Commit 60019422 authored by Maria Dimashova's avatar Maria Dimashova

fixed gftt wrapper, update testdata

parent 33447e0b
......@@ -1323,39 +1323,6 @@ protected:
SURF surf;
/*template<typename T>
class CV_EXPORTS CalonderDescriptorExtractor : public DescriptorExtractor
CalonderDescriptorExtractor( const string& classifierFile )
virtual void compute( const Mat& image, vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints, Mat& descriptors) const
// Cannot compute descriptors for keypoints on the image border.
removeBorderKeypoints(keypoints, image.size(), BORDER_SIZE);
// TODO Check 16-byte aligned
descriptors.create( keypoints.size(), classifier.classes(), DataType<T>::type );
PatchGenerator patchGen;
RNG rng;
for( size_t i = 0; i < keypoints.size(); i++ )
Mat patch;
patchGen( image, keypoints[i].pt, patch, Size(PATCH_SIZE, PATCH_SIZE), rng );
IplImage ipl = patch;
classifier.getSignature( &ipl, descriptors.ptr<T>(i));
static const int BORDER_SIZE = 16;
RTreeClassifier classifier;
* Distance *
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ void GoodFeaturesToTrackDetector::detectImpl( const Mat& image, const Mat& mask,
vector<KeyPoint>::iterator keypoint_it = keypoints.begin();
for( ; corner_it != corners.end(); ++corner_it, ++keypoint_it )
*keypoint_it = KeyPoint( *corner_it, 1.f );
*keypoint_it = KeyPoint( *corner_it, blockSize );
......@@ -127,8 +127,9 @@ void MserFeatureDetector::detectImpl( const Mat& image, const Mat& mask, vector<
vector<KeyPoint>::iterator keypoint_it = keypoints.begin();
for( ; contour_it != msers.end(); ++contour_it, ++keypoint_it )
// TODO check transformation from MSER region to KeyPoint
RotatedRect rect = fitEllipse(Mat(*contour_it));
*keypoint_it = KeyPoint(, min(rect.size.height, rect.size.width), rect.angle);
*keypoint_it = KeyPoint(, sqrt(rect.size.height*rect.size.width), rect.angle);
......@@ -2006,13 +2006,13 @@ SIFT::SIFT( const CommonParams& _commParams,
inline KeyPoint vlKeypointToOcv( const VL::Sift::Keypoint& vlKeypoint, float angle )
return KeyPoint(vlKeypoint.x, vlKeypoint.y, vlKeypoint.sigma, angle, 0, vlKeypoint.o, 0 );
return KeyPoint(vlKeypoint.x, vlKeypoint.y, 3*vlKeypoint.sigma, angle, 0, vlKeypoint.o, 0 );
inline void ocvKeypointToVl( const KeyPoint& ocvKeypoint, const VL::Sift& vlSift,
VL::Sift::Keypoint& vlKeypoint )
vlKeypoint = vlSift.getKeypoint(,, ocvKeypoint.size);
vlKeypoint = vlSift.getKeypoint(,, ocvKeypoint.size/3);
float computeKeypointOrientations( VL::Sift& sift, const VL::Sift::Keypoint& keypoint, int angleMode )
......@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ void transformToEllipticKeyPoints( const vector<KeyPoint>& src, vector<EllipticK
for( size_t i = 0; i < src.size(); i++ )
float rad = src[i].size;
float rad = src[i].size/2;
assert( rad );
float fac = 1.f/(rad*rad);
dst[i] = EllipticKeyPoint( src[i].pt, Scalar(fac, 0, fac) );
......@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ void transformToKeyPoints( const vector<EllipticKeyPoint>& src, vector<KeyPoint>
Size_<float> axes = src[i].axes;
float rad = sqrt(axes.height*axes.width);
dst[i] = KeyPoint(src[i].center, rad );
dst[i] = KeyPoint(src[i].center, 2*rad );
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