Commit 6309b2d0 authored by Vladimir Dudnik's avatar Vladimir Dudnik

added OpenCVFindIPP.cmake script, which will look for IPP installation at CMake…

added OpenCVFindIPP.cmake script, which will look for IPP installation at CMake configuration time. First, IPPROOT environment variable will be tested, if not found script will look at default install places.
The script should support IPP from 5.3 up to 7.x versions (although tested on Windows for IPP 6.1 and IPP 7.0 versions only)

Preliminary optimization of HOG with IPP added too. Not yet quite efficient, code for cpu branch should be redesigned in order to have better performance.
parent 1a34fa30
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -41,5 +41,4 @@
#include "precomp.hpp"
/* End of file. */
......@@ -2229,7 +2229,7 @@ void dct( const Mat& src0, Mat& dst, int flags )
Mat src = src0;
int type = src.type(), depth = src.depth();
void /* *spec_dft = 0, */ *spec = 0;
double scale = 1.;
int prev_len = 0, nf = 0, stage, end_stage;
uchar *src_dft_buf = 0, *dst_dft_buf = 0;
......@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ binaryOpC1_( const Mat& srcmat1, const Mat& srcmat2, Mat& dstmat )
DT* dst = (DT*);
size_t step1 = srcmat1.step/sizeof(src1[0]);
size_t step2 = srcmat2.step/sizeof(src2[0]);
size_t step = dstmat.step/sizeof(dst[0]);
size_t step = dstmat.step/sizeof(dst[0]);
Size size = getContinuousSize( srcmat1, srcmat2, dstmat, dstmat.channels() );
if( size.width == 1 )
......@@ -290,7 +290,8 @@ binaryOpC1_( const Mat& srcmat1, const Mat& srcmat2, Mat& dstmat )
for( ; size.height--; src1 += step1, src2 += step2, dst += step )
int x = vecOp(src1, src2, dst, size.width);
int x;
x = vecOp(src1, src2, dst, size.width);
for( ; x <= size.width - 4; x += 4 )
DT f0, f1;
......@@ -434,7 +434,6 @@ private:
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
//void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event);
void drawInstructions(QPainter *painter);
void drawViewOverview(QPainter *painter);
void drawImgRegion(QPainter *painter);
......@@ -42,7 +42,9 @@
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include <iterator>
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
#include "ipp.h"
The code below is implementation of HOG (Histogram-of-Oriented Gradients)
descriptor and object detection, introduced by Navneet Dalal and Bill Triggs.
......@@ -216,12 +218,39 @@ void HOGDescriptor::computeGradient(const Mat& img, Mat& grad, Mat& qangle,
int _nbins = nbins;
float angleScale = (float)(_nbins/CV_PI);
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
Mat lutimg(img.rows,img.cols,CV_MAKETYPE(CV_32F,cn));
Mat hidxs(1, width, CV_32F);
Ipp32f *pHidxs = (Ipp32f*);
Ipp32f *pAngles = (Ipp32f*);
IppiSize roiSize;
roiSize.width = img.cols;
roiSize.height = img.rows;
for( y = 0; y < roiSize.height; y++ )
const uchar* imgPtr = + y*img.step;
float* imglutPtr = (float*)( + y*lutimg.step);
for( x = 0; x < roiSize.width*cn; x++ )
imglutPtr[x] = lut[imgPtr[x]];
for( y = 0; y < gradsize.height; y++ )
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
const float* imgPtr = (float*)( + lutimg.step*ymap[y]);
const float* prevPtr = (float*)( + lutimg.step*ymap[y-1]);
const float* nextPtr = (float*)( + lutimg.step*ymap[y+1]);
const uchar* imgPtr = + img.step*ymap[y];
const uchar* prevPtr = + img.step*ymap[y-1];
const uchar* nextPtr = + img.step*ymap[y+1];
float* gradPtr = (float*)grad.ptr(y);
uchar* qanglePtr = (uchar*)qangle.ptr(y);
......@@ -230,8 +259,13 @@ void HOGDescriptor::computeGradient(const Mat& img, Mat& grad, Mat& qangle,
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
int x1 = xmap[x];
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
dbuf[x] = (float)(imgPtr[xmap[x+1]] - imgPtr[xmap[x-1]]);
dbuf[width + x] = (float)(nextPtr[x1] - prevPtr[x1]);
dbuf[x] = (float)(lut[imgPtr[xmap[x+1]]] - lut[imgPtr[xmap[x-1]]]);
dbuf[width + x] = (float)(lut[nextPtr[x1]] - lut[prevPtr[x1]]);
......@@ -239,9 +273,32 @@ void HOGDescriptor::computeGradient(const Mat& img, Mat& grad, Mat& qangle,
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
int x1 = xmap[x]*3;
float dx0, dy0, dx, dy, mag0, mag;
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
const float* p2 = imgPtr + xmap[x+1]*3;
const float* p0 = imgPtr + xmap[x-1]*3;
dx0 = p2[2] - p0[2];
dy0 = nextPtr[x1+2] - prevPtr[x1+2];
mag0 = dx0*dx0 + dy0*dy0;
dx = p2[1] - p0[1];
dy = nextPtr[x1+1] - prevPtr[x1+1];
mag = dx*dx + dy*dy;
if( mag0 < mag )
dx0 = dx;
dy0 = dy;
mag0 = mag;
dx = p2[0] - p0[0];
dy = nextPtr[x1] - prevPtr[x1];
mag = dx*dx + dy*dy;
const uchar* p2 = imgPtr + xmap[x+1]*3;
const uchar* p0 = imgPtr + xmap[x-1]*3;
float dx0, dy0, dx, dy, mag0, mag;
dx0 = lut[p2[2]] - lut[p0[2]];
dy0 = lut[nextPtr[x1+2]] - lut[prevPtr[x1+2]];
......@@ -261,7 +318,7 @@ void HOGDescriptor::computeGradient(const Mat& img, Mat& grad, Mat& qangle,
dx = lut[p2[0]] - lut[p0[0]];
dy = lut[nextPtr[x1]] - lut[prevPtr[x1]];
mag = dx*dx + dy*dy;
if( mag0 < mag )
dx0 = dx;
......@@ -273,14 +330,35 @@ void HOGDescriptor::computeGradient(const Mat& img, Mat& grad, Mat& qangle,
dbuf[x+width] = dy0;
cartToPolar( Dx, Dy, Mag, Angle, false );
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
ippsCartToPolar_32f((const Ipp32f*), (const Ipp32f*), (Ipp32f*), pAngles, width);
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
if(pAngles[x] < 0.f) pAngles[x]+=(Ipp32f)(CV_PI*2.);
ippsNormalize_32f(pAngles, pAngles, width, 0.5f/angleScale, 1.f/angleScale);
cartToPolar( Dx, Dy, Mag, Angle, false );
for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
int hidx = (int)pHidxs[x];
float mag = dbuf[x+width*2], angle = dbuf[x+width*3]*angleScale - 0.5f;
int hidx = cvFloor(angle);
angle -= hidx;
gradPtr[x*2] = mag*(1.f - angle);
gradPtr[x*2+1] = mag*angle;
if( hidx < 0 )
hidx += _nbins;
else if( hidx >= _nbins )
......@@ -291,9 +369,7 @@ void HOGDescriptor::computeGradient(const Mat& img, Mat& grad, Mat& qangle,
hidx &= hidx < _nbins ? -1 : 0;
qanglePtr[x*2+1] = (uchar)hidx;
gradPtr[x*2] = mag*(1.f - angle);
gradPtr[x*2+1] = mag*angle;
......@@ -576,9 +652,12 @@ const float* HOGCache::getBlock(Point pt, float* buf)
const uchar* qanglePtr = + qangle.step*pt.y + pt.x*2;
CV_Assert( blockHist != 0 );
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
for( k = 0; k < blockHistogramSize; k++ )
blockHist[k] = 0.f;
const PixData* _pixData = &pixData[0];
......@@ -658,20 +737,40 @@ const float* HOGCache::getBlock(Point pt, float* buf)
void HOGCache::normalizeBlockHistogram(float* _hist) const
float* hist = &_hist[0];
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
size_t sz = blockHistogramSize;
size_t i, sz = blockHistogramSize;
float sum = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
for( i = 0; i < sz; i++ )
sum += hist[i]*hist[i];
float scale = 1.f/(std::sqrt(sum)+sz*0.1f), thresh = (float)descriptor->L2HysThreshold;
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
ippsThreshold_32f_I( hist, sz, thresh, ippCmpGreater );
for( i = 0, sum = 0; i < sz; i++ )
hist[i] = std::min(hist[i]*scale, thresh);
sum += hist[i]*hist[i];
scale = 1.f/(std::sqrt(sum)+1e-3f);
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
for( i = 0; i < sz; i++ )
hist[i] *= scale;
......@@ -741,8 +840,12 @@ void HOGDescriptor::compute(const Mat& img, vector<float>& descriptors,
float* dst = descriptor + bj.histOfs;
const float* src = cache.getBlock(pt, dst);
if( src != dst )
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
for( int k = 0; k < blockHistogramSize; k++ )
dst[k] = src[k];
......@@ -796,18 +899,28 @@ void HOGDescriptor::detect(const Mat& img,
double s = rho;
const float* svmVec = &svmDetector[0];
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
int j;
int j, k;
for( j = 0; j < nblocks; j++, svmVec += blockHistogramSize )
const HOGCache::BlockData& bj = blockData[j];
Point pt = pt0 + bj.imgOffset;
const float* vec = cache.getBlock(pt, &blockHist[0]);
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
Ipp32f partSum;
s += (double)partSum;
for( k = 0; k <= blockHistogramSize - 4; k += 4 )
s += vec[k]*svmVec[k] + vec[k+1]*svmVec[k+1] +
vec[k+2]*svmVec[k+2] + vec[k+3]*svmVec[k+3];
for( ; k < blockHistogramSize; k++ )
s += vec[k]*svmVec[k];
if( s >= hitThreshold )
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