Commit 65a356eb authored by Alexey Spizhevoy's avatar Alexey Spizhevoy

added convert into gray and prefilter Sobel controls (for gpu stereo sample)

parent bdf6f025
......@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ private:
Params p;
bool running;
Mat left_src, right_src;
Mat left, right;
gpu::GpuMat d_left, d_right;
gpu::StereoBM_GPU bm;
gpu::StereoBeliefPropagation bp;
gpu::StereoConstantSpaceBP csbp;
......@@ -128,7 +132,9 @@ App::App(const Params& p)
cout << "\nControls:\n"
<< "\tesc - exit\n"
<< "\tp - print current parameters\n"
<< "\tg - convert source images into gray\n"
<< "\tm - change stereo match method\n"
<< "\ts - change Sobel prefiltering flag (for BM only)\n"
<< "\t1/q - increase/decrease maximum disparity\n"
<< "\t2/w - increase/decrease window size (for BM only)\n"
<< "\t3/e - increase/decrease iteration count (for BP and CSBP only)\n"
......@@ -138,17 +144,13 @@ App::App(const Params& p)
void App::run()
Mat left, right;
Mat left_aux, right_aux;
gpu::GpuMat d_left, d_right;
// Load images
left_aux = imread(p.left);
right_aux = imread(p.right);
if (left_aux.empty()) throw runtime_error("can't open file \"" + p.left + "\"");
if (right_aux.empty()) throw runtime_error("can't open file \"" + p.right + "\"");
cvtColor(left_aux, left, CV_BGR2GRAY);
cvtColor(right_aux, right, CV_BGR2GRAY);
left_src = imread(p.left);
right_src = imread(p.right);
if (left_src.empty()) throw runtime_error("can't open file \"" + p.left + "\"");
if (right_src.empty()) throw runtime_error("can't open file \"" + p.right + "\"");
cvtColor(left_src, left, CV_BGR2GRAY);
cvtColor(right_src, right, CV_BGR2GRAY);
d_left = left;
d_right = right;
......@@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ void App::run()
Mat disp(left.size(), CV_8U);
gpu::GpuMat d_disp(left.size(), CV_8U);
cout << "\nimage_size: (" << left.cols << ", " << left.rows << ")\n";
cout << endl;
running = true;
......@@ -173,7 +175,20 @@ void App::run()
switch (p.method)
case Params::BM: bm(d_left, d_right, d_disp); break;
case Params::BM:
if (d_left.channels() > 1 || d_right.channels() > 1)
cout << "BM doesn't support color images\n";
cvtColor(left_src, left, CV_BGR2GRAY);
cvtColor(right_src, right, CV_BGR2GRAY);
cout << "image_channels: " << left.channels() << endl;
d_left = left;
d_right = right;
imshow("left", left);
imshow("right", right);
bm(d_left, d_right, d_disp);
case Params::BP: bp(d_left, d_right, d_disp); break;
case Params::CSBP: csbp(d_left, d_right, d_disp); break;
......@@ -192,12 +207,15 @@ void App::run()
void App::printParams() const
cout << "--- Parameters ---\n";
cout << "image_size: (" << left.cols << ", " << left.rows << ")\n";
cout << "image_channels: " << left.channels() << endl;
cout << "method: " << p.method_str() << endl
<< "ndisp: " << p.ndisp << endl;
switch (p.method)
case Params::BM:
cout << "win_size: " << bm.winSize << endl;
cout << "prefilter_sobel: " << bm.preset << endl;
case Params::BP:
cout << "iter_count: " << bp.iters << endl;
......@@ -222,6 +240,23 @@ void App::handleKey(char key)
case 'p': case 'P':
case 'g': case 'G':
if (left.channels() == 1 && p.method != Params::BM)
left = left_src;
right = right_src;
cvtColor(left_src, left, CV_BGR2GRAY);
cvtColor(right_src, right, CV_BGR2GRAY);
d_left = left;
d_right = right;
cout << "image_channels: " << left.channels() << endl;
imshow("left", left);
imshow("right", right);
case 'm': case 'M':
switch (p.method)
......@@ -237,6 +272,21 @@ void App::handleKey(char key)
cout << "method: " << p.method_str() << endl;
case 's': case 'S':
if (p.method == Params::BM)
switch (bm.preset)
case gpu::StereoBM_GPU::BASIC_PRESET:
bm.preset = gpu::StereoBM_GPU::PREFILTER_XSOBEL;
bm.preset = gpu::StereoBM_GPU::BASIC_PRESET;
cout << "prefilter_sobel: " << bm.preset << endl;
case '1':
p.ndisp = p.ndisp == 1 ? 8 : p.ndisp + 8;
cout << "ndisp: " << p.ndisp << endl;
......@@ -254,7 +304,7 @@ void App::handleKey(char key)
case '2':
if (p.method == Params::BM)
bm.winSize += 1;
bm.winSize = min(bm.winSize + 1, 51);
cout << "win_size: " << bm.winSize << endl;
......@@ -316,3 +366,4 @@ void App::handleKey(char key)
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