Commit 66eb270c authored by Vadim Pisarevsky's avatar Vadim Pisarevsky

significantly reduced sparse matrix footprint:,
parent 7dd67f49
......@@ -4714,8 +4714,8 @@ SparseMat::Hdr::Hdr( int _dims, const int* _sizes, int _type )
refcount = 1;
dims = _dims;
valueOffset = (int)alignSize(sizeof(SparseMat::Node) +
sizeof(int)*std::max(dims - CV_MAX_DIM, 0), CV_ELEM_SIZE1(_type));
valueOffset = (int)alignSize(sizeof(SparseMat::Node) - MAX_DIM*sizeof(int) +
dims*sizeof(int), CV_ELEM_SIZE1(_type));
nodeSize = alignSize(valueOffset +
CV_ELEM_SIZE(_type), (int)sizeof(size_t));
......@@ -5114,7 +5114,8 @@ uchar* SparseMat::newNode(const int* idx, size_t hashval)
if( !hdr->freeList )
size_t i, nsz = hdr->nodeSize, psize = hdr->pool.size(),
newpsize = std::max(psize*2, 8*nsz);
newpsize = std::max(psize*3/2, 8*nsz);
newpsize = (newpsize/nsz)*nsz;
uchar* pool = &hdr->pool[0];
hdr->freeList = std::max(psize, nsz);
......@@ -1248,3 +1248,27 @@ TEST(Core_SVD, orthogonality)
ASSERT_LT(norm(mat_U, Mat::eye(2, 2, type), NORM_INF), 1e-5);
TEST(Core_SparseMat, footprint)
int n = 1000000;
int sz[] = { n, n };
SparseMat m(2, sz, CV_64F);
int nodeSize0 = (int)m.hdr->nodeSize;
double dataSize0 = ((double)m.hdr->pool.size() + (double)m.hdr->hashtab.size()*sizeof(size_t))*1e-6;
printf("before: node size=%d bytes, data size=%.0f Mbytes\n", nodeSize0, dataSize0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
m.ref<double>(i, i) = 1;
double dataSize1 = ((double)m.hdr->pool.size() + (double)m.hdr->hashtab.size()*sizeof(size_t))*1e-6;
double threshold = (n*nodeSize0*1.6 + n*2.*sizeof(size_t))*1e-6;
printf("after: data size=%.0f Mbytes, threshold=%.0f MBytes\n", dataSize1, threshold);
ASSERT_LE((int)m.hdr->nodeSize, 32);
ASSERT_LE(dataSize1, threshold);
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