Commit 69e19b88 authored by John Hany's avatar John Hany Committed by GitHub

Fix SyntaxError with print

parent 87c27a07
......@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
funcs = parser.get_not_tested()
if funcs:
print "NOT TESTED methods:\n\t", "\n\t".join(sorted(funcs))
print "Total methods found: %i (%i)" % parser.get_funcs_count()
print "Not tested methods found:", len(funcs)
print "Total tests found:", parser.get_tests_count()
print "Empty test stubs found:", parser.get_empty_stubs_count()
print ('{} {}'.format("NOT TESTED methods:\n\t", "\n\t".join(sorted(funcs))))
print ("Total methods found: %i (%i)" % parser.get_funcs_count())
print ('{} {}'.format("Not tested methods found:", len(funcs)))
print ('{} {}'.format("Total tests found:", parser.get_tests_count()))
print ('{} {}'.format("Empty test stubs found:", parser.get_empty_stubs_count()))
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