Commit 69fd57bc authored by LaurentBerger's avatar LaurentBerger

update tutorial link for dnn

parent 8741d97a
Deep Neural Networks (dnn module) {#tutorial_table_of_content_dnn}
- @subpage tutorial_dnn_googlenet
*Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 3.3
*Author:* Vitaliy Lyudvichenko
In this tutorial you will learn how to use opencv_dnn module for image classification by using GoogLeNet trained network from Caffe model zoo.
- @subpage tutorial_dnn_halide
*Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 3.3
*Author:* Dmitry Kurtaev
This tutorial guidelines how to run your models in OpenCV deep learning module using Halide language backend
- @subpage tutorial_dnn_halide_scheduling
*Compatibility:* \> OpenCV 3.3
*Author:* Dmitry Kurtaev
In this tutorial we describe the ways to schedule your networks using Halide backend in OpenCV deep learning module.
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......@@ -85,3 +85,7 @@ As always, we would be happy to hear your comments and receive your contribution
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_viz
These tutorials show how to use Viz module effectively.
- @subpage tutorial_table_of_content_dnn
These tutorials show how to use dnn module effectively.
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