.. ocv:function:: void gpu::reprojectImageTo3D(const GpuMat& disp, GpuMat& xyzw, const Mat& Q, int dst_cn = 4, Stream& stream = Stream::Null())
:param disp: Input disparity image. ``CV_8U`` and ``CV_16S`` types are supported.
:param disp: Input disparity image. ``CV_8U`` and ``CV_16S`` types are supported.
:param xyzw: Output 4-channel floating-point image of the same size as ``disp`` . Each element of ``xyzw(x,y)`` contains 3D coordinates ``(x,y,z,1)`` of the point ``(x,y)`` , computed from the disparity map.
:param xyzw: Output 3- or 4-channel floating-point image of the same size as ``disp`` . Each element of ``xyzw(x,y)`` contains 3D coordinates ``(x,y,z)`` or ``(x,y,z,1)`` of the point ``(x,y)`` , computed from the disparity map.
:param Q: :math:`4 \times 4` perspective transformation matrix that can be obtained via :ocv:func:`stereoRectify` .
:param Q: :math:`4 \times 4` perspective transformation matrix that can be obtained via :ocv:func:`stereoRectify` .
:param dst_cn: The number of channels for output image. Can be 3 or 4.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
Class used for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) from an image. ::
Class used for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) from an image. ::
class SURF_GPU : public CvSURFParams
class SURF_GPU
enum KeypointLayout
enum KeypointLayout
SF_X = 0,
X_ROW = 0,
//! the default constructor
//! the default constructor
@@ -69,6 +70,13 @@ Class used for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) from an image. ::
@@ -69,6 +70,13 @@ Class used for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) from an image. ::
void releaseMemory();
void releaseMemory();
// SURF parameters
double hessianThreshold;
int nOctaves;
int nOctaveLayers;
bool extended;
bool upright;
//! max keypoints = keypointsRatio * img.size().area()
//! max keypoints = keypointsRatio * img.size().area()
float keypointsRatio;
float keypointsRatio;
@@ -82,14 +90,15 @@ Class used for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) from an image. ::
@@ -82,14 +90,15 @@ Class used for extracting Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) from an image. ::
The class ``SURF_GPU`` implements Speeded Up Robust Features descriptor. There is a fast multi-scale Hessian keypoint detector that can be used to find the keypoints (which is the default option). But the descriptors can also be computed for the user-specified keypoints. Only 8-bit grayscale images are supported.
The class ``SURF_GPU`` implements Speeded Up Robust Features descriptor. There is a fast multi-scale Hessian keypoint detector that can be used to find the keypoints (which is the default option). But the descriptors can also be computed for the user-specified keypoints. Only 8-bit grayscale images are supported.
The class ``SURF_GPU`` can store results in the GPU and CPU memory. It provides functions to convert results between CPU and GPU version ( ``uploadKeypoints``, ``downloadKeypoints``, ``downloadDescriptors`` ). The format of CPU results is the same as ``SURF`` results. GPU results are stored in ``GpuMat``. The ``keypoints`` matrix is :math:`\texttt{nFeatures} \times 6` matrix with the ``CV_32FC1`` type.
The class ``SURF_GPU`` can store results in the GPU and CPU memory. It provides functions to convert results between CPU and GPU version ( ``uploadKeypoints``, ``downloadKeypoints``, ``downloadDescriptors`` ). The format of CPU results is the same as ``SURF`` results. GPU results are stored in ``GpuMat``. The ``keypoints`` matrix is :math:`\texttt{nFeatures} \times 7` matrix with the ``CV_32FC1`` type.
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(SF_X)[i]`` contains x coordinate of the i-th feature.
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(X_ROW)[i]`` contains x coordinate of the i-th feature.
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(SF_Y)[i]`` contains y coordinate of the i-th feature.
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(Y_ROW)[i]`` contains y coordinate of the i-th feature.
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(SF_LAPLACIAN)[i]`` contains the laplacian sign of the i-th feature.
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(LAPLACIAN_ROW)[i]`` contains the laplacian sign of the i-th feature.
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(SF_SIZE)[i]`` contains the size of the i-th feature.
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(OCTAVE_ROW)[i]`` contains the octave of the i-th feature.
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(SF_DIR)[i]`` contain orientation of the i-th feature.
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(SIZE_ROW)[i]`` contains the size of the i-th feature.
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(SF_HESSIAN)[i]`` contains the response of the i-th feature.
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(ANGLE_ROW)[i]`` contain orientation of the i-th feature.
* ``keypoints.ptr<float>(HESSIAN_ROW)[i]`` contains the response of the i-th feature.
The ``descriptors`` matrix is :math:`\texttt{nFeatures} \times \texttt{descriptorSize}` matrix with the ``CV_32FC1`` type.
The ``descriptors`` matrix is :math:`\texttt{nFeatures} \times \texttt{descriptorSize}` matrix with the ``CV_32FC1`` type.
@@ -118,17 +127,17 @@ Class used for corner detection using the FAST algorithm. ::
@@ -118,17 +127,17 @@ Class used for corner detection using the FAST algorithm. ::
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<FilterEngine_GPU> gpu::createLinearFilter_GPU(int srcType, int dstType, const Mat& kernel, Point anchor = Point(-1,-1), int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT)
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<BaseFilter_GPU> gpu::getLinearFilter_GPU(int srcType, int dstType, const Mat& kernel, const Size& ksize, Point anchor = Point(-1, -1))
.. ocv:function:: Ptr<BaseFilter_GPU> gpu::getLinearFilter_GPU(int srcType, int dstType, const Mat& kernel, const Size& ksize, Point anchor = Point(-1, -1))
:param srcType: Input image type. ``CV_8UC1`` and ``CV_8UC4`` types are supported.
:param srcType: Input image type. Supports ``CV_8U`` , ``CV_16U`` and ``CV_32F`` one and four channel image.
:param dstType: Output image type. The same type as ``src`` is supported.
:param dstType: Output image type. The same type as ``src`` is supported.
:param kernel: 2D array of filter coefficients. Floating-point coefficients will be converted to fixed-point representation before the actual processing.
:param kernel: 2D array of filter coefficients. Floating-point coefficients will be converted to fixed-point representation before the actual processing. Supports size up to 16. For larger kernels use :ocv:func:`gpu::convolve`.
:param ksize: Kernel size. Supports size up to 16. For larger kernels use :ocv:func:`gpu::convolve`.
:param anchor: Anchor point. The default value Point(-1, -1) means that the anchor is at the kernel center.
:param anchor: Anchor point. The default value Point(-1, -1) means that the anchor is at the kernel center.
.. note:: This filter does not check out-of-border accesses, so only a proper sub-matrix of a bigger matrix has to be passed to it.
:param borderType: Pixel extrapolation method. For details, see :ocv:func:`borderInterpolate` .
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`createLinearFilter`
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`createLinearFilter`
@@ -393,9 +391,9 @@ gpu::filter2D
@@ -393,9 +391,9 @@ gpu::filter2D
Applies the non-separable 2D linear filter to an image.
Applies the non-separable 2D linear filter to an image.
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::filter2D(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, int ddepth, const Mat& kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), Stream& stream = Stream::Null())
.. ocv:function:: void gpu::filter2D(const GpuMat& src, GpuMat& dst, int ddepth, const Mat& kernel, Point anchor=Point(-1,-1), int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT, Stream& stream = Stream::Null())
:param src: Source image. ``CV_8UC1`` , ``CV_8UC4`` and ``CV_32FC1`` source types are supported.
:param src: Source image. Supports ``CV_8U`` , ``CV_16U`` and ``CV_32F`` one and four channel image.
:param dst: Destination image. The size and the number of channels is the same as ``src`` .
:param dst: Destination image. The size and the number of channels is the same as ``src`` .
@@ -405,9 +403,9 @@ Applies the non-separable 2D linear filter to an image.
@@ -405,9 +403,9 @@ Applies the non-separable 2D linear filter to an image.
:param anchor: Anchor of the kernel that indicates the relative position of a filtered point within the kernel. The anchor resides within the kernel. The special default value (-1,-1) means that the anchor is at the kernel center.
:param anchor: Anchor of the kernel that indicates the relative position of a filtered point within the kernel. The anchor resides within the kernel. The special default value (-1,-1) means that the anchor is at the kernel center.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
:param borderType: Pixel extrapolation method. For details, see :ocv:func:`borderInterpolate` .
.. note:: This filter does not check out-of-border accesses, so only a proper sub-matrix of a bigger matrix has to be passed to it.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
You can use field `user_block_size` to set specific block size for :ocv:func:`gpu::convolve` function. If you leave its default value `Size(0,0)` then automatic estimation of block size will be used (which is optimized for speed). By varying `user_block_size` you can reduce memory requirements at the cost of speed.
You can use field `user_block_size` to set specific block size for :ocv:func:`gpu::convolve` function. If you leave its default value `Size(0,0)` then automatic estimation of block size will be used (which is optimized for speed). By varying `user_block_size` you can reduce memory requirements at the cost of speed.
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ Computes a convolution (or cross-correlation) of two images.
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ Computes a convolution (or cross-correlation) of two images.
:param ccorr: Flags to evaluate cross-correlation instead of convolution.
:param ccorr: Flags to evaluate cross-correlation instead of convolution.
:param buf: Optional buffer to avoid extra memory allocations and to adjust some specific parameters. See :ocv:class:`gpu::ConvolveBuf`.
:param buf: Optional buffer to avoid extra memory allocations and to adjust some specific parameters. See :ocv:class:`gpu::ConvolveBuf`.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`gpu::filter2D`
.. seealso:: :ocv:func:`gpu::filter2D`
@@ -320,9 +320,9 @@ Computes a proximity map for a raster template and an image where the template i
@@ -320,9 +320,9 @@ Computes a proximity map for a raster template and an image where the template i
:param result: Map containing comparison results ( ``CV_32FC1`` ). If ``image`` is *W x H* and ``templ`` is *w x h*, then ``result`` must be *W-w+1 x H-h+1*.
:param result: Map containing comparison results ( ``CV_32FC1`` ). If ``image`` is *W x H* and ``templ`` is *w x h*, then ``result`` must be *W-w+1 x H-h+1*.
:param method: Specifies the way to compare the template with the image.
:param method: Specifies the way to compare the template with the image.
:param buf: Optional buffer to avoid extra memory allocations and to adjust some specific parameters. See :ocv:class:`gpu::MatchTemplateBuf`.
:param buf: Optional buffer to avoid extra memory allocations and to adjust some specific parameters. See :ocv:class:`gpu::MatchTemplateBuf`.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
The following methods are supported for the ``CV_8U`` depth images for now:
The following methods are supported for the ``CV_8U`` depth images for now:
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ Applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image.
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ Applies a generic geometrical transformation to an image.
:param xmap: X values. Only ``CV_32FC1`` type is supported.
:param xmap: X values. Only ``CV_32FC1`` type is supported.
:param ymap: Y values. Only ``CV_32FC1`` type is supported.
:param ymap: Y values. Only ``CV_32FC1`` type is supported.
:param interpolation: Interpolation method (see :ocv:func:`resize` ). ``INTER_NEAREST`` , ``INTER_LINEAR`` and ``INTER_CUBIC`` are supported for now.
:param interpolation: Interpolation method (see :ocv:func:`resize` ). ``INTER_NEAREST`` , ``INTER_LINEAR`` and ``INTER_CUBIC`` are supported for now.
:param borderMode: Pixel extrapolation method (see :ocv:func:`borderInterpolate` ). ``BORDER_REFLECT101`` , ``BORDER_REPLICATE`` , ``BORDER_CONSTANT`` , ``BORDER_REFLECT`` and ``BORDER_WRAP`` are supported for now.
:param borderMode: Pixel extrapolation method (see :ocv:func:`borderInterpolate` ). ``BORDER_REFLECT101`` , ``BORDER_REPLICATE`` , ``BORDER_CONSTANT`` , ``BORDER_REFLECT`` and ``BORDER_WRAP`` are supported for now.
@@ -495,6 +495,28 @@ Applies an affine transformation to an image.
@@ -495,6 +495,28 @@ Applies an affine transformation to an image.
Builds transformation maps for affine transformation.
Rotates an image around the origin (0,0) and then shifts it.
Rotates an image around the origin (0,0) and then shifts it.
@@ -562,7 +606,7 @@ Forms a border around an image.
@@ -562,7 +606,7 @@ Forms a border around an image.
:param right: Number of pixels in each direction from the source image rectangle to extrapolate. For example: ``top=1, bottom=1, left=1, right=1`` mean that 1 pixel-wide border needs to be built.
:param right: Number of pixels in each direction from the source image rectangle to extrapolate. For example: ``top=1, bottom=1, left=1, right=1`` mean that 1 pixel-wide border needs to be built.
:param borderType: Border type. See :ocv:func:`borderInterpolate` for details. ``BORDER_REFLECT101`` , ``BORDER_REPLICATE`` , ``BORDER_CONSTANT`` , ``BORDER_REFLECT`` and ``BORDER_WRAP`` are supported for now.
:param borderType: Border type. See :ocv:func:`borderInterpolate` for details. ``BORDER_REFLECT101`` , ``BORDER_REPLICATE`` , ``BORDER_CONSTANT`` , ``BORDER_REFLECT`` and ``BORDER_WRAP`` are supported for now.
:param value: Border value.
:param value: Border value.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
@@ -796,17 +840,17 @@ Composites two images using alpha opacity values contained in each image.
@@ -796,17 +840,17 @@ Composites two images using alpha opacity values contained in each image.
:param alpha_op: Flag specifying the alpha-blending operation:
:param alpha_op: Flag specifying the alpha-blending operation:
* **ALPHA_IN**
* **ALPHA_IN**
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
:param stream: Stream for the asynchronous version.
The function performs generalized matrix multiplication similar to the ``gemm`` functions in BLAS level 3. For example, ``gemm(src1, src2, alpha, src3, beta, dst, GEMM_1_T + GEMM_3_T)`` corresponds to
The function performs generalized matrix multiplication similar to the ``gemm`` functions in BLAS level 3. For example, ``gemm(src1, src2, alpha, src3, beta, dst, GEMM_1_T + GEMM_3_T)`` corresponds to
:param minDistance: Minimum possible Euclidean distance between the returned corners.
:param minDistance: Minimum possible Euclidean distance between the returned corners.
:param blockSize: Size of an average block for computing a derivative covariation matrix over each pixel neighborhood. See :ocv:func:`cornerEigenValsAndVecs` .
:param blockSize: Size of an average block for computing a derivative covariation matrix over each pixel neighborhood. See :ocv:func:`cornerEigenValsAndVecs` .
:param useHarrisDetector: Parameter indicating whether to use a Harris detector (see :ocv:func:`gpu::cornerHarris`) or :ocv:func:`gpu::cornerMinEigenVal`.
:param useHarrisDetector: Parameter indicating whether to use a Harris detector (see :ocv:func:`gpu::cornerHarris`) or :ocv:func:`gpu::cornerMinEigenVal`.
:param harrisK: Free parameter of the Harris detector.
:param harrisK: Free parameter of the Harris detector.
@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ Class used for calculating an optical flow. ::
@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ Class used for calculating an optical flow. ::
double derivLambda;
double derivLambda;
bool useInitialFlow;
bool useInitialFlow;
float minEigThreshold;
float minEigThreshold;
bool getMinEigenVals;
void releaseMemory();
void releaseMemory();
@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ Calculate an optical flow for a sparse feature set.
@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ Calculate an optical flow for a sparse feature set.
:param status: Output status vector (CV_8UC1 type). Each element of the vector is set to 1 if the flow for the corresponding features has been found. Otherwise, it is set to 0.
:param status: Output status vector (CV_8UC1 type). Each element of the vector is set to 1 if the flow for the corresponding features has been found. Otherwise, it is set to 0.
:param err: Output vector (CV_32FC1 type) that contains min eigen value. It can be NULL, if not needed.
:param err: Output vector (CV_32FC1 type) that contains the difference between patches around the original and moved points or min eigen value if ``getMinEigenVals`` is checked. It can be NULL, if not needed.
:param nextImg: Second input image of the same size and the same type as ``prevImg`` .
:param nextImg: Second input image of the same size and the same type as ``prevImg`` .
:param u: Horizontal component of the optical flow of the same size as input images, 32-bit floating-point, single-channel
:param u: Horizontal component of the optical flow of the same size as input images, 32-bit floating-point, single-channel
:param v: Vertical component of the optical flow of the same size as input images, 32-bit floating-point, single-channel
:param v: Vertical component of the optical flow of the same size as input images, 32-bit floating-point, single-channel
:param err: Output vector (CV_32FC1 type) that contains min eigen value. It can be NULL, if not needed.
:param err: Output vector (CV_32FC1 type) that contains the difference between patches around the original and moved points or min eigen value if ``getMinEigenVals`` is checked. It can be NULL, if not needed.