* keys =
"{@image |stuff.jpg|image for converting to a grayscale}"
"{@image|stuff.jpg|image for converting to a grayscale}"
int main( int argc, const char** argv )
CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, keys);
string inputImage = parser.get<string>(1);
string inputImage = parser.get<string>("@image");
img = imread(inputImage.c_str(), 0);
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