Commit 613c12e5 authored by Yashas Samaga B L's avatar Yashas Samaga B L Committed by Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #14827 from YashasSamaga:cuda4dnn-csl-low

CUDA backend for the DNN module

* stub cuda4dnn design

* minor fixes for tests and doxygen

* add csl public api directory to module headers

* add low-level CSL components

* add high-level CSL components

* integrate csl::Tensor into backbone code

* switch to CPU iff unsupported; otherwise, fail on error

* add fully connected layer

* add softmax layer

* add activation layers

* support arbitary rank TensorDescriptor

* pass input wrappers to `initCUDA()`

* add 1d/2d/3d-convolution

* add pooling layer

* reorganize and refactor code

* fixes for gcc, clang and doxygen; remove cxx14/17 code

* add blank_layer

* add LRN layer

* add rounding modes for pooling layer

* split tensor.hpp into tensor.hpp and tensor_ops.hpp

* add concat layer

* add scale layer

* add batch normalization layer

* split into and math.hpp

* add eltwise layer

* add flatten layer

* add tensor transform api

* add asymmetric padding support for convolution layer

* add reshape layer

* fix rebase issues

* add permute layer

* add padding support for concat layer

* refactor and reorganize code

* add normalize layer

* optimize bias addition in scale layer

* add prior box layer

* fix and optimize normalize layer

* add asymmetric padding support for pooling layer

* add event API

* improve pooling performance for some padding scenarios

* avoid over-allocation of compute resources to kernels

* improve prior box performance

* enable layer fusion

* add const layer

* add resize layer

* add slice layer

* add padding layer

* add deconvolution layer

* fix channelwise  ReLU initialization

* add vector traits

* add vectorized versions of relu, clipped_relu, power

* add vectorized concat kernels

* improve concat_with_offsets performance

* vectorize scale and bias kernels

* add support for multi-billion element tensors

* vectorize prior box kernels

* fix address alignment check

* improve bias addition performance of conv/deconv/fc layers

* restructure code for supporting multiple targets



* improve vectorization

* add region layer

* improve tensor API, add dynamic ranks

1. use ManagedPtr instead of a Tensor in backend wrapper
2. add new methods to tensor classes
  - size_range: computes the combined size of for a given axis range
  - tensor span/view can be constructed from a raw pointer and shape
3. the tensor classes can change their rank at runtime (previously rank was fixed at compile-time)
4. remove device code from tensor classes (as they are unused)
5. enforce strict conditions on tensor class APIs to improve debugging ability

* fix parametric relu activation

* add squeeze/unsqueeze tensor API

* add reorg layer

* optimize permute and enable 2d permute

* enable 1d and 2d slice

* add split layer

* add shuffle channel layer

* allow tensors of different ranks in reshape primitive

* patch SliceOp to allow Crop Layer

* allow extra shape inputs in reshape layer

* use `std::move_backward` instead of `std::move` for insert in resizable_static_array

* improve workspace management

* add spatial LRN

* add nms (cpu) to region layer

* add max pooling with argmax ( and a fix to limits.hpp)

* add max unpooling layer


* update supportBackend to be more rigorous

* remove stray include from preventing non-cuda build

* include op_cuda.hpp outside condition #if

* refactoring, fixes and many optimizations


* fix gcc errors

* increase max. tensor rank limit to six

* add Interp layer

* drop custom layers; use BackendNode

* vectorize activation kernels

* fixes for gcc

* remove wrong assertion

* fix broken assertion in unpooling primitive

* fix build errors in non-CUDA build

* completely remove workspace from public API

* fix permute layer

* enable accuracy and perf. tests for DNN_TARGET_CUDA

* add asynchronous forward

* vectorize eltwise ops

* vectorize fill kernel

* fixes for gcc

* remove CSL headers from public API

* remove csl header source group from cmake

* update min. cudnn version in cmake

* add numerically stable FP32 log1pexp

* refactor code

* add FP16 specialization to cudnn based tensor addition

* vectorize scale1 and bias1 + minor refactoring

* fix doxygen build

* fix invalid alignment assertion

* clear backend wrappers before allocateLayers

* ignore memory lock failures

* do not allocate internal blobs

* integrate NVTX

* add numerically stable half precision log1pexp

* fix indentation, following coding style,  improve docs

* remove accidental modification of IE code

* Revert "add asynchronous forward"

This reverts commit 1154b9da9da07e9b52f8a81bdcea48cf31c56f70.

* [cmake] throw error for unsupported CC versions

* fix rebase issues

* add more docs, refactor code, fix bugs

* minor refactoring and fixes

* resolve warnings/errors from clang

* remove haveCUDA() checks from supportBackend()

* remove NVTX integration

* changes based on review comments

* avoid exception when no CUDA device is present

* add color code for CUDA in Net::dump
parent 8ec65446
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ if(NOT DEFINED MIN_VER_CMAKE)
set(MIN_VER_CMAKE 3.5.1)
set(MIN_VER_CUDA 6.5)
set(MIN_VER_CUDNN 7.5)
set(MIN_VER_PYTHON2 2.7)
set(MIN_VER_PYTHON3 3.2)
set(MIN_VER_ZLIB 1.2.3)
......@@ -90,6 +90,14 @@ endif()
foreach(cc ${CC_LIST})
if(cc VERSION_LESS 5.3)
message(FATAL_ERROR "CUDA backend for DNN module requires CC 5.3 or higher. Please remove unsupported architectures from CUDA_ARCH_BIN option.")
set(sources_options ${sources_options} EXCLUDE_CUDA)
......@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ CV__DNN_INLINE_NS_BEGIN
DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE, //!< Intel's Inference Engine computational backend.
......@@ -85,7 +86,9 @@ CV__DNN_INLINE_NS_BEGIN
DNN_TARGET_FPGA //!< FPGA device with CPU fallbacks using Inference Engine's Heterogeneous plugin.
DNN_TARGET_FPGA, //!< FPGA device with CPU fallbacks using Inference Engine's Heterogeneous plugin.
CV_EXPORTS std::vector< std::pair<Backend, Target> > getAvailableBackends();
......@@ -274,6 +277,20 @@ CV__DNN_INLINE_NS_BEGIN
virtual Ptr<BackendNode> initInfEngine(const std::vector<Ptr<BackendWrapper> > &inputs);
virtual Ptr<BackendNode> initVkCom(const std::vector<Ptr<BackendWrapper> > &inputs);
* @brief Returns a CUDA backend node
* @param context void pointer to CSLContext object
* @param inputs layer inputs
* @param outputs layer outputs
virtual Ptr<BackendNode> initCUDA(
void *context,
const std::vector<Ptr<BackendWrapper>>& inputs,
const std::vector<Ptr<BackendWrapper>>& outputs
* @brief Automatic Halide scheduling based on layer hyper-parameters.
* @param[in] node Backend node with Halide functions.
......@@ -515,13 +532,15 @@ CV__DNN_INLINE_NS_BEGIN
* @see Target
* List of supported combinations backend / target:
* |------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|--------------------|
* | DNN_TARGET_CPU | + | + | + |
* | DNN_TARGET_OPENCL | + | + | + |
* | DNN_TARGET_OPENCL_FP16 | + | + | |
* | DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD | | + | |
* | DNN_TARGET_FPGA | | + | |
* |------------------------|--------------------|------------------------------|--------------------|-------------------|
* | DNN_TARGET_CPU | + | + | + | |
* | DNN_TARGET_OPENCL | + | + | + | |
* | DNN_TARGET_OPENCL_FP16 | + | + | | |
* | DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD | | + | | |
* | DNN_TARGET_FPGA | | + | | |
* | DNN_TARGET_CUDA | | | | + |
* | DNN_TARGET_CUDA_FP16 | | | | + |
CV_WRAP void setPreferableTarget(int targetId);
......@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ PERF_TEST_P_(Conv3D, conv3d)
Backend backendId = get<0>(get<1>(GetParam()));
Target targetId = get<1>(get<1>(GetParam()));
if (targetId != DNN_TARGET_CPU)
throw SkipTestException("Only CPU is supported");
if (targetId != DNN_TARGET_CPU && backendId != DNN_BACKEND_CUDA)
throw SkipTestException("Only CPU and CUDA is supported");
int inChannels = inputShape[1];
This diff is collapsed.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include "types.hpp"
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iterator>
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace csl { namespace device {
template <class T, std::size_t N>
struct array {
using value_type = T;
using size_type = device::size_type;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using reference = typename std::add_lvalue_reference<value_type>::type;
using const_reference = typename std::add_lvalue_reference<typename std::add_const<value_type>::type>::type;
using pointer = typename std::add_pointer<value_type>::type;
using const_pointer = typename std::add_pointer<typename std::add_const<value_type>::type>::type;
using iterator = pointer;
using const_iterator = const_pointer;
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
__host__ __device__ bool empty() const noexcept { return N == 0; }
__host__ __device__ size_type size() const noexcept { return N; }
__host__ __device__ iterator begin() noexcept { return ptr; }
__host__ __device__ iterator end() noexcept { return ptr + N; }
__host__ __device__ const_iterator begin() const noexcept { return ptr; }
__host__ __device__ const_iterator end() const noexcept { return ptr + N; }
__host__ __device__ const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept { return ptr; }
__host__ __device__ const_iterator cend() const noexcept { return ptr + N; }
__host__ __device__ reverse_iterator rbegin() noexcept { return ptr + N; }
__host__ __device__ reverse_iterator rend() noexcept { return ptr; }
__host__ __device__ const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept { return ptr + N; }
__host__ __device__ const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept { return ptr; }
__host__ __device__ const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept { return ptr + N; }
__host__ __device__ const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept { return ptr; }
template <class InputItr>
__host__ void assign(InputItr first, InputItr last) {
std::copy(first, last, std::begin(ptr));
__host__ __device__ reference operator[](int idx) { return ptr[idx]; }
__host__ __device__ const_reference operator[](int idx) const { return ptr[idx]; }
__host__ __device__ reference front() { return ptr[0]; }
__host__ __device__ const_reference front() const { return ptr[0]; }
__host__ __device__ reference back() { return ptr[N - 1]; }
__host__ __device__ const_reference back() const { return ptr[N - 1]; }
__host__ __device__ pointer data() noexcept { return ptr; }
__host__ __device__ const_pointer data() const noexcept { return ptr; }
T ptr[N];
}}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#if !defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) || __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 700
inline __device__ void atomicAdd(__half* address, __half val) {
unsigned int* address_as_ui = (unsigned int *)((char *)address - ((size_t)address & 2));
unsigned int old = *address_as_ui;
unsigned int assumed;
do {
assumed = old;
__half_raw hsum;
hsum.x = (size_t)address & 2 ? (old >> 16) : (old & 0xffff);
__half tmpres = hsum + val;
hsum = __half_raw(tmpres);
old = (size_t)address & 2 ? (old & 0xffff) | (hsum.x << 16) : (old & 0xffff0000) | hsum.x;
old = atomicCAS(address_as_ui, assumed, old);
} while (assumed != old);
This diff is collapsed.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include "math.hpp"
#include "grid_stride_range.hpp"
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "vector_traits.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/stream.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/span.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl;
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device;
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace kernels {
namespace raw {
template <class T, std::size_t N>
__global__ void eltwise_max_2_vec(Span<T> output, View<T> x, View<T> y) {
using vector_type = get_vector_type_t<T, N>;
auto output_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
auto x_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
auto y_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
for (auto i : grid_stride_range(output.size() / vector_type::size())) {
vector_type vec_x, vec_y;
v_load(vec_x, x_vPtr[i]);
v_load(vec_y, y_vPtr[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < vector_type::size(); j++) {
using device::max;[j] = max([j],[j]);
v_store(output_vPtr[i], vec_x);
template <class T, std::size_t N>
__global__ void eltwise_sum_2_vec(Span<T> output, View<T> x, View<T> y) {
using vector_type = get_vector_type_t<T, N>;
auto output_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
auto x_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
auto y_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
for (auto i : grid_stride_range(output.size() / vector_type::size())) {
vector_type vec_x, vec_y;
v_load(vec_x, x_vPtr[i]);
v_load(vec_y, y_vPtr[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < vector_type::size(); j++)[j] =[j] +[j];
v_store(output_vPtr[i], vec_x);
template <class T, std::size_t N>
__global__ void eltwise_sum_coeff_2_vec(Span<T> output, T coeff_x, View<T> x, T coeff_y, View<T> y) {
using vector_type = get_vector_type_t<T, N>;
auto output_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
auto x_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
auto y_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
for (auto i : grid_stride_range(output.size() / vector_type::size())) {
vector_type vec_x, vec_y;
v_load(vec_x, x_vPtr[i]);
v_load(vec_y, y_vPtr[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < vector_type::size(); j++)[j] = coeff_x *[j] + coeff_y *[j];
v_store(output_vPtr[i], vec_x);
template <class T, std::size_t N>
__global__ void eltwise_prod_2_vec(Span<T> output, View<T> x, View<T> y) {
using vector_type = get_vector_type_t<T, N>;
auto output_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
auto x_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
auto y_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
for (auto i : grid_stride_range(output.size() / vector_type::size())) {
vector_type vec_x, vec_y;
v_load(vec_x, x_vPtr[i]);
v_load(vec_y, y_vPtr[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < vector_type::size(); j++)[j] =[j] *[j];
v_store(output_vPtr[i], vec_x);
template <class T, std::size_t N>
void launch_vectorized_eltwise_max_2(const Stream& stream, Span<T> output, View<T> x, View<T> y) {
CV_Assert(is_fully_aligned<T>(output, N));
CV_Assert(is_fully_aligned<T>(x, N));
CV_Assert(is_fully_aligned<T>(y, N));
auto kernel = raw::eltwise_max_2_vec<T, N>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, output.size() / N, 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output, x, y);
template <class T>
void eltwise_max_2(const Stream& stream, Span<T> output, View<T> x, View<T> y) {
CV_Assert(x.size() == y.size());
CV_Assert(x.size() == output.size());
if (is_fully_aligned<T>(output, 4) && is_fully_aligned<T>(x, 4) && is_fully_aligned<T>(y, 4)) {
launch_vectorized_eltwise_max_2<T, 4>(stream, output, x, y);
} else if (is_fully_aligned<T>(output, 2) && is_fully_aligned<T>(x, 2) && is_fully_aligned<T>(y, 2)) {
launch_vectorized_eltwise_max_2<T, 2>(stream, output, x, y);
} else {
launch_vectorized_eltwise_max_2<T, 1>(stream, output, x, y);
template void eltwise_max_2(const Stream& stream, Span<__half> output, View<__half> x, View<__half> y);
template void eltwise_max_2(const Stream& stream, Span<float> output, View<float> x, View<float> y);
template <class T, std::size_t N>
void launch_vectorized_eltwise_sum_2(const Stream& stream, Span<T> output, View<T> x, View<T> y) {
CV_Assert(is_fully_aligned<T>(output, N));
CV_Assert(is_fully_aligned<T>(x, N));
CV_Assert(is_fully_aligned<T>(y, N));
auto kernel = raw::eltwise_sum_2_vec<T, N>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, output.size() / N, 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output, x, y);
template <class T>
void eltwise_sum_2(const Stream& stream, Span<T> output, View<T> x, View<T> y) {
CV_Assert(x.size() == y.size());
CV_Assert(x.size() == output.size());
if (is_fully_aligned<T>(output, 4) && is_fully_aligned<T>(x, 4) && is_fully_aligned<T>(y, 4)) {
launch_vectorized_eltwise_sum_2<T, 4>(stream, output, x, y);
} else if (is_fully_aligned<T>(output, 2) && is_fully_aligned<T>(x, 2) && is_fully_aligned<T>(y, 2)) {
launch_vectorized_eltwise_sum_2<T, 2>(stream, output, x, y);
} else {
launch_vectorized_eltwise_sum_2<T, 1>(stream, output, x, y);
template void eltwise_sum_2(const Stream& stream, Span<__half> output, View<__half> x, View<__half> y);
template void eltwise_sum_2(const Stream& stream, Span<float> output, View<float> x, View<float> y);
template <class T, std::size_t N>
void launch_vectorized_eltwise_sum_coeff_2(const Stream& stream, Span<T> output, T coeff_x, View<T> x, T coeff_y, View<T> y) {
CV_Assert(is_fully_aligned<T>(output, N));
CV_Assert(is_fully_aligned<T>(x, N));
CV_Assert(is_fully_aligned<T>(y, N));
auto kernel = raw::eltwise_sum_coeff_2_vec<T, N>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, output.size() / N, 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output, coeff_x, x, coeff_y, y);
template <class T>
void eltwise_sum_coeff_2(const Stream& stream, Span<T> output, T coeff_x, View<T> x, T coeff_y, View<T> y) {
CV_Assert(x.size() == y.size());
CV_Assert(x.size() == output.size());
if (static_cast<float>(coeff_x) == 1.0f && static_cast<float>(coeff_y) == 1.0f) {
eltwise_sum_2(stream, output, x, y);
if (is_fully_aligned<T>(output, 4) && is_fully_aligned<T>(x, 4) && is_fully_aligned<T>(y, 4)) {
launch_vectorized_eltwise_sum_coeff_2<T, 4>(stream, output, coeff_x, x, coeff_y, y);
} else if (is_fully_aligned<T>(output, 2) && is_fully_aligned<T>(x, 2) && is_fully_aligned<T>(y, 2)) {
launch_vectorized_eltwise_sum_coeff_2<T, 2>(stream, output, coeff_x, x, coeff_y, y);
} else {
launch_vectorized_eltwise_sum_coeff_2<T, 1>(stream, output, coeff_x, x, coeff_y, y);
template void eltwise_sum_coeff_2(const Stream&, Span<__half>, __half, View<__half>, __half, View<__half>);
template void eltwise_sum_coeff_2(const Stream&, Span<float>, float, View<float>, float, View<float>);
template <class T, std::size_t N>
void launch_vectorized_eltwise_prod_2(const Stream& stream, Span<T> output, View<T> x, View<T> y) {
CV_Assert(is_fully_aligned<T>(output, N));
CV_Assert(is_fully_aligned<T>(x, N));
CV_Assert(is_fully_aligned<T>(y, N));
auto kernel = raw::eltwise_prod_2_vec<T, N>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, output.size() / N, 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output, x, y);
template <class T>
void eltwise_prod_2(const Stream& stream, Span<T> output, View<T> x, View<T> y) {
CV_Assert(x.size() == y.size());
CV_Assert(x.size() == output.size());
if (is_fully_aligned<T>(output, 4) && is_fully_aligned<T>(x, 4) && is_fully_aligned<T>(y, 4)) {
launch_vectorized_eltwise_prod_2<T, 4>(stream, output, x, y);
} else if (is_fully_aligned<T>(output, 2) && is_fully_aligned<T>(x, 2) && is_fully_aligned<T>(y, 2)) {
launch_vectorized_eltwise_prod_2<T, 2>(stream, output, x, y);
} else {
launch_vectorized_eltwise_prod_2<T, 1>(stream, output, x, y);
template void eltwise_prod_2(const Stream& stream, Span<__half> output, View<__half> x, View<__half> y);
template void eltwise_prod_2(const Stream& stream, Span<float> output, View<float> x, View<float> y);
}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::kernels */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/error.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/stream.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include <cstddef>
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace csl {
struct execution_policy {
execution_policy(dim3 grid_size, dim3 block_size)
: grid{ grid_size }, block{ block_size }, sharedMem{ 0 }, stream{ 0 } { }
execution_policy(dim3 grid_size, dim3 block_size, std::size_t shared_mem)
: grid{ grid_size }, block{ block_size }, sharedMem{ shared_mem }, stream{ nullptr } { }
execution_policy(dim3 grid_size, dim3 block_size, const Stream& strm)
: grid{ grid_size }, block{ block_size }, sharedMem{ 0 }, stream{ strm.get() } { }
execution_policy(dim3 grid_size, dim3 block_size, std::size_t shared_mem, const Stream& strm)
: grid{ grid_size }, block{ block_size }, sharedMem{ shared_mem }, stream{ strm.get() } { }
dim3 grid;
dim3 block;
std::size_t sharedMem;
cudaStream_t stream;
/* this overload shouldn't be necessary; we should always provide a bound on the number of threads */
template <class Kernel> inline
execution_policy make_policy(Kernel kernel, std::size_t sharedMem = 0, const Stream& stream = 0) {
int grid_size, block_size;
CUDA4DNN_CHECK_CUDA(cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(&grid_size, &block_size, kernel, sharedMem));
return execution_policy(grid_size, block_size, sharedMem, stream);
template <class Kernel> inline
execution_policy make_policy(Kernel kernel, std::size_t max_threads, std::size_t sharedMem = 0, const Stream& stream = 0) {
CV_Assert(max_threads > 0);
int grid_size = 0, block_size = 0;
CUDA4DNN_CHECK_CUDA(cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize(&grid_size, &block_size, kernel, sharedMem));
if (grid_size * block_size > max_threads) {
grid_size = (max_threads + block_size - 1) / block_size;
if (block_size > max_threads)
block_size = max_threads;
CV_Assert(grid_size >= 1 && block_size >= 1);
return execution_policy(grid_size, block_size, sharedMem, stream);
template <class Kernel, typename ...Args> inline
void launch_kernel(Kernel kernel, Args ...args) {
auto policy = make_policy(kernel);
kernel <<<policy.grid, policy.block>>> (std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <class Kernel, typename ...Args> inline
void launch_kernel(Kernel kernel, dim3 grid, dim3 block, Args ...args) {
kernel <<<grid, block>>> (std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <class Kernel, typename ...Args> inline
void launch_kernel(Kernel kernel, execution_policy policy, Args ...args) {
kernel <<<policy.grid, policy.block, policy.sharedMem,>>> (std::forward<Args>(args)...);
}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include "grid_stride_range.hpp"
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "vector_traits.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/stream.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/span.hpp"
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl;
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device;
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace kernels {
namespace raw {
template <class T, std::size_t N>
__global__ void fill_vec(Span<T> output, T value) {
using vector_type = get_vector_type_t<T, N>;
auto output_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
for (auto i : grid_stride_range(output.size() / vector_type::size())) {
vector_type vec;
for (int j = 0; j < vector_type::size(); j++)[j] = value;
v_store(output_vPtr[i], vec);
template <class T, std::size_t N>
void launch_vectorized_fill(const Stream& stream, Span<T> output, T value) {
CV_Assert(is_fully_aligned<T>(output, N));
auto kernel = raw::fill_vec<T, N>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, output.size() / N, 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output, value);
template <class T>
void fill(const Stream& stream, Span<T> output, T value) {
if (is_fully_aligned<T>(output, 4)) {
launch_vectorized_fill<T, 4>(stream, output, value);
} else if (is_fully_aligned<T>(output, 2)) {
launch_vectorized_fill<T, 2>(stream, output, value);
} else {
launch_vectorized_fill<T, 1>(stream, output, value);
template void fill(const Stream&, Span<__half>, __half);
template void fill(const Stream&, Span<float>, float);
}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::kernels */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "types.hpp"
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace csl { namespace device {
namespace detail {
template <int> __device__ auto getGridDim()->decltype(dim3::x);
template <> inline __device__ auto getGridDim<0>()->decltype(dim3::x) { return gridDim.x; }
template <> inline __device__ auto getGridDim<1>()->decltype(dim3::x) { return gridDim.y; }
template <> inline __device__ auto getGridDim<2>()->decltype(dim3::x) { return gridDim.z; }
template <int> __device__ auto getBlockDim()->decltype(dim3::x);
template <> inline __device__ auto getBlockDim<0>()->decltype(dim3::x) { return blockDim.x; }
template <> inline __device__ auto getBlockDim<1>()->decltype(dim3::x) { return blockDim.y; }
template <> inline __device__ auto getBlockDim<2>()->decltype(dim3::x) { return blockDim.z; }
template <int> __device__ auto getBlockIdx()->decltype(uint3::x);
template <> inline __device__ auto getBlockIdx<0>()->decltype(uint3::x) { return blockIdx.x; }
template <> inline __device__ auto getBlockIdx<1>()->decltype(uint3::x) { return blockIdx.y; }
template <> inline __device__ auto getBlockIdx<2>()->decltype(uint3::x) { return blockIdx.z; }
template <int> __device__ auto getThreadIdx()->decltype(uint3::x);
template <> inline __device__ auto getThreadIdx<0>()->decltype(uint3::x) { return threadIdx.x; }
template <> inline __device__ auto getThreadIdx<1>()->decltype(uint3::x) { return threadIdx.y; }
template <> inline __device__ auto getThreadIdx<2>()->decltype(uint3::x) { return threadIdx.z; }
template <int dim, class index_type = device::index_type, class size_type = device::size_type>
class grid_stride_range_generic {
__device__ grid_stride_range_generic(index_type to_) : from(0), to(to_) { }
__device__ grid_stride_range_generic(index_type from_, index_type to_) : from(from_), to(to_) { }
class iterator
__device__ iterator(index_type pos_) : pos(pos_) {}
/* these iterators return the index when dereferenced; this allows us to loop
* through the indices using a range based for loop
__device__ index_type operator*() const { return pos; }
__device__ iterator& operator++() {
pos += detail::getGridDim<dim>() * static_cast<index_type>(detail::getBlockDim<dim>());
return *this;
__device__ bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const {
** 'pos' can move in large steps (see operator++)
** expansion of range for loop uses != as the loop conditioion
** => operator!= must return false if 'pos' crosses the end
return pos < other.pos;
index_type pos;
__device__ iterator begin() const {
using detail::getBlockDim;
using detail::getBlockIdx;
using detail::getThreadIdx;
return iterator(from + getBlockDim<dim>() * getBlockIdx<dim>() + getThreadIdx<dim>());
__device__ iterator end() const {
return iterator(to);
index_type from, to;
using grid_stride_range_x = grid_stride_range_generic<0>;
using grid_stride_range_y = grid_stride_range_generic<1>;
using grid_stride_range_z = grid_stride_range_generic<2>;
using grid_stride_range = grid_stride_range_x;
}}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cstddef>
#include <type_traits>
/* The performance of many kernels are highly dependent on the tensor rank. Instead of having
* one kernel which can work with the maximally ranked tensors, we make one kernel for each supported
* tensor rank. This is to ensure that the requirements of the maximally ranked tensors do not take a
* toll on the performance of the operation for low ranked tensors. Hence, many kernels take the tensor
* rank as a template parameter.
* The kernel is a template and we have different instantiations for each rank. This causes the following pattern
* to arise frequently:
* if(rank == 3)
* kernel<T, 3>();
* else if(rank == 2)
* kernel<T, 2>();
* else
* kernel<T, 1>();
* The rank is a runtime variable. To facilitate creation of such structures, we use GENERATE_KERNEL_DISPATCHER.
* This macro creates a function which selects the correct kernel instantiation at runtime.
* Example:
* // function which setups the kernel and launches it
* template <class T, std::size_t Rank>
* void launch_some_kernel(...);
* // creates the dispatcher named "some_dispatcher" which invokves the correct instantiation of "launch_some_kernel"
* GENERATE_KERNEL_DISPATCHER(some_dispatcher, launch_some_kernel);
* // internal API function
* template <class T>
* void some(...) {
* // ...
* auto rank = input.rank();
* some_dispatcher<T, MIN_RANK, MAX_RANK>(rank, ...);
* }
* name name of the dispatcher function that is generated
* func template function that requires runtime selection
* T first template parameter to `func`
* start starting rank
* end ending rank (inclusive)
* Executes func<T, selector> based on runtime `selector` argument given `selector` lies
* within the range [start, end]. If outside the range, no instantiation of `func` is executed.
#define GENERATE_KERNEL_DISPATCHER(name,func); \
template <class T, std::size_t start, std::size_t end, class... Args> static \
typename std::enable_if<start == end, void> \
::type name(int selector, Args&& ...args) { \
if(selector == start) \
func<T, start>(std::forward<Args>(args)...); \
} \
template <class T, std::size_t start, std::size_t end, class... Args> static \
typename std::enable_if<start != end, void> \
::type name(int selector, Args&& ...args) { \
if(selector == start) \
func<T, start>(std::forward<Args>(args)...); \
else \
name<T, start + 1, end, Args...>(selector, std::forward<Args>(args)...); \
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include <cfloat>
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace csl { namespace device {
template <class T>
struct numeric_limits;
template <>
struct numeric_limits<__half> {
__device__ static __half min() { return 0.0000610; }
__device__ static __half max() { return 65504.0; }
__device__ static __half lowest() { return -65504.0; }
template <>
struct numeric_limits<float> {
__device__ static float min() { return FLT_MIN; }
__device__ static float max() { return FLT_MAX; }
__device__ static float lowest() { return -FLT_MAX; }
}}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace csl { namespace device {
template <class T> __device__ T abs(T val) { return (val < T(0) ? -val : val); }
template <> inline __device__ __half2 abs(__half2 val) {
val.x = abs(val.x);
val.y = abs(val.y);
return val;
template <> inline __device__ float abs(float val) { return fabsf(val); }
template <> inline __device__ double abs(double val) { return fabs(val); }
template <class T> __device__ T exp(T val);
template <> inline __device__ __half exp(__half val) { return hexp(val); }
template <> inline __device__ __half2 exp(__half2 val) { return h2exp(val); }
template <> inline __device__ float exp(float val) { return expf(val); }
template <> inline __device__ double exp(double val) { return ::exp(val); }
template <class T> __device__ T expm1(T val);
template <> inline __device__ __half expm1(__half val) { return hexp(val) + __half(1); }
template <> inline __device__ __half2 expm1(__half2 val) { return h2exp(val) + __half2(1, 1); }
template <> inline __device__ float expm1(float val) { return expm1f(val); }
template <> inline __device__ double expm1(double val) { return ::expm1(val); }
template <class T> __device__ T max(T x, T y) { return (x > y ? x : y); }
template <> inline __device__ __half2 max(__half2 a, __half2 b) {
a.x = max(a.x, a.x);
a.y = max(a.y, b.y);
return a;
template <> inline __device__ float max(float x, float y) { return fmaxf(x, y); }
template <> inline __device__ double max(double x, double y) { return fmax(x, y); }
template <class T> __device__ T min(T x, T y) { return (x > y ? y : x); }
template <> inline __device__ __half2 min(__half2 a, __half2 b) {
a.x = min(a.x, a.x);
a.y = min(a.y, b.y);
return a;
template <> inline __device__ float min(float x, float y) { return fminf(x, y); }
template <> inline __device__ double min(double x, double y) { return fmin(x, y); }
template <class T> __device__ T log1p(T val);
template <> inline __device__ __half log1p(__half val) { return hlog(val) + __half(1); }
template <> inline __device__ __half2 log1p(__half2 val) { return h2log(val) + __half2(1, 1); }
template <> inline __device__ float log1p(float val) { return log1pf(val); }
template <class T> __device__ T log1pexp(T val);
template <> inline __device__ __half log1pexp(__half val) {
if (val <= __half(-4.0))
return exp(val);
else if (val <= __half(8.0))
return log1p(exp(val));
else if (val <= __half(8.7))
return val + exp(-val);
return val;
template <> inline __device__ __half2 log1pexp(__half2 val) {
val.x = log1pexp(val.x);
val.y = log1pexp(val.y);
return val;
template <> inline __device__ float log1pexp(float val) {
if (val <= -20)
return expf(val);
else if (val <= 9.0)
return log1pf(expf(val));
else if (val <= 14.6)
return val + exp(-val);
return val;
template <> inline __device__ double log1pexp(double val) {
if (val <= -37)
return exp(val);
else if (val <= 18)
return log1p(exp(val));
else if (val <= 33.3)
return val + exp(-val);
return val;
template <class T> __device__ T tanh(T val);
template <> inline __device__ __half tanh(__half val) { return tanhf(val); }
template <> inline __device__ __half2 tanh(__half2 val) { return __half2(tanh(val.x), tanh(val.y)); }
template <> inline __device__ float tanh(float val) { return tanhf(val); }
template <> inline __device__ double tanh(double val) { return ::tanh(val); }
template <class T> __device__ T pow(T val, T exp);
template <> inline __device__ __half pow(__half val, __half exp) { return powf(val, exp); }
template <> inline __device__ __half2 pow(__half2 val, __half2 exp) { return __half2(pow(val.x, exp.x), pow(val.y, exp.y)); }
template <> inline __device__ float pow(float val, float exp) { return powf(val, exp); }
template <> inline __device__ double pow(double val, double exp) { return ::pow(val, exp); }
template <class T> __device__ T sqrt(T val);
template <> inline __device__ __half sqrt(__half val) { return hsqrt(val); }
template <> inline __device__ __half2 sqrt(__half2 val) { return h2sqrt(val); }
template <> inline __device__ float sqrt(float val) { return sqrtf(val); }
template <> inline __device__ double sqrt(double val) { return ::sqrt(val); }
template <class T> __device__ T rsqrt(T val);
template <> inline __device__ __half rsqrt(__half val) { return hrsqrt(val); }
template <> inline __device__ __half2 rsqrt(__half2 val) { return h2rsqrt(val); }
template <> inline __device__ float rsqrt(float val) { return rsqrtf(val); }
template <> inline __device__ double rsqrt(double val) { return ::rsqrt(val); }
template <class T> __device__ T sigmoid(T val) { return T(1) / (T(1) + exp(-val)); }
template <> inline __device__ __half2 sigmoid(__half2 val) { return __half2(1, 1) / (__half2(1, 1) + exp(__hneg2(val))); }
template <class T> __device__ T clamp(T value, T lower, T upper) { return min(max(value, lower), upper); }
}}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device */
This diff is collapsed.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include "array.hpp"
#include "math.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include "atomics.hpp"
#include "grid_stride_range.hpp"
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/stream.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/span.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/kernels/fill.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/kernels/scale_shift.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl;
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device;
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace kernels {
namespace raw {
template <class T>
__global__ void reduce_sum_abs(Span<T> output, View<T> input, size_type outer_stride, size_type mid_stride) {
for (auto idx : grid_stride_range(input.size())) {
const index_type outer_idx = idx / outer_stride;
const index_type inner_idx = idx % mid_stride;
const index_type sum_idx = outer_idx * mid_stride + inner_idx;
atomicAdd(&output[sum_idx], device::abs(input[idx]));
template <class T>
__global__ void reciprocal(Span<T> output, T epsilon) {
for (auto idx : grid_stride_range(output.size()))
output[idx] = T(1) / (output[idx] + epsilon);
template <class T>
__global__ void reduce_sum_squared(Span<T> output, View<T> input, size_type outer_stride, size_type mid_stride) {
for (auto idx : grid_stride_range(input.size())) {
const index_type outer_idx = idx / outer_stride;
const index_type inner_idx = idx % mid_stride;
const index_type sum_idx = outer_idx * mid_stride + inner_idx;
atomicAdd(&output[sum_idx], input[idx] * input[idx]);
template <class T>
__global__ void rsqrt(Span<T> output, T epsilon) {
for (auto idx : grid_stride_range(output.size())) {
using device::sqrt;
output[idx] = T(1) / sqrt(output[idx] + epsilon);
template <class T>
__global__ void apply_norm(Span<T> output, View<T> input, size_type outer_stride, size_type mid_stride, View<T> sums) {
for (auto idx : grid_stride_range(output.size())) {
const index_type outer_idx = idx / outer_stride;
const index_type inner_idx = idx % mid_stride;
const index_type sum_idx = outer_idx * mid_stride + inner_idx;
output[idx] = input[idx] * sums[sum_idx];
template <class T>
void normalize(
const Stream& stream,
Span<T> output,
View<T> input, std::size_t outer_size, std::size_t mid_size, std::size_t inner_size, std::size_t norm, T epsilon,
Span<T> workspace)
CV_Assert(output.size() == input.size());
CV_Assert(output.size() == outer_size * mid_size * inner_size);
CV_Assert(norm == 1 || norm == 2);
CV_Assert(workspace.size() >= outer_size * inner_size);
auto sums = Span<T>(, outer_size * inner_size);
fill<T>(stream, sums, 0.0);
if (norm == 1) {
auto reduce_kernel = raw::reduce_sum_abs<T>;
auto policy = make_policy(reduce_kernel, input.size(), 0, stream);
launch_kernel(reduce_kernel, policy, sums, input, mid_size * inner_size, inner_size);
auto reciprocal_kernel = raw::reciprocal<T>;
policy = make_policy(reciprocal_kernel, sums.size(), 0, stream);
launch_kernel(reciprocal_kernel, policy, sums, epsilon);
} else {
auto reduce_kernel = raw::reduce_sum_squared<T>;
auto policy = make_policy(reduce_kernel, input.size(), 0, stream);
launch_kernel(reduce_kernel, policy, sums, input, mid_size * inner_size, inner_size);
auto rsqrt_kernel = raw::rsqrt<T>;
policy = make_policy(rsqrt_kernel, sums.size(), 0, stream);
launch_kernel(rsqrt_kernel, policy, sums, epsilon);
auto scale_kernel = raw::apply_norm<T>;
auto policy = make_policy(scale_kernel, output.size(), 0, stream);
launch_kernel(scale_kernel, policy, output, input, mid_size * inner_size, inner_size, sums);
template void normalize(const Stream&, Span<__half>, View<__half>, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, __half, Span<__half>);
template void normalize(const Stream&, Span<float>, View<float>, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, float, Span<float>);
}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::kernels */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include "array.hpp"
#include "math.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include "grid_stride_range.hpp"
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "kernel_dispatcher.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/stream.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/tensor.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/span.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl;
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device;
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace kernels {
namespace raw {
template <class T, std::size_t Rank>
__global__ void copy_with_reflection101(
Span<T> output, array<size_type, Rank> out_strides, array<index_type, Rank> start, array<index_type, Rank> end,
View<T> input, array<size_type, Rank> in_strides)
for (auto i : grid_stride_range(output.size())) {
/* compute output axis indices corresponding to element 'i' */
array<index_type, Rank> out_index;
out_index[0] = i / out_strides[0];
for (int j = 1; j < Rank; j++)
out_index[j] = (i % out_strides[j - 1]) / out_strides[j];
/* compute input axis indices corresponding to output axis indices */
array<index_type, Rank> in_index;
for (int j = 0; j < Rank; j++) {
/* if out_index < start, the point is in the left reflection region
* the reflected value's index is the absolute value of the difference
* otherwise, if the value is in the copy region, out_index - start gives the input index
using device::abs;
in_index[j] = abs(out_index[j] - start[j]);
/* if out_index >= end, it's in the right reflection region */
if (out_index[j] >= end[j])
in_index[j] = (end[j] - start[j]) - (out_index[j] - end[j]) - 2;
/* compute input element number from input axis indices */
index_type iidx = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < Rank; j++)
iidx += in_index[j] * in_strides[j];
output[i] = input[iidx];
template <class T, std::size_t Rank> static
void launch_copy_with_reflection101(
const Stream& stream,
Span<T> output, const std::vector<std::size_t>& outStride,
View<T> input, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inStride,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>>& ranges)
CV_Assert(outStride.size() == Rank);
CV_Assert(inStride.size() == Rank);
CV_Assert(ranges.size() == Rank);
array<size_type, Rank> outStride_k, inStride_k;
outStride_k.assign(std::begin(outStride), std::end(outStride));
inStride_k.assign(std::begin(inStride), std::end(inStride));
array<index_type, Rank> start_k, end_k;
for (int i = 0; i < Rank; i++) {
start_k[i] = ranges[i].first;
end_k[i] = ranges[i].second;
auto kernel = raw::copy_with_reflection101<T, Rank>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, output.size(), 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output, outStride_k, start_k, end_k, input, inStride_k);
GENERATE_KERNEL_DISPATCHER(copy_with_reflection101_dispatcher, launch_copy_with_reflection101);
template <class T>
void copy_with_reflection101(
const Stream& stream,
TensorSpan<T> output, TensorView<T> input,
std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>> ranges)
CV_Assert(output.rank() == input.rank());
CV_Assert(output.rank() == ranges.size());
/* squeezable axes at the begining of both tensors can be eliminated
* Reasoning:
* ----------
* Suppose an item's indices in the input tensor is [i1, i2, ...]. The indices in the
* output tensor will be [i1 + off1, i2 + off2, ...]. The rest of the elements in the output are padding.
* The padding operation essentially copies items from the input tensor to new locations in the output tensor
* and pads the remaining.
* If the size of the first axis of the input and output tensor is unity, the input and output indices
* for all the elements will be of the form be [0, i2, ...] and [0, i2 + off2, ...] respectively. Note that
* there cannot be extra padding since the axes have unit size. The first index does not contribute to the
* element's address calculation and hence does nothing apart from eating up few cycles.
while (input.get_axis_size(0) == 1 && output.get_axis_size(0) == 1) {
CV_Assert(ranges[0].first == 0 && ranges[0].second == 1);
CV_Assert(output.rank() == input.rank());
CV_Assert(output.rank() == ranges.size());
auto inShape = input.shape_as_vector();
auto outShape = output.shape_as_vector();
/* contiguous axes which do not have any padding can be combined into one axis
* Reasoning:
* ----------
* Suppose an item's indices in the input tensor is [i1, i2, i3, ...]. Let the first two axes not have any
* padding. The indices in the output tensor will be [i1, i2, i3 + off3, ...].
* Each axis in the contiguous unpadded axes sequence will add an offset of iN * strideN. In the above example,
* the two axes add a total offset of `i1 * stride1 + i2 * stride2`. We can merge the two axes into one axis with
* a size of `size1 * size2`. The new offset added will be `i12 * stride2` as the kernel iterates through `i12`.
* Note that `i12` is actually `(i1 * size2 + i2)` in the original tensor.
for (int i = 0; i < inShape.size(); i++) {
/* check if axis `i` requires any padding */
if (ranges[i].first == 0 && ranges[i].second == inShape[i]) {
/* loop invariant: `i` is the first axis in the contiguous unpadded axis sequence */
CV_Assert(inShape[i] == outShape[i]);
/* we now iterate through the axes which follow and try to merge */
int j = i + 1; /* `j` is the axis which we will attempt to merge */
while (j < inShape.size() && ranges[j].first == 0 && ranges[j].second == inShape[j]) {
CV_Assert(inShape[j] == outShape[j]);
/* `j` is also unpadded; merge `i` and `j` */
auto new_size = inShape[i] * inShape[j];
inShape[i] = new_size;
outShape[i] = new_size;
ranges[i].second = new_size;
/* delete axis `j` */
inShape.erase(std::begin(inShape) + j);
outShape.erase(std::begin(outShape) + j);
ranges.erase(std::begin(ranges) + j);
/* optimizations should not break the invariants */
CV_Assert(inShape.size() == outShape.size());
CV_Assert(inShape.size() == ranges.size());
CV_Assert(inShape[i] == outShape[i]);
CV_Assert(ranges[i].first == 0 && ranges[i].second == inShape[i]);
auto rank = inShape.size();
std::vector<std::size_t> inStride(rank), outStride(rank);
inStride.back() = 1;
outStride.back() = 1;
/* garbage, ..., garbage, 1 */
std::copy(std::begin(inShape) + 1, std::end(inShape), std::begin(inStride));
std::copy(std::begin(outShape) + 1, std::end(outShape), std::begin(outStride));
/* dim[0], dim[1], ..., dim[-1], 1 */
std::partial_sum(inStride.rbegin(), inStride.rend(), inStride.rbegin(), std::multiplies<int>());
std::partial_sum(outStride.rbegin(), outStride.rend(), outStride.rbegin(), std::multiplies<int>());
/* stride[0], stride[1], ..., stride[-2], 1 */
CV_Assert(1 <= rank && rank <= CSL_MAX_TENSOR_RANK);
copy_with_reflection101_dispatcher<T, 1, CSL_MAX_TENSOR_RANK>(rank, stream, output, outStride, input, inStride, ranges);
template void copy_with_reflection101(const Stream&, TensorSpan<__half>, TensorView<__half>, std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>> ranges);
template void copy_with_reflection101(const Stream&, TensorSpan<float>, TensorView<float>, std::vector<std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t>> ranges);
}}}} /* namespace namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::kernels */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include "array.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include "grid_stride_range.hpp"
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "kernel_dispatcher.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/stream.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/tensor.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/span.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl;
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device;
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace kernels {
namespace raw {
template <class T, std::size_t Rank>
__global__ void permute(
array<index_type, Rank> axis_order,
Span<T> output, array<size_type, Rank> outStrides,
View<T> input, array<size_type, Rank> inStrides)
for (auto i : grid_stride_range(input.size())) {
index_type oldPosition = 0;
index_type newPosition = i;
for (int j = 0; j < Rank; j++)
auto order = axis_order[j];
oldPosition += (newPosition / outStrides[j]) * inStrides[order];
newPosition %= outStrides[j];
output[i] = input[oldPosition];
template <class T, std::size_t Rank> static
void launch_permute_kernel(
const Stream& stream,
const std::vector<std::size_t>& order,
Span<T> output, const std::vector<std::size_t>& outStride,
View<T> input, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inStride)
CV_Assert(order.size() == Rank);
CV_Assert(outStride.size() == Rank);
CV_Assert(inStride.size() == Rank);
array<index_type, Rank> order_k;
order_k.assign(std::begin(order), std::end(order));
array<size_type, Rank> outStride_k, inStride_k;
outStride_k.assign(std::begin(outStride), std::end(outStride));
inStride_k.assign(std::begin(inStride), std::end(inStride));
auto kernel = raw::permute<T, Rank>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, input.size(), 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, order_k, output, outStride_k, input, inStride_k);
GENERATE_KERNEL_DISPATCHER(permute_dispatcher, launch_permute_kernel);
template <class T>
void permute(
const Stream& stream,
TensorSpan<T> output, TensorView<T> input,
std::vector<std::size_t> order)
CV_Assert(output.rank() == input.rank());
CV_Assert(input.rank() == order.size());
CV_Assert(input.size() == output.size());
/* squeezable axes at the begining of both tensors which aren't permuted can be eliminated
* Reasoning:
* ----------
* Suppose an item's indices in the input tensor is [i1, i2, ...]. The indices in the
* output tensor will be some permutation of the input tensor indices. Let the output
* tensor indices be [o1, o2, ...]. The permutation operation essentially copies items
* from the input tensor to new locations in the output tensor as dictated by the indices.
* If the size of the first axis of the input and output tensor is one and these axes are
* not involved in any permutation, i.e. order[0] = 0, the input and output indicies for
* all the elements will be of the form be [0, i2, ...] and [0, o2, ...] respectively.
* The first index does not contribute to the element's address calculation and hence does
* nothing apart from eating up few cycles.
while (order[0] == 0 && input.get_axis_size(0) == 1 && output.get_axis_size(0) == 1) {
/* remove the axes */
/* when we remove axis zero, the axis index will be one less than the previous index
* for the remaining axes
for (auto& axis : order)
/* optimizations should not break the invariants */
CV_Assert(output.rank() == input.rank());
CV_Assert(input.rank() == order.size());
CV_Assert(input.size() == output.size());
auto rank = output.rank();
auto inShape = input.shape_as_vector();
auto outShape = output.shape_as_vector();
std::vector<std::size_t> inStride(rank), outStride(rank);
inStride.back() = 1;
outStride.back() = 1;
/* garbage, ..., garbage, 1 */
std::copy(std::begin(inShape) + 1, std::end(inShape), std::begin(inStride));
std::copy(std::begin(outShape) + 1, std::end(outShape), std::begin(outStride));
/* dim[0], dim[1], ..., dim[-1], 1 */
std::partial_sum(inStride.rbegin(), inStride.rend(), inStride.rbegin(), std::multiplies<std::size_t>());
std::partial_sum(outStride.rbegin(), outStride.rend(), outStride.rbegin(), std::multiplies<std::size_t>());
/* stride[0], stride[1], ..., stride[-2], 1 */
CV_Assert(2 <= rank && rank <= CSL_MAX_TENSOR_RANK);
permute_dispatcher<T, 2, CSL_MAX_TENSOR_RANK>(rank, stream, order, output, outStride, input, inStride);
template void permute(const Stream&, TensorSpan<__half>, TensorView<__half>, std::vector<std::size_t>);
template void permute(const Stream&, TensorSpan<float>, TensorView<float>, std::vector<std::size_t>);
}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::kernels */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include "array.hpp"
#include "math.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include "vector_traits.hpp"
#include "grid_stride_range.hpp"
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/stream.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/span.hpp"
#include <cstddef>
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl;
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device;
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace kernels {
namespace raw {
template <class T, bool Normalize>
__global__ void prior_box(
Span<T> output,
View<float> boxWidth, View<float> boxHeight, View<float> offsetX, View<float> offsetY, float stepX, float stepY,
size_type layerWidth, size_type layerHeight,
size_type imageWidth, size_type imageHeight)
/* each box consists of two pair of coordinates and hence 4 values in total */
/* since the entire output consists (first channel at least) of these boxes,
* we are garunteeed that the output is aligned to a boundary of 4 values
using vector_type = get_vector_type_t<T, 4>;
auto output_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
/* num_points contains the number of points in the feature map of interest
* each iteration of the stride loop selects a point and generates prior boxes for it
size_type num_points = layerWidth * layerHeight;
for (auto idx : grid_stride_range(num_points)) {
const index_type x = idx % layerWidth,
y = idx / layerWidth;
index_type output_offset_v4 = idx * offsetX.size() * boxWidth.size();
for (int i = 0; i < boxWidth.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < offsetX.size(); j++) {
float center_x = (x + offsetX[j]) * stepX;
float center_y = (y + offsetY[j]) * stepY;
vector_type vec;
if(Normalize) {[0] = (center_x - boxWidth[i] * 0.5f) / imageWidth;[1] = (center_y - boxHeight[i] * 0.5f) / imageHeight;[2] = (center_x + boxWidth[i] * 0.5f) / imageWidth;[3] = (center_y + boxHeight[i] * 0.5f) / imageHeight;
} else {[0] = center_x - boxWidth[i] * 0.5f;[1] = center_y - boxHeight[i] * 0.5f;[2] = center_x + boxWidth[i] * 0.5f - 1.0f;[3] = center_y + boxHeight[i] * 0.5f - 1.0f;
v_store(output_vPtr[output_offset_v4], vec);
template <class T>
__global__ void prior_box_clip(Span<T> output) {
for (auto i : grid_stride_range(output.size())) {
using device::clamp;
output[i] = clamp<T>(output[i], 0.0, 1.0);
template <class T>
__global__ void prior_box_set_variance1(Span<T> output, float variance) {
using vector_type = get_vector_type_t<T, 4>;
auto output_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
for (auto i : grid_stride_range(output.size() / 4)) {
vector_type vec;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)[j] = variance;
v_store(output_vPtr[i], vec);
template <class T>
__global__ void prior_box_set_variance4(Span<T> output, array<float, 4> variance) {
using vector_type = get_vector_type_t<T, 4>;
auto output_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer(;
for (auto i : grid_stride_range(output.size() / 4)) {
vector_type vec;
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)[j] = variance[j];
v_store(output_vPtr[i], vec);
template <class T, bool Normalize> static
void launch_prior_box_kernel(
const Stream& stream,
Span<T> output, View<float> boxWidth, View<float> boxHeight, View<float> offsetX, View<float> offsetY, float stepX, float stepY,
std::size_t layerWidth, std::size_t layerHeight, std::size_t imageWidth, std::size_t imageHeight)
auto num_points = layerWidth * layerHeight;
auto kernel = raw::prior_box<T, Normalize>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, num_points, 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy,
output, boxWidth, boxHeight, offsetX, offsetY, stepX, stepY,
layerWidth, layerHeight, imageWidth, imageHeight);
template <class T>
void generate_prior_boxes(
const Stream& stream,
Span<T> output,
View<float> boxWidth, View<float> boxHeight, View<float> offsetX, View<float> offsetY, float stepX, float stepY,
std::vector<float> variance,
std::size_t numPriors,
std::size_t layerWidth, std::size_t layerHeight,
std::size_t imageWidth, std::size_t imageHeight,
bool normalize, bool clip)
if (normalize) {
launch_prior_box_kernel<T, true>(
stream, output, boxWidth, boxHeight, offsetX, offsetY, stepX, stepY,
layerWidth, layerHeight, imageWidth, imageHeight
} else {
launch_prior_box_kernel<T, false>(
stream, output, boxWidth, boxHeight, offsetX, offsetY, stepX, stepY,
layerWidth, layerHeight, imageWidth, imageHeight
std::size_t channel_size = layerHeight * layerWidth * numPriors * 4;
CV_Assert(channel_size * 2 == output.size());
if (clip) {
auto output_span_c1 = Span<T>(, channel_size);
auto kernel = raw::prior_box_clip<T>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, output_span_c1.size(), 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output_span_c1);
auto output_span_c2 = Span<T>( + channel_size, channel_size);
if (variance.size() == 1) {
auto kernel = raw::prior_box_set_variance1<T>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, output_span_c2.size() / 4, 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output_span_c2, variance[0]);
} else {
array<float, 4> variance_k;
variance_k.assign(std::begin(variance), std::end(variance));
auto kernel = raw::prior_box_set_variance4<T>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, output_span_c2.size() / 4, 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output_span_c2, variance_k);
template void generate_prior_boxes(const Stream&, Span<__half>, View<float>, View<float>, View<float>, View<float>, float, float,
std::vector<float>, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, bool, bool);
template void generate_prior_boxes(const Stream&, Span<float>, View<float>, View<float>, View<float>, View<float>, float, float,
std::vector<float>, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, bool, bool);
}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::kernels */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include "math.hpp"
#include "grid_stride_range.hpp"
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "limits.hpp"
#include "vector_traits.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/stream.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/span.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl;
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device;
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace kernels {
namespace raw {
template <class T>
__global__ void sigmoid_strided(Span<T> output, View<T> input, size_type n, size_type stride, size_type offset) {
/* - the input is divided into equal blocks strided by `stride`
* - we must apply sigmoid to a continuous range of `n` values starting from `offset` in every block
for (auto i : grid_stride_range(n * output.size() / stride)) {
auto block_idx = i / n;
auto index = block_idx * stride + offset + (i % n);
using device::sigmoid;
output[index] = sigmoid(input[index]);
template <class T>
__global__ void softmax_strided(Span<T> output, View<T> input, size_type n, size_type stride, size_type offset_) {
for (auto idx : grid_stride_range(output.size() / stride)) {
index_type offset = idx * stride + offset_;
auto largest = numeric_limits<T>::lowest();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
using device::max;
largest = max(largest, output[offset + i]);
auto sum = T(0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
using device::exp;
auto temp = exp(output[offset + i] - largest);
sum += temp;
output[offset + i] = temp;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
output[offset + i] /= sum;
template <class T>
__global__ void region_finalize(Span<T> output, View<T> input, View<T> bias,
T object_prob_cutoff, T class_prob_cutoff,
size_type height_norm, size_type width_norm,
size_type rows, size_type cols,
size_type boxes_per_cell,
size_type box_size,
size_type classes)
for (auto box_index : grid_stride_range(output.size() / box_size)) {
auto box_of_the_cell = box_index % boxes_per_cell; /* box number within a cell */
auto box_offset = box_index * box_size;
auto batch_inner_size = rows * cols * boxes_per_cell;
auto row_inner_size = cols * boxes_per_cell;
auto col_inner_size = boxes_per_cell;
auto y = (box_index % batch_inner_size) / row_inner_size;
auto x = (box_index % row_inner_size) / col_inner_size;
using device::sigmoid;
using device::exp;
output[box_offset + 0] = (T(x) + sigmoid(input[box_offset + 0])) / T(cols);
output[box_offset + 1] = (T(y) + sigmoid(input[box_offset + 1])) / T(rows);
output[box_offset + 2] = exp(input[box_offset + 2]) * bias[2 * box_of_the_cell + 0] / T(width_norm);
output[box_offset + 3] = exp(input[box_offset + 3]) * bias[2 * box_of_the_cell + 1] / T(height_norm);
/* squash objectness score into a probability */
using device::sigmoid;
T objectness_prob = sigmoid(output[box_offset + 4]);
output[box_offset + 4] = objectness_prob;
/* ignore prediction if the objectness probability is less than the cutoff */
if (objectness_prob < object_prob_cutoff)
objectness_prob = 0;
/* the class probabilities we have currently are conditional class probabilities
* given the object
* to obtain the actual class probability, we multiply the conditional probability
* with the object probability
const index_type class_begin = box_offset + 5; /* 4 box coordinates, 1 obj prob, class probs... */
const index_type class_end = class_begin + classes;
index_type offset = class_begin;
using vector_type = get_vector_type_t<T, 4>;
/* process each class independently until the offset is aligned to an n-element boundary */
while (offset % vector_type::size() != 0 && offset < class_end) {
T actual_class_prob = objectness_prob * output[offset];
if (actual_class_prob <= class_prob_cutoff)
actual_class_prob = T(0);
output[offset] = actual_class_prob;
auto output_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer( + offset);
auto input_vPtr = vector_type::get_pointer( + offset);
for (int i = 0; (offset + vector_type::size()) < class_end; i++) {
vector_type vec;
v_load(vec, output_vPtr[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < vector_type::size(); j++) {
T actual_class_prob = objectness_prob *[j];
if (actual_class_prob <= class_prob_cutoff)
actual_class_prob = T(0);[j] = actual_class_prob;
v_store(output_vPtr[i], vec);
offset += vector_type::size();
/* process the remaining classes */
while (offset < class_end) {
T actual_class_prob = objectness_prob * output[offset];
if (actual_class_prob <= class_prob_cutoff)
actual_class_prob = T(0);
output[offset] = actual_class_prob;
template <class T>
void sigmoid_strided(const Stream& stream, Span<T> output, View<T> input, std::size_t n, std::size_t stride, std::size_t offset) {
CV_Assert(output.size() % stride == 0);
auto kernel = raw::sigmoid_strided<T>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, n * output.size() / stride, 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output, input, n, stride, offset);
template void sigmoid_strided(const Stream&, Span<__half>, View<__half>, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t);
template void sigmoid_strided(const Stream&, Span<float>, View<float>, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t);
template <class T>
void softmax_strided(const Stream& stream, Span<T> output, View<T> input, std::size_t n, std::size_t stride, std::size_t offset) {
CV_Assert(output.size() % stride == 0);
auto kernel = raw::softmax_strided<T>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, output.size() / stride, 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output, input, n, stride, offset);
template void softmax_strided(const Stream&, Span<__half>, View<__half>, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t);
template void softmax_strided(const Stream&, Span<float>, View<float>, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t);
template <class T>
void region_finalize(const Stream& stream, Span<T> output, View<T> input, View<T> bias,
T object_prob_cutoff, T class_prob_cutoff,
std::size_t height_norm, std::size_t width_norm,
std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols,
std::size_t boxes_per_cell,
std::size_t box_size,
std::size_t classes)
CV_Assert(output.size() % box_size == 0);
auto kernel = raw::region_finalize<T>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, output.size() / box_size, 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output, input, bias,
object_prob_cutoff, class_prob_cutoff,
height_norm, width_norm,
rows, cols, boxes_per_cell, box_size, classes);
template void region_finalize(const Stream&, Span<__half>, View<__half>, View<__half>,
__half, __half, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t);
template void region_finalize(const Stream&, Span<float>, View<float>, View<float>,
float, float, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t, std::size_t);
}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::kernels */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include "math.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include "grid_stride_range.hpp"
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/stream.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/tensor.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/span.hpp"
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl;
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device;
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace kernels {
namespace raw {
template <class T>
__global__ void resize_nn(
Span<T> output, size_type out_height, size_type out_width,
View<T> input, size_type in_height, size_type in_width)
auto in_image_size = in_height * in_width;
auto out_image_size = out_height * out_width;
/* o2i = output to input */
auto o2i_fx = static_cast<float>(in_width) / out_width;
auto o2i_fy = static_cast<float>(in_height) / out_height;
/* think of the output and input as a collection of 2d images with the last axis
* representing the width and the last but one axis representing the height
* the remaining axis together form a collection of these images
for (auto idx : grid_stride_range(output.size())) {
const index_type n = idx / out_image_size;
const index_type x = (idx % out_image_size) % out_width;
const index_type y = (idx % out_image_size) / out_width;
auto in_x = static_cast<index_type>(x * o2i_fx);
auto in_y = static_cast<index_type>(y * o2i_fy);
index_type in_idx = n * in_image_size + in_y * in_width + in_x;
output[idx] = input[in_idx];
template <class T>
__global__ void resize_bilinear(
Span<T> output, size_type out_height, size_type out_width,
View<T> input, size_type in_height, size_type in_width,
float o2i_fy, float o2i_fx)
auto in_image_size = in_height * in_width;
auto out_image_size = out_height * out_width;
/* think of the output and input as a collection of 2d images with the last axis
* representing the width and the last but one axis representing the height
* the remaining axis together form a collection of these images
for (auto idx : grid_stride_range(output.size())) {
const index_type n = idx / out_image_size;
const index_type x = (idx % out_image_size) % out_width;
const index_type y = (idx % out_image_size) / out_width;
auto in_x = x * o2i_fx;
auto in_y = y * o2i_fy;
auto in_x0 = static_cast<index_type>(in_x);
auto in_y0 = static_cast<index_type>(in_y);
using device::min;
auto in_x1 = min<index_type>(in_x0 + 1, in_width - 1);
auto in_y1 = min<index_type>(in_y0 + 1, in_height - 1);
const index_type in_offset_r0 = n * in_image_size + in_y0 * in_width;
const index_type in_offset_r1 = n * in_image_size + in_y1 * in_width;
auto v_00 = input[in_offset_r0 + in_x0],
v_01 = input[in_offset_r0 + in_x1],
v_10 = input[in_offset_r1 + in_x0],
v_11 = input[in_offset_r1 + in_x1];
output[idx] =
v_00 +
T(in_y - in_y0) * T(v_10 - v_00) +
T(in_x - in_x0) * T(v_01 - v_00) +
T(in_y - in_y0) * T(in_x - in_x0) * T(v_11 - v_01 - v_10 + v_00);
template <class T>
void resize_nn(const Stream& stream, TensorSpan<T> output, TensorView<T> input) {
auto in_height = input.get_axis_size(-2);
auto in_width = input.get_axis_size(-1);
auto out_height = output.get_axis_size(-2);
auto out_width = output.get_axis_size(-1);
auto kernel = raw::resize_nn<T>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, output.size(), 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output, out_height, out_width, input, in_height, in_width);
template void resize_nn<__half>(const Stream&, TensorSpan<__half>, TensorView<__half>);
template void resize_nn<float>(const Stream&, TensorSpan<float>, TensorView<float>);
template <class T>
void resize_bilinear(const Stream& stream, TensorSpan<T> output, TensorView<T> input, float scale_y, float scale_x) {
auto in_height = input.get_axis_size(-2);
auto in_width = input.get_axis_size(-1);
auto out_height = output.get_axis_size(-2);
auto out_width = output.get_axis_size(-1);
auto kernel = raw::resize_bilinear<T>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, output.size(), 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output, out_height, out_width, input, in_height, in_width, scale_y, scale_x);
template void resize_bilinear<__half>(const Stream&, TensorSpan<__half>, TensorView<__half>, float, float);
template void resize_bilinear<float>(const Stream&, TensorSpan<float>, TensorView<float>, float, float);
}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::kernels */
This diff is collapsed.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda_fp16.h>
#include "array.hpp"
#include "types.hpp"
#include "grid_stride_range.hpp"
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "kernel_dispatcher.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/stream.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/tensor.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/span.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl;
using namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device;
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace kernels {
namespace raw {
template <class T, std::size_t Rank>
__global__ void slice(
Span<T> output, array<size_type, Rank> out_strides,
View<T> input, array<size_type, Rank> in_strides, array<index_type, Rank> in_offset)
for (auto i : grid_stride_range(output.size())) {
index_type out_index = i / out_strides[0];
index_type in_index = in_offset[0] + out_index;
index_type iidx = in_index * in_strides[0];
for (int j = 1; j < Rank; j++) {
out_index = (i % out_strides[j - 1]) / out_strides[j];
in_index = in_offset[j] + out_index;
iidx += in_index * in_strides[j];
output[i] = input[iidx];
template <class T, std::size_t Rank> static
void launch_slice(
const Stream& stream,
Span<T> output, const std::vector<std::size_t>& outStride,
View<T> input, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inStride, const std::vector<std::size_t>& inOffset)
CV_Assert(outStride.size() == Rank);
CV_Assert(inStride.size() == Rank);
CV_Assert(inOffset.size() == Rank);
array<size_type, Rank> outStride_k, inStride_k;
outStride_k.assign(std::begin(outStride), std::end(outStride));
inStride_k.assign(std::begin(inStride), std::end(inStride));
array<index_type, Rank> inOffset_k;
inOffset_k.assign(std::begin(inOffset), std::end(inOffset));
auto kernel = raw::slice<T, Rank>;
auto policy = make_policy(kernel, output.size(), 0, stream);
launch_kernel(kernel, policy, output, outStride_k, input, inStride_k, inOffset_k);
GENERATE_KERNEL_DISPATCHER(slice_dispatcher, launch_slice);
template <class T>
void slice(const Stream& stream,
TensorSpan<T> output, TensorView<T> input,
std::vector<std::size_t> offsets)
CV_Assert(output.rank() == input.rank());
CV_Assert(output.rank() == offsets.size());
/* squeezable axes at the begining of both tensors can be eliminated
* Reasoning:
* ----------
* Suppose an item's indices in the output tensor is [o1, o2, ...]. The indices in the input
* tensor will be [o1 + off1, o2 + off2, ...]. The rest of the elements in the input are igored.
* If the size of the first axis of the input and output tensor is unity, the input and output indices
* for all the elements will be of the form be [0, o2 + off2, ...] and [0, o2, ...] respectively. Note that
* there cannot be any ignored items since the axes have unit size. The first index does not contribute to the
* element's address calculation and hence does nothing apart from eating up few cycles.
while (input.get_axis_size(0) == 1 && output.get_axis_size(0) == 1) {
CV_Assert(offsets[0] == 0);
CV_Assert(output.rank() == input.rank());
CV_Assert(output.rank() == offsets.size());
auto inShape = input.shape_as_vector();
auto outShape = output.shape_as_vector();
/* contiguous axes which do not undergo slicing can be combined into one axis
* Reasoning:
* ----------
* Suppose an item's indices in the output tensor is [o1, o2, o3, ...]. Let the first two axes not undergo any
* slicing. The indices in the input tensor will be [o1, o2, o3 + off3, ...].
* Each axis in the contiguous unsliced axes sequence will add an offset of iN * strideN. In the above example,
* the two axes add a total offset of `o1 * stride1 + o2 * stride2`. We can merge the two axes into one axis with
* a size of `size1 * size2`. The new offset added will be o12 * stride2` as the kernel iterates through `o12`.
* Note that `o12` is actually `(o1 * size2 + o2)` in the original tensor.
for (int i = 0; i < inShape.size(); i++) {
/* check if axis `i` requires any slicing */
if (offsets[i] == 0 && inShape[i] == outShape[i]) {
/* loop invariant: `i` is the first axis in the contiguous unsliced axis sequence */
int j = i + 1; /* `j` is the axis which we will attempt to merge */
while (j < inShape.size() && offsets[j] == 0 && inShape[j] == outShape[j]) {
/* `j` axis is also unsliced; merge `i` and `j` */
auto new_size = inShape[i] * inShape[j];
inShape[i] = new_size;
outShape[i] = new_size;
offsets[i] = 0; /* redundant */
/* delete axis `j` */
inShape.erase(std::begin(inShape) + j);
outShape.erase(std::begin(outShape) + j);
offsets.erase(std::begin(offsets) + j);
/* optimizations should not break the invariants */
CV_Assert(inShape.size() == outShape.size());
CV_Assert(inShape.size() == offsets.size());
CV_Assert(inShape[i] == outShape[i]);
CV_Assert(offsets[i] == 0);
auto rank = inShape.size();
std::vector<std::size_t> inStride(rank), outStride(rank);
inStride.back() = 1;
outStride.back() = 1;
/* garbage, ..., garbage, 1 */
std::copy(std::begin(inShape) + 1, std::end(inShape), std::begin(inStride));
std::copy(std::begin(outShape) + 1, std::end(outShape), std::begin(outStride));
/* dim[0], dim[1], ..., dim[-1], 1 */
std::partial_sum(inStride.rbegin(), inStride.rend(), inStride.rbegin(), std::multiplies<std::size_t>());
std::partial_sum(outStride.rbegin(), outStride.rend(), outStride.rbegin(), std::multiplies<std::size_t>());
/* stride[0], stride[1], ..., stride[-2], 1 */
CV_Assert(1 <= rank && rank <= CSL_MAX_TENSOR_RANK);
slice_dispatcher<T, 1, CSL_MAX_TENSOR_RANK>(rank, stream, output, outStride, input, inStride, offsets);
template void slice(const Stream&, TensorSpan<__half>, TensorView<__half>, std::vector<std::size_t>);
template void slice(const Stream&, TensorSpan<float>, TensorView<float>, std::vector<std::size_t>);
}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::kernels */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cstdint>
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace csl { namespace device {
/* For indices, we can use 32bit variables or 64bit variables. The GPU registers are 32 bits in size.
* Hence, a 64bit variable requires two registers and is significantly slower than the 32bit versions.
* If we do not need to handle huge tensors, we can use 32-bit indices and get better performance.
#ifdef __CUDACC__
using size_type = int;
using index_type = int;
using size_type = std::int32_t;
using index_type = std::int32_t;
}}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include "types.hpp"
#include "../cuda4dnn/csl/pointer.hpp"
#include <type_traits>
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace csl { namespace device {
/** \file vector_traits.hpp
* \brief utility classes and functions for vectorized memory loads/stores
* Example:
* using vector_type = get_vector_type_t<float, 4>;
* auto input_vPtr = type::get_pointer(iptr); // iptr is of type DevicePtr<const float>
* auto output_vPtr = type::get_pointer(optr); // optr is of type DevicePtr<float>
* vector_type vec;
* v_load(vec, input_vPtr);
* for(int i = 0; i < vector_type::size(); i++)
* vec[i] = do_something(vec[i]);
* v_store(output_vPtr, vec);
namespace detail {
template <size_type N> struct raw_type_ { };
template <> struct raw_type_<256> { typedef ulonglong4 type; };
template <> struct raw_type_<128> { typedef uint4 type; };
template <> struct raw_type_<64> { typedef uint2 type; };
template <> struct raw_type_<32> { typedef uint1 type; };
template <> struct raw_type_<16> { typedef uchar2 type; };
template <> struct raw_type_<8> { typedef uchar1 type; };
template <size_type N> struct raw_type {
using type = typename raw_type_<N>::type;
static_assert(sizeof(type) * 8 == N, "");
/* \tparam T type of element in the vector
* \tparam N "number of elements" of type T in the vector
template <class T, size_type N>
union vector_type {
using value_type = T;
using raw_type = typename detail::raw_type<N * sizeof(T) * 8>::type;
__device__ vector_type() { }
__device__ static constexpr size_type size() { return N; }
raw_type raw;
T data[N];
template <class U> static __device__
typename std::enable_if<std::is_const<U>::value, const vector_type*>
::type get_pointer(csl::DevicePtr<U> ptr) {
return reinterpret_cast<const vector_type*>(ptr.get());
template <class U> static __device__
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_const<U>::value, vector_type*>
::type get_pointer(csl::DevicePtr<U> ptr) {
return reinterpret_cast<vector_type*>(ptr.get());
template <class V>
__device__ void v_load(V& dest, const V& src) {
dest.raw = src.raw;
template <class V>
__device__ void v_load(V& dest, const V* src) {
dest.raw = src->raw;
template <class V>
__device__ void v_store(V* dest, const V& src) {
dest->raw = src.raw;
template <class V>
__device__ void v_store(V& dest, const V& src) {
dest.raw = src.raw;
template <class T, size_type N>
struct get_vector_type {
typedef vector_type<T, N> type;
template <class T, size_type N>
using get_vector_type_t = typename get_vector_type<T, N>::type;
}}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::device */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "error.hpp"
#include "stream.hpp"
#include "pointer.hpp"
#include "fp16.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <cublas_v2.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#define CUDA4DNN_CHECK_CUBLAS(call) \
::cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::cublas::detail::check((call), CV_Func, __FILE__, __LINE__)
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace csl { namespace cublas {
/** @brief exception class for errors thrown by the cuBLAS API */
class cuBLASException : public CUDAException {
using CUDAException::CUDAException;
namespace detail {
static void check(cublasStatus_t status, const char* func, const char* file, int line) {
auto cublasGetErrorString = [](cublasStatus_t err) {
switch (err) {
throw cuBLASException(Error::GpuApiCallError, cublasGetErrorString(status), func, file, line);
/** noncopyable cuBLAS smart handle
* UniqueHandle is a smart non-sharable wrapper for cuBLAS handle which ensures that the handle
* is destroyed after use. The handle can be associated with a CUDA stream by specifying the
* stream during construction. By default, the handle is associated with the default stream.
class UniqueHandle {
UniqueHandle() { CUDA4DNN_CHECK_CUBLAS(cublasCreate(&handle)); }
UniqueHandle(UniqueHandle&) = delete;
UniqueHandle(UniqueHandle&& other) noexcept
: stream(std::move(, handle{ other.handle } {
other.handle = nullptr;
UniqueHandle(Stream strm) : stream(std::move(strm)) {
try {
CUDA4DNN_CHECK_CUBLAS(cublasSetStream(handle, stream.get()));
} catch (...) {
/* cublasDestroy won't throw if a valid handle is passed */
~UniqueHandle() noexcept {
if (handle != nullptr) {
/* cublasDestroy won't throw if a valid handle is passed */
UniqueHandle& operator=(const UniqueHandle&) = delete;
UniqueHandle& operator=(UniqueHandle&& other) noexcept {
stream = std::move(;
handle = other.handle;
other.handle = nullptr;
return *this;
/** @brief returns the raw cuBLAS handle */
cublasHandle_t get() const noexcept { return handle; }
Stream stream;
cublasHandle_t handle;
/** @brief sharable cuBLAS smart handle
* Handle is a smart sharable wrapper for cuBLAS handle which ensures that the handle
* is destroyed after all references to the handle are destroyed. The handle can be
* associated with a CUDA stream by specifying the stream during construction. By default,
* the handle is associated with the default stream.
* @note Moving a Handle object to another invalidates the former
class Handle {
Handle() : handle(std::make_shared<UniqueHandle>()) { }
Handle(const Handle&) = default;
Handle(Handle&&) = default;
Handle(Stream strm) : handle(std::make_shared<UniqueHandle>(std::move(strm))) { }
Handle& operator=(const Handle&) = default;
Handle& operator=(Handle&&) = default;
/** returns true if the handle is valid */
explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return static_cast<bool>(handle); }
cublasHandle_t get() const noexcept {
return handle->get();
std::shared_ptr<UniqueHandle> handle;
/** @brief GEMM for colummn-major matrices
* \f$ C = \alpha AB + \beta C \f$
* @tparam T matrix element type (must be `half` or `float`)
* @param handle valid cuBLAS Handle
* @param transa use transposed matrix of A for computation
* @param transb use transposed matrix of B for computation
* @param rows_c number of rows in C
* @param cols_c number of columns in C
* @param common_dim common dimension of A (or trans A) and B (or trans B)
* @param alpha scale factor for AB
* @param[in] A pointer to column-major matrix A in device memory
* @param lda leading dimension of matrix A
* @param[in] B pointer to column-major matrix B in device memory
* @param ldb leading dimension of matrix B
* @param beta scale factor for C
* @param[in,out] C pointer to column-major matrix C in device memory
* @param ldc leading dimension of matrix C
* Exception Guarantee: Basic
template <class T>
void gemm(const Handle& handle,
bool transa, bool transb,
std::size_t rows_c, std::size_t cols_c, std::size_t common_dim,
T alpha, const DevicePtr<const T> A, std::size_t lda,
const DevicePtr<const T> B, std::size_t ldb,
T beta, const DevicePtr<T> C, std::size_t ldc);
template <> inline
void gemm<half>(const Handle& handle,
bool transa, bool transb,
std::size_t rows_c, std::size_t cols_c, std::size_t common_dim,
half alpha, const DevicePtr<const half> A, std::size_t lda,
const DevicePtr<const half> B, std::size_t ldb,
half beta, const DevicePtr<half> C, std::size_t ldc)
auto opa = transa ? CUBLAS_OP_T : CUBLAS_OP_N,
opb = transb ? CUBLAS_OP_T : CUBLAS_OP_N;
int irows_c = static_cast<int>(rows_c),
icols_c = static_cast<int>(cols_c),
icommon_dim = static_cast<int>(common_dim),
ilda = static_cast<int>(lda),
ildb = static_cast<int>(ldb),
ildc = static_cast<int>(ldc);
opa, opb,
irows_c, icols_c, icommon_dim,
&alpha, A.get(), ilda,
B.get(), ildb,
&beta, C.get(), ildc
template <> inline
void gemm<float>(const Handle& handle,
bool transa, bool transb,
std::size_t rows_c, std::size_t cols_c, std::size_t common_dim,
float alpha, const DevicePtr<const float> A, std::size_t lda,
const DevicePtr<const float> B, std::size_t ldb,
float beta, const DevicePtr<float> C, std::size_t ldc)
auto opa = transa ? CUBLAS_OP_T : CUBLAS_OP_N,
opb = transb ? CUBLAS_OP_T : CUBLAS_OP_N;
int irows_c = static_cast<int>(rows_c),
icols_c = static_cast<int>(cols_c),
icommon_dim = static_cast<int>(common_dim),
ilda = static_cast<int>(lda),
ildb = static_cast<int>(ldb),
ildc = static_cast<int>(ldc);
opa, opb,
irows_c, icols_c, icommon_dim,
&alpha, A.get(), ilda,
B.get(), ildb,
&beta, C.get(), ildc
}}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::cublas */
......@@ -2,17 +2,9 @@
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// this file is a stub and will be removed once actual code is added
#include "../precomp.hpp"
#include "cudnn/cudnn.hpp"
#ifndef HAVE_CUDA
# error "CUDA4DNN should be enabled iff CUDA and cuDNN were found"
#include <cudnn.h>
void cuda4dnn_build_test_func() {
auto ver = cudnnGetVersion();
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "cudnn.hpp"
#include "../pointer.hpp"
#include "../workspace.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <cudnn.h>
#include <cstddef>
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace csl { namespace cudnn {
class LRNDescriptor {
enum class LRNType {
LRNDescriptor() noexcept : descriptor{ nullptr } { }
LRNDescriptor(const LRNDescriptor&) = delete;
LRNDescriptor(LRNDescriptor&& other) noexcept
: descriptor{ other.descriptor }, type{ other.type } {
other.descriptor = nullptr;
/** sets up a LRN descriptor
* @param local_size size of the normalization window
* @param alpha variance scaling parameter
* @param beta power parameter
* @param k bias parameter
* @note \p alpha is divided by the window width in across channels mode
* @note \p alpha is divided by the (window width)^spatialDimensions in within channel mode
* @note the \p alpha, \p beta and \p k will be type casted to the tensor datatype during operation
* Exception Guarantee: Basic
LRNDescriptor(std::size_t local_size, double alpha, double beta, double k, LRNType type_) {
constructor(local_size, alpha, beta, k, type_);
~LRNDescriptor() noexcept {
if (descriptor != nullptr) {
/* cudnnDestroyLRNDescriptor will not fail for a valid descriptor */
LRNDescriptor& operator=(const LRNDescriptor&) = delete;
LRNDescriptor& operator=(LRNDescriptor&& other) noexcept {
descriptor = other.descriptor;
type = other.type;
other.descriptor = nullptr;
return *this;
cudnnLRNDescriptor_t get() const noexcept { return descriptor; }
LRNType getType() const noexcept { return type; }
void constructor(std::size_t local_size, double alpha, double beta, double k, LRNType type_) {
CV_Assert(CUDNN_LRN_MIN_N <= local_size && local_size <= CUDNN_LRN_MAX_N);
type = type_;
try {
} catch (...) {
/* cudnnDestroyLRNDescriptor will not fail for a valid descriptor */
cudnnLRNDescriptor_t descriptor;
LRNType type;
/** @brief performs local response normalization
* dstValue = alpha * result + beta * priorDstValue
* @tparam T element type (must be `half` or `float`)
* @param handle valid cuDNN Handle
* @param lrnDesc LRN description
* @param inputDesc tensor descriptor describing the input
* @param[in] inputPtr pointer to input tensor in device memory
* @param alpha result scale factor
* @param beta previous value scale factor
* @param outputDesc tensor descriptor describing the output
* @param[out] outputPtr pointer to output tensor in device memory
* @param workspace workspace memory which meets the requirements of \p convAlgo
* Exception Guarantee: Basic
template <class T>
void LRNForward(
const Handle& handle,
const LRNDescriptor& lrnDesc,
const TensorDescriptor<T>& inputDesc,
DevicePtr<const T> inputPtr,
T alpha, T beta,
const TensorDescriptor<T>& outputDesc,
DevicePtr<T> outputPtr,
WorkspaceInstance workspace)
if (lrnDesc.getType() == LRNDescriptor::LRNType::ACROSS_CHANNELS) {
&alpha, inputDesc.get(), inputPtr.get(),
&beta, outputDesc.get(), outputPtr.get()
} else if (lrnDesc.getType() == LRNDescriptor::LRNType::WITHIN_CHANNEL) {
std::size_t size;
CUDA4DNN_CHECK_CUDNN(cudnnGetTensorSizeInBytes(inputDesc.get(), &size));
DevicePtr<void> temp1 = workspace.get_span<half>(size).data();
DevicePtr<void> temp2 = workspace.get_span<half>(size).data();
&alpha, inputDesc.get(), inputPtr.get(),
static_cast<void*>(temp1), static_cast<void*>(temp2),
&beta, outputDesc.get(), outputPtr.get()
template <> inline
void LRNForward(
const Handle& handle,
const LRNDescriptor& lrnDesc,
const TensorDescriptor<half>& inputDesc,
DevicePtr<const half> inputPtr,
half alpha, half beta,
const TensorDescriptor<half>& outputDesc,
DevicePtr<half> outputPtr,
WorkspaceInstance workspace)
/* we specalize for fp16 as the scaling factors must be provided as `float` */
float alpha_ = alpha, beta_ = beta;
if (lrnDesc.getType() == LRNDescriptor::LRNType::ACROSS_CHANNELS) {
&alpha_, inputDesc.get(), inputPtr.get(),
&beta_, outputDesc.get(), outputPtr.get()
} else if (lrnDesc.getType() == LRNDescriptor::LRNType::WITHIN_CHANNEL) {
std::size_t size;
CUDA4DNN_CHECK_CUDNN(cudnnGetTensorSizeInBytes(inputDesc.get(), &size));
DevicePtr<void> temp1 = workspace.get_span<half>(size).data();
DevicePtr<void> temp2 = workspace.get_span<half>(size).data();
&alpha_, inputDesc.get(), inputPtr.get(),
static_cast<void*>(temp1), static_cast<void*>(temp2),
&beta_, outputDesc.get(), outputPtr.get()
}}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::cudnn */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "cudnn.hpp"
#include "../pointer.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <cudnn.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iterator>
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace csl { namespace cudnn {
class PoolingDescriptor {
enum class PoolingType {
PoolingDescriptor() noexcept : descriptor{ nullptr } { }
PoolingDescriptor(const PoolingDescriptor&) = delete;
PoolingDescriptor(PoolingDescriptor&& other) noexcept
: descriptor{ other.descriptor } {
other.descriptor = nullptr;
/** constructs a pooling descriptor
* Pre-conditions:
* - \p window_size, \p padding and \p stride must have the same size
* The length of the containers is interpreted as the order of the pooling operation.
* Exception Guarantee: Basic
template <class SequenceContainer, typename = decltype(std::begin(std::declval<SequenceContainer>()))>
const SequenceContainer& window_size,
const SequenceContainer& padding,
const SequenceContainer& stride,
PoolingType type)
constructor(window_size, padding, stride, type);
~PoolingDescriptor() noexcept {
if (descriptor != nullptr) {
/* cudnnDestroyPoolingDescriptor will not fail for a valid descriptor */
PoolingDescriptor& operator=(const PoolingDescriptor&) = delete;
PoolingDescriptor& operator=(PoolingDescriptor&& other) noexcept {
descriptor = other.descriptor;
other.descriptor = nullptr;
return *this;
cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t get() const noexcept { return descriptor; }
template <class SequenceContainer>
void constructor(
const SequenceContainer& window_size,
const SequenceContainer& padding,
const SequenceContainer& stride,
PoolingType type)
CV_Assert(window_size.size() == padding.size());
CV_Assert(window_size.size() == stride.size());
auto get_pooling_type = [] (PoolingType type) {
switch (type) {
case PoolingType::MAX:
case PoolingType::MAX_DETERMINISTIC:
CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "unknown pooling type");
try {
const auto rank = window_size.size();
if (rank == 2) {
get_pooling_type(type), CUDNN_PROPAGATE_NAN,
window_size[0], window_size[1],
padding[0], padding[1],
stride[0], stride[1]
} else {
std::vector<int> iwindow_size(std::begin(window_size), std::end(window_size));
std::vector<int> ipadding(std::begin(padding), std::end(padding));
std::vector<int> istride(std::begin(stride), std::end(stride));
get_pooling_type(type), CUDNN_PROPAGATE_NAN,
} catch (...) {
/* cudnnDestroyPoolingDescriptor will not fail for a valid descriptor */
cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t descriptor;
/** gives the shape of the output tensor after pooling
* @note it's not required to enforce the this shape in the output tensor; slightly different shapes will work
* Exception Guarantee: Basic
template <class T> inline
void getPoolingForwardOutputDim(
const PoolingDescriptor& poolingDesc,
const TensorDescriptor<T>& inputDesc,
std::vector<int>& output_dim)
output_dim.resize(CUDNN_DIM_MAX); /* we use `output_dim` to hold temporaries */
std::vector<int> temp(CUDNN_DIM_MAX);
cudnnDataType_t tempDataType;
CUDNN_DIM_MAX + 1, /* according to docs, this is what we do to get the rank */
const auto rank = output_dim[0];
cudnnGetPoolingNdForwardOutputDim(poolingDesc.get(), inputDesc.get(), rank,
/** @brief performs pooling operation
* dstValue = alpha * result + beta * priorDstValue
* @tparam T pooling element type (must be `half` or `float`)
* @param handle valid cuDNN Handle
* @param poolingDesc pooling description
* @param inputDesc tensor descriptor describing the input
* @param[in] inputPtr pointer to input tensor in device memory
* @param alpha result scale factor
* @param beta previous value scale factor
* @param outputDesc tensor descriptor describing the output
* @param[out] outputPtr pointer to output tensor in device memory
* Exception Guarantee: Basic
template <class T>
void pool(
const Handle& handle,
const PoolingDescriptor& poolingDesc,
const TensorDescriptor<T>& inputDesc,
const DevicePtr<const T> inputPtr,
T alpha, T beta,
const TensorDescriptor<T>& outputDesc,
DevicePtr<T> outputPtr)
&alpha, inputDesc.get(), inputPtr.get(),
&beta, outputDesc.get(), outputPtr.get()
template <> inline
void pool(
const Handle& handle,
const PoolingDescriptor& poolingDesc,
const TensorDescriptor<half>& inputDesc,
const DevicePtr<const half> inputPtr,
half alpha, half beta,
const TensorDescriptor<half>& outputDesc,
DevicePtr<half> outputPtr)
/* we specalize for fp16 as the scaling factors must be provided as `float` */
float alpha_ = alpha, beta_ = beta;
&alpha_, inputDesc.get(), inputPtr.get(),
&beta_, outputDesc.get(), outputPtr.get()
}}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::cudnn */
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "cudnn.hpp"
#include "../pointer.hpp"
#include <cudnn.h>
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace csl { namespace cudnn {
/** @brief computes softmax (or log softmax)
* @tparam T element type (must be `half` or `float`)
* @param handle valid cuDNN handle
* @param outputDesc tensor descriptor for A
* @param[out] output pointer to tensor in device memory
* @param inputDesc tensor descriptor for C
* @param[in] input pointer to tensor in device memory
* @param log apply log on probabilities
* Exception Guarantee: Basic
template <class T>
void softmax(const cudnn::Handle& handle,
const TensorDescriptor<T>& outputDesc, DevicePtr<T> output,
const TensorDescriptor<T>& inputDesc, DevicePtr<const T> input,
bool log)
T alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0;
cudnnSoftmaxAlgorithm_t algo = log ? CUDNN_SOFTMAX_LOG : CUDNN_SOFTMAX_ACCURATE;
&alpha, inputDesc.get(), input.get(),
&beta, outputDesc.get(), output.get()
template <> inline
void softmax(const cudnn::Handle& handle,
const TensorDescriptor<half>& outputDesc, DevicePtr<half> output,
const TensorDescriptor<half>& inputDesc, DevicePtr<const half> input,
bool log)
/* we specalize for fp16 as the scaling factors must be provided as `float` */
float alpha = 1.0, beta = 0.0;
cudnnSoftmaxAlgorithm_t algo = log ? CUDNN_SOFTMAX_LOG : CUDNN_SOFTMAX_ACCURATE;
&alpha, inputDesc.get(), input.get(),
&beta, outputDesc.get(), output.get()
}}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::cudnn */
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#define CUDA4DNN_CHECK_CUDA(call) \
::cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl::detail::check((call), CV_Func, __FILE__, __LINE__)
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace csl {
/** @brief exception class for errors thrown by the CUDA APIs */
class CUDAException : public cv::Exception {
using cv::Exception::Exception;
namespace detail {
inline void check(cudaError_t err, const char* func, const char* file, int line) {
if (err != cudaSuccess)
throw CUDAException(Error::GpuApiCallError, cudaGetErrorString(err), func, file, line);
}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::csl */
This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2,17 +2,19 @@
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// this file is a stub and will be removed once actual code is added
#include "../precomp.hpp"
#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#ifndef HAVE_CUDA
# error "CUDA files should not be compiled if CUDA was not enabled"
#ifdef __CUDACC__
# define CUDA4DNN_HOST __host__
# define CUDA4DNN_DEVICE __device__
# define CUDA4DNN_HOST
__global__ void cuda4dnn_build_test_kernel(float* addr) {
int idx = threadIdx.x;
addr[idx] = 0.0;
This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "../csl/stream.hpp"
#include "../csl/span.hpp"
namespace cv { namespace dnn { namespace cuda4dnn { namespace kernels {
template <class T>
void fill(const csl::Stream& stream, csl::Span<T> output, T value);
}}}} /* namespace cv::dnn::cuda4dnn::kernels */
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