Commit 6308be2c authored by Evgeny Talanin's avatar Evgeny Talanin

Changed parallel_for to parallel_for_ in hog.cpp and cascadedetect.cpp

parent b8c185de
......@@ -943,10 +943,11 @@ void CascadeClassifier::setFaceDetectionMaskGenerator()
struct CascadeClassifierInvoker
class CascadeClassifierInvoker : public ParallelLoopBody
CascadeClassifierInvoker( CascadeClassifier& _cc, Size _sz1, int _stripSize, int _yStep, double _factor,
ConcurrentRectVector& _vec, vector<int>& _levels, vector<double>& _weights, bool outputLevels, const Mat& _mask)
vector<Rect>& _vec, vector<int>& _levels, vector<double>& _weights, bool outputLevels, const Mat& _mask, Mutex* _mtx)
classifier = &_cc;
processingRectSize = _sz1;
......@@ -956,17 +957,18 @@ struct CascadeClassifierInvoker
rectangles = &_vec;
rejectLevels = outputLevels ? &_levels : 0;
levelWeights = outputLevels ? &_weights : 0;
mask = _mask;
mtx = _mtx;
void operator()(const BlockedRange& range) const
void operator()(const Range& range) const
Ptr<FeatureEvaluator> evaluator = classifier->featureEvaluator->clone();
Size winSize(cvRound(classifier->data.origWinSize.width * scalingFactor), cvRound(classifier->data.origWinSize.height * scalingFactor));
int y1 = range.begin() * stripSize;
int y2 = min(range.end() * stripSize, processingRectSize.height);
int y1 = range.start * stripSize;
int y2 = min(range.end * stripSize, processingRectSize.height);
for( int y = y1; y < y2; y += yStep )
for( int x = 0; x < processingRectSize.width; x += yStep )
......@@ -988,14 +990,20 @@ struct CascadeClassifierInvoker
result = -(int)classifier->data.stages.size();
if( classifier->data.stages.size() + result < 4 )
rectangles->push_back(Rect(cvRound(x*scalingFactor), cvRound(y*scalingFactor), winSize.width, winSize.height));
else if( result > 0 )
rectangles->push_back(Rect(cvRound(x*scalingFactor), cvRound(y*scalingFactor),
winSize.width, winSize.height));
if( result == 0 )
x += yStep;
......@@ -1003,13 +1011,14 @@ struct CascadeClassifierInvoker
CascadeClassifier* classifier;
ConcurrentRectVector* rectangles;
vector<Rect>* rectangles;
Size processingRectSize;
int stripSize, yStep;
double scalingFactor;
vector<int> *rejectLevels;
vector<double> *levelWeights;
Mat mask;
Mutex* mtx;
struct getRect { Rect operator ()(const CvAvgComp& e) const { return e.rect; } };
......@@ -1031,22 +1040,23 @@ bool CascadeClassifier::detectSingleScale( const Mat& image, int stripCount, Siz
ConcurrentRectVector concurrentCandidates;
vector<Rect> candidatesVector;
vector<int> rejectLevels;
vector<double> levelWeights;
Mutex mtx;
if( outputRejectLevels )
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, stripCount), CascadeClassifierInvoker( *this, processingRectSize, stripSize, yStep, factor,
concurrentCandidates, rejectLevels, levelWeights, true, currentMask));
parallel_for_(Range(0, stripCount), CascadeClassifierInvoker( *this, processingRectSize, stripSize, yStep, factor,
candidatesVector, rejectLevels, levelWeights, true, currentMask, &mtx));
levels.insert( levels.end(), rejectLevels.begin(), rejectLevels.end() );
weights.insert( weights.end(), levelWeights.begin(), levelWeights.end() );
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, stripCount), CascadeClassifierInvoker( *this, processingRectSize, stripSize, yStep, factor,
concurrentCandidates, rejectLevels, levelWeights, false, currentMask));
parallel_for_(Range(0, stripCount), CascadeClassifierInvoker( *this, processingRectSize, stripSize, yStep, factor,
candidatesVector, rejectLevels, levelWeights, false, currentMask, &mtx));
candidates.insert( candidates.end(), concurrentCandidates.begin(), concurrentCandidates.end() );
candidates.insert( candidates.end(), candidatesVector.begin(), candidatesVector.end() );
......@@ -939,12 +939,13 @@ void HOGDescriptor::detect(const Mat& img, vector<Point>& hits, double hitThresh
detect(img, hits, weightsV, hitThreshold, winStride, padding, locations);
struct HOGInvoker
class HOGInvoker : public ParallelLoopBody
HOGInvoker( const HOGDescriptor* _hog, const Mat& _img,
double _hitThreshold, Size _winStride, Size _padding,
const double* _levelScale, ConcurrentRectVector* _vec,
ConcurrentDoubleVector* _weights=0, ConcurrentDoubleVector* _scales=0 )
const double* _levelScale, std::vector<Rect> * _vec, Mutex* _mtx,
std::vector<double>* _weights=0, std::vector<double>* _scales=0 )
hog = _hog;
img = _img;
......@@ -955,11 +956,12 @@ struct HOGInvoker
vec = _vec;
weights = _weights;
scales = _scales;
mtx = _mtx;
void operator()( const BlockedRange& range ) const
void operator()( const Range& range ) const
int i, i1 = range.begin(), i2 = range.end();
int i, i1 = range.start, i2 = range.end;
double minScale = i1 > 0 ? levelScale[i1] : i2 > 1 ? levelScale[i1+1] : std::max(img.cols, img.rows);
Size maxSz(cvCeil(img.cols/minScale), cvCeil(img.rows/minScale));
Mat smallerImgBuf(maxSz, img.type());
......@@ -977,22 +979,28 @@ struct HOGInvoker
resize(img, smallerImg, sz);
hog->detect(smallerImg, locations, hitsWeights, hitThreshold, winStride, padding);
Size scaledWinSize = Size(cvRound(hog->winSize.width*scale), cvRound(hog->winSize.height*scale));
for( size_t j = 0; j < locations.size(); j++ )
scaledWinSize.width, scaledWinSize.height));
if (scales) {
if (scales)
if (weights && (!hitsWeights.empty()))
for (size_t j = 0; j < locations.size(); j++)
......@@ -1003,9 +1011,10 @@ struct HOGInvoker
Size winStride;
Size padding;
const double* levelScale;
ConcurrentRectVector* vec;
ConcurrentDoubleVector* weights;
ConcurrentDoubleVector* scales;
std::vector<Rect>* vec;
std::vector<double>* weights;
std::vector<double>* scales;
Mutex* mtx;
......@@ -1030,13 +1039,14 @@ void HOGDescriptor::detectMultiScale(
levels = std::max(levels, 1);
ConcurrentRectVector allCandidates;
ConcurrentDoubleVector tempScales;
ConcurrentDoubleVector tempWeights;
vector<double> foundScales;
std::vector<Rect> allCandidates;
std::vector<double> tempScales;
std::vector<double> tempWeights;
std::vector<double> foundScales;
Mutex mtx;
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, (int)levelScale.size()),
HOGInvoker(this, img, hitThreshold, winStride, padding, &levelScale[0], &allCandidates, &tempWeights, &tempScales));
parallel_for_(Range(0, (int)levelScale.size()),
HOGInvoker(this, img, hitThreshold, winStride, padding, &levelScale[0], &allCandidates, &mtx, &tempWeights, &tempScales));
std::copy(tempScales.begin(), tempScales.end(), back_inserter(foundScales));
......@@ -2382,12 +2392,13 @@ vector<float> HOGDescriptor::getDaimlerPeopleDetector()
return vector<float>(detector, detector + sizeof(detector)/sizeof(detector[0]));
struct HOGConfInvoker
class HOGConfInvoker : public ParallelLoopBody
HOGConfInvoker( const HOGDescriptor* _hog, const Mat& _img,
double _hitThreshold, Size _padding,
std::vector<DetectionROI>* locs,
ConcurrentRectVector* _vec )
std::vector<Rect>* _vec, Mutex* _mtx )
hog = _hog;
img = _img;
......@@ -2395,11 +2406,12 @@ struct HOGConfInvoker
padding = _padding;
locations = locs;
vec = _vec;
mtx = _mtx;
void operator()( const BlockedRange& range ) const
void operator()( const Range& range ) const
int i, i1 = range.begin(), i2 = range.end();
int i, i1 = range.start, i2 = range.end;
Size maxSz(cvCeil(img.cols/(*locations)[0].scale), cvCeil(img.rows/(*locations)[0].scale));
Mat smallerImgBuf(maxSz, img.type());
......@@ -2419,11 +2431,15 @@ struct HOGConfInvoker
hog->detectROI(smallerImg, (*locations)[i].locations, dets, (*locations)[i].confidences, hitThreshold, Size(), padding);
Size scaledWinSize = Size(cvRound(hog->winSize.width*scale), cvRound(hog->winSize.height*scale));
for( size_t j = 0; j < dets.size(); j++ )
scaledWinSize.width, scaledWinSize.height));
const HOGDescriptor* hog;
......@@ -2431,7 +2447,8 @@ struct HOGConfInvoker
double hitThreshold;
std::vector<DetectionROI>* locations;
Size padding;
ConcurrentRectVector* vec;
std::vector<Rect>* vec;
Mutex* mtx;
void HOGDescriptor::detectROI(const cv::Mat& img, const vector<cv::Point> &locations,
......@@ -2516,10 +2533,11 @@ void HOGDescriptor::detectMultiScaleROI(const cv::Mat& img,
double hitThreshold,
int groupThreshold) const
ConcurrentRectVector allCandidates;
std::vector<Rect> allCandidates;
Mutex mtx;
parallel_for(BlockedRange(0, (int)locations.size()),
HOGConfInvoker(this, img, hitThreshold, Size(8, 8), &locations, &allCandidates));
parallel_for_(Range(0, (int)locations.size()),
HOGConfInvoker(this, img, hitThreshold, Size(8, 8), &locations, &allCandidates, &mtx));
std::copy(allCandidates.begin(), allCandidates.end(), foundLocations.begin());
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