Commit 63d151a2 authored by Roman Donchenko's avatar Roman Donchenko add ability to specify arbitrary sheet properties

parent f5089100
......@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@
Name for the sheet. If this parameter is missing, the name of sheet's directory
will be used.
* 'sheet_properties': [(string, string)]
List of arbitrary (key, value) pairs that somehow describe the sheet. Will be
dumped into the first row of the sheet in string form.
Note that all keys are optional, although to get useful results, you'll want to
specify at least 'configurations' and 'configuration_matchers'.
......@@ -231,24 +235,32 @@ def main():
sheet = wb.add_sheet(sheet_conf.get('sheet_name', os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(sheet_path))))
sheet.row(0).height = 800
sheet_properties = sheet_conf.get('sheet_properties', [])
sheet.write(0, 0, 'Properties:')
sheet.write(0, 1,
'N/A' if len(sheet_properties) == 0 else
' '.join(str(k) + '=' + repr(v) for (k, v) in sheet_properties))
sheet.row(2).height = 800
sheet.panes_frozen = True
sheet.remove_splits = True
sheet.horz_split_pos = 1
sheet.horz_split_first_visible = 1
sheet.horz_split_pos = 3
sheet.horz_split_first_visible = 3
sheet_comparisons = sheet_conf.get('comparisons', [])
for i, w in enumerate([2000, 15000, 2500, 2000, 15000]
for i, w in enumerate([2500, 15000, 2500, 2000, 15000]
+ (len(config_names) + 1 + len(sheet_comparisons)) * [4000]):
sheet.col(i).width = w
for i, caption in enumerate(['Module', 'Test', 'Image\nsize', 'Data\ntype', 'Parameters']
+ config_names + [None]
+ [comp['to'] + '\nvs\n' + comp['from'] for comp in sheet_comparisons]):
sheet.row(0).write(i, caption, header_style)
sheet.row(2).write(i, caption, header_style)
row = 1
row = 3
module_colors = sheet_conf.get('module_colors', {})
module_styles = {module: xlwt.easyxf('pattern: pattern solid, fore_color {}'.format(color))
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