Commit 615e7b27 authored by Ilya Lavrenov's avatar Ilya Lavrenov

added SIMD optimization of Edge-Aware Demosaicing in case of CV_8U

parent 07744ccf
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1991,8 +1991,8 @@ static void test_Bayer2RGB_EdgeAware_8u(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int code)
// red
D[0] = S[0];
D[1] = (std::abs(S[-1] - S[1]) > std::abs(S[step] - S[-step]) ? (S[step] + S[-step]) : (S[-1] + S[1])) / 2;
D[2] = ((S[-step-1] + S[-step+1] + S[step-1] + S[step+1]) / 4);
D[1] = (std::abs(S[-1] - S[1]) > std::abs(S[step] - S[-step]) ? (S[step] + S[-step] + 1) : (S[-1] + S[1] + 1)) / 2;
D[2] = ((S[-step-1] + S[-step+1] + S[step-1] + S[step+1] + 2) / 4);
if (!blue)
std::swap(D[0], D[2]);
......@@ -2002,8 +2002,8 @@ static void test_Bayer2RGB_EdgeAware_8u(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int code)
for (int x = 1; x < size.width; x += 2, S += 2, D += 2*dcn)
D[0] = S[0];
D[1] = (std::abs(S[-1] - S[1]) > std::abs(S[step] - S[-step]) ? (S[step] + S[-step]) : (S[-1] + S[1])) / 2;
D[2] = ((S[-step-1] + S[-step+1] + S[step-1] + S[step+1]) / 4);
D[1] = (std::abs(S[-1] - S[1]) > std::abs(S[step] - S[-step]) ? (S[step] + S[-step] + 1) : (S[-1] + S[1] + 1)) / 2;
D[2] = ((S[-step-1] + S[-step+1] + S[step-1] + S[step+1] + 2) / 4);
if (!blue)
std::swap(D[0], D[2]);
......@@ -2013,9 +2013,9 @@ static void test_Bayer2RGB_EdgeAware_8u(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int code)
for (int x = 2; x < size.width; x += 2, S += 2, D += 2*dcn)
D[0] = (S[-1] + S[1]) / 2;
D[0] = (S[-1] + S[1] + 1) / 2;
D[1] = S[0];
D[2] = (S[-step] + S[step]) / 2;
D[2] = (S[-step] + S[step] + 1) / 2;
if (!blue)
std::swap(D[0], D[2]);
......@@ -2051,7 +2051,9 @@ static void checkData(const Mat& actual, const Mat& reference, cvtest::TS* ts, c
EXPECT_EQ(actual.depth(), reference.depth());
Size size = reference.size();
size.width *= reference.channels();
int dcn = reference.channels();
size.width *= dcn;
for (int y = 0; y < size.height && next; ++y)
const T* A = reinterpret_cast<const T*>( + actual.step * y);
......@@ -2064,10 +2066,15 @@ static void checkData(const Mat& actual, const Mat& reference, cvtest::TS* ts, c
ts->printf(SUM, "\nReference value: %d\n", static_cast<int>(R[x]));
ts->printf(SUM, "Actual value: %d\n", static_cast<int>(A[x]));
ts->printf(SUM, "(y, x): (%d, %d)\n", y, x / reference.channels());
ts->printf(SUM, "Channel pos: %d\n", x % reference.channels());
ts->printf(SUM, "Pattern: %s\n", type);
ts->printf(SUM, "Bayer image type: %s", bayer_type);
#undef SUM
Mat diff;
absdiff(actual, reference, diff);
EXPECT_EQ(countNonZero(diff.reshape(1) > 1), 0);
......@@ -2173,12 +2180,6 @@ TEST(ImgProc_Bayer2RGBA, accuracy)
Mat diff;
absdiff(actual, reference, diff);
cv::Rect r(0, ssize.height - 5, 7, 5);
std::cout << "Actual: " << std::endl << actual(r) << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "Reference: " << std::endl << reference(r) << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << "Difference: " << std::endl << diff(r) << std::endl << std::endl;
EXPECT_EQ(countNonZero(diff.reshape(1) > 1), 0);
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