Commit 6667d935 authored by Maria Dimashova's avatar Maria Dimashova

updated descriptor_extractro_matcher sample to use added drawMatches function

parent 17a8050f
#include <cv.h>
#include <cvaux.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include "opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
......@@ -110,55 +111,6 @@ DescriptorMatcher* createDescriptorMatcher( const string& descriptorMatcherType
return dm;
void drawCorrespondences( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints1, const vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints2,
const vector<int>& matches, Mat& drawImg, const Mat& H12 = Mat() )
Scalar RED = CV_RGB(255, 0, 0); // red keypoint - point without corresponding point
Scalar GREEN = CV_RGB(0, 255, 0); // green keypoint - point having correct corresponding point
Scalar BLUE = CV_RGB(0, 0, 255); // blue keypoint - point having incorrect corresponding point
Size size(img1.cols + img2.cols, MAX(img1.rows, img2.rows));
drawImg.create(size, CV_MAKETYPE(img1.depth(), 3));
Mat drawImg1 = drawImg(Rect(0, 0, img1.cols, img1.rows));
cvtColor(img1, drawImg1, CV_GRAY2RGB);
Mat drawImg2 = drawImg(Rect(img1.cols, 0, img2.cols, img2.rows));
cvtColor(img2, drawImg2, CV_GRAY2RGB);
// draw keypoints
for(vector<KeyPoint>::const_iterator it = keypoints1.begin(); it < keypoints1.end(); ++it )
circle(drawImg, it->pt, 3, RED);
for(vector<KeyPoint>::const_iterator it = keypoints2.begin(); it < keypoints2.end(); ++it )
Point p = it->pt;
circle(drawImg, Point2f(p.x+img1.cols, p.y), 3, RED);
// draw matches
vector<int>::const_iterator mit = matches.begin();
assert( matches.size() == keypoints1.size() );
for( int i1 = 0; mit != matches.end(); ++mit, i1++ )
Point2f pt1 = keypoints1[i1].pt,
pt2 = keypoints2[*mit].pt,
dpt2 = Point2f( std::min(pt2.x+img1.cols, float(drawImg.cols-1)), pt2.y);
if( !H12.empty() )
if( norm(pt2 - applyHomography(H12, pt1)) > 3 )
circle(drawImg, pt1, 3, BLUE);
circle(drawImg, dpt2, 3, BLUE);
circle(drawImg, pt1, 3, GREEN);
circle(drawImg, dpt2, 3, GREEN);
line(drawImg, pt1, dpt2, GREEN);
const string winName = "correspondences";
void doIteration( const Mat& img1, Mat& img2, bool isWarpPerspective,
......@@ -208,7 +160,30 @@ void doIteration( const Mat& img1, Mat& img2, bool isWarpPerspective,
Mat drawImg;
drawCorrespondences( img1, img2, keypoints1, keypoints2, matches, drawImg, H12 );
if( !H12.empty() )
vector<char> mask( matches.size(), 0 );
vector<int>::const_iterator mit = matches.begin();
for( size_t i1 = 0; mit != matches.end(); ++mit, i1++ )
Point2f pt1 = keypoints1[i1].pt,
pt2 = keypoints2[*mit].pt;
if( norm(pt2 - applyHomography(H12, pt1)) < 4 ) // inlier
mask[i1] = 1;
// draw inliers
drawMatches( img1, img2, keypoints1, keypoints2, matches, mask, drawImg, CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), CV_RGB(0, 0, 255) );
// draw outliers
/*for( size_t i1 = 0; i1 < mask.size(); i1++ )
mask[i1] = !mask[i1];
drawMatches( img1, img2, keypoints1, keypoints2, matches, mask, drawImg, CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), CV_RGB(255, 0, 0),
DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_OVER_OUTIMG | DrawMatchesFlags::NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS );*/
drawMatches( img1, img2, keypoints1, keypoints2, matches, vector<char>(), drawImg, CV_RGB(0, 255, 0) );
imshow( winName, drawImg );
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