Commit 5f56b276 authored by Anatoly Baksheev's avatar Anatoly Baksheev

added ROI support for HOG_GPU

parent 400dbb13
......@@ -50,10 +50,6 @@
#ifndef div_up
#define div_up(n, grain) (((n) + (grain) - 1) / (grain))
// Other values are not supported
#define CELL_WIDTH 8
#define CELL_HEIGHT 8
......@@ -208,7 +204,7 @@ void compute_hists(int nbins, int block_stride_x, int block_stride_y,
int img_block_height = (height - CELLS_PER_BLOCK_Y * CELL_HEIGHT + block_stride_y) /
dim3 grid(div_up(img_block_width, nblocks), img_block_height);
dim3 grid(divUp(img_block_width, nblocks), img_block_height);
dim3 threads(32, 2, nblocks);
......@@ -311,7 +307,7 @@ void normalize_hists(int nbins, int block_stride_x, int block_stride_y,
int img_block_width = (width - CELLS_PER_BLOCK_X * CELL_WIDTH + block_stride_x) / block_stride_x;
int img_block_height = (height - CELLS_PER_BLOCK_Y * CELL_HEIGHT + block_stride_y) / block_stride_y;
dim3 grid(div_up(img_block_width, nblocks), img_block_height);
dim3 grid(divUp(img_block_width, nblocks), img_block_height);
if (nthreads == 32)
normalize_hists_kernel_many_blocks<32, nblocks><<<grid, threads>>>(block_hist_size, img_block_width, block_hists, threshold);
......@@ -395,9 +391,7 @@ __global__ void classify_hists_kernel_many_blocks(const int img_win_width, const
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
labels[blockIdx.y * img_win_width + blockIdx.x * blockDim.z + win_x]
= (product + free_coef >= threshold);
labels[blockIdx.y * img_win_width + blockIdx.x * blockDim.z + win_x] = (product + free_coef >= threshold);
......@@ -414,13 +408,11 @@ void classify_hists(int win_height, int win_width, int block_stride_y, int block
int img_win_height = (height - win_height + win_stride_y) / win_stride_y;
dim3 threads(nthreads, 1, nblocks);
dim3 grid(div_up(img_win_width, nblocks), img_win_height);
dim3 grid(divUp(img_win_width, nblocks), img_win_height);
cudaSafeCall(cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(classify_hists_kernel_many_blocks<nthreads, nblocks>,
cudaSafeCall(cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(classify_hists_kernel_many_blocks<nthreads, nblocks>, cudaFuncCachePreferL1));
int img_block_width = (width - CELLS_PER_BLOCK_X * CELL_WIDTH + block_stride_x) /
int img_block_width = (width - CELLS_PER_BLOCK_X * CELL_WIDTH + block_stride_x) / block_stride_x;
classify_hists_kernel_many_blocks<nthreads, nblocks><<<grid, threads>>>(
img_win_width, img_block_width, win_block_stride_x, win_block_stride_y,
block_hists, coefs, free_coef, threshold, labels);
......@@ -434,9 +426,8 @@ void classify_hists(int win_height, int win_width, int block_stride_y, int block
template <int nthreads>
__global__ void extract_descrs_by_rows_kernel(const int img_block_width, const int win_block_stride_x,
const int win_block_stride_y, const float* block_hists,
PtrElemStepf descriptors)
__global__ void extract_descrs_by_rows_kernel(const int img_block_width, const int win_block_stride_x, const int win_block_stride_y,
const float* block_hists, PtrElemStepf descriptors)
// Get left top corner of the window in src
const float* hist = block_hists + (blockIdx.y * win_block_stride_y * img_block_width +
......@@ -455,9 +446,8 @@ __global__ void extract_descrs_by_rows_kernel(const int img_block_width, const i
void extract_descrs_by_rows(int win_height, int win_width, int block_stride_y, int block_stride_x,
int win_stride_y, int win_stride_x, int height, int width, float* block_hists,
DevMem2Df descriptors)
void extract_descrs_by_rows(int win_height, int win_width, int block_stride_y, int block_stride_x, int win_stride_y, int win_stride_x,
int height, int width, float* block_hists, DevMem2Df descriptors)
const int nthreads = 256;
......@@ -468,8 +458,7 @@ void extract_descrs_by_rows(int win_height, int win_width, int block_stride_y, i
dim3 threads(nthreads, 1);
dim3 grid(img_win_width, img_win_height);
int img_block_width = (width - CELLS_PER_BLOCK_X * CELL_WIDTH + block_stride_x) /
int img_block_width = (width - CELLS_PER_BLOCK_X * CELL_WIDTH + block_stride_x) / block_stride_x;
extract_descrs_by_rows_kernel<nthreads><<<grid, threads>>>(
img_block_width, win_block_stride_x, win_block_stride_y, block_hists, descriptors);
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
......@@ -640,21 +629,17 @@ void compute_gradients_8UC4(int nbins, int height, int width, const DevMem2D& im
const int nthreads = 256;
dim3 bdim(nthreads, 1);
dim3 gdim(div_up(width, bdim.x), div_up(height, bdim.y));
dim3 gdim(divUp(width, bdim.x), divUp(height, bdim.y));
if (correct_gamma)
compute_gradients_8UC4_kernel<nthreads, 1><<<gdim, bdim>>>(
height, width, img, angle_scale, grad, qangle);
compute_gradients_8UC4_kernel<nthreads, 1><<<gdim, bdim>>>(height, width, img, angle_scale, grad, qangle);
compute_gradients_8UC4_kernel<nthreads, 0><<<gdim, bdim>>>(
height, width, img, angle_scale, grad, qangle);
compute_gradients_8UC4_kernel<nthreads, 0><<<gdim, bdim>>>(height, width, img, angle_scale, grad, qangle);
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
template <int nthreads, int correct_gamma>
__global__ void compute_gradients_8UC1_kernel(int height, int width, const PtrElemStep img,
float angle_scale, PtrElemStepf grad, PtrElemStep qangle)
......@@ -715,17 +700,14 @@ void compute_gradients_8UC1(int nbins, int height, int width, const DevMem2D& im
const int nthreads = 256;
dim3 bdim(nthreads, 1);
dim3 gdim(div_up(width, bdim.x), div_up(height, bdim.y));
dim3 gdim(divUp(width, bdim.x), divUp(height, bdim.y));
if (correct_gamma)
compute_gradients_8UC1_kernel<nthreads, 1><<<gdim, bdim>>>(
height, width, img, angle_scale, grad, qangle);
compute_gradients_8UC1_kernel<nthreads, 1><<<gdim, bdim>>>(height, width, img, angle_scale, grad, qangle);
compute_gradients_8UC1_kernel<nthreads, 0><<<gdim, bdim>>>(
height, width, img, angle_scale, grad, qangle);
compute_gradients_8UC1_kernel<nthreads, 0><<<gdim, bdim>>>(height, width, img, angle_scale, grad, qangle);
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
......@@ -735,67 +717,58 @@ void compute_gradients_8UC1(int nbins, int height, int width, const DevMem2D& im
// Resize
texture<uchar4, 2, cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat> resize8UC4_tex;
texture<unsigned char, 2, cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat> resize8UC1_tex;
texture<uchar, 2, cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat> resize8UC1_tex;
extern "C" __global__ void resize_8UC4_kernel(float sx, float sy, DevMem2D dst)
__global__ void resize_for_hog_kernel(float sx, float sy, DevMem2D_<uchar> dst, int colOfs)
unsigned int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
unsigned int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
if (x < dst.cols && y < dst.rows)
float4 val = tex2D(resize8UC4_tex, x * sx, y * sy);
((uchar4*)dst.ptr(y))[x] = make_uchar4(val.x * 255, val.y * 255, val.z * 255, val.w * 255);
((unsigned char*)dst.ptr(y))[x] = tex2D(resize8UC1_tex, x * sx + colOfs, y * sy) * 255;
void resize_8UC4(const DevMem2D& src, DevMem2D dst)
cudaChannelFormatDesc desc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<uchar4>();
cudaBindTexture2D(0, resize8UC4_tex,, desc, src.cols, src.rows, src.step);
resize8UC4_tex.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
dim3 threads(32, 8);
dim3 grid(div_up(dst.cols, threads.x), div_up(dst.rows, threads.y));
float sx = (float)src.cols / dst.cols;
float sy = (float)src.rows / dst.rows;
resize_8UC4_kernel<<<grid, threads>>>(sx, sy, dst);
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
extern "C" __global__ void resize_8UC1_kernel(float sx, float sy, DevMem2D dst)
__global__ void resize_for_hog_kernel(float sx, float sy, DevMem2D_<uchar4> dst, int colOfs)
unsigned int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
unsigned int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
if (x < dst.cols && y < dst.rows)
((unsigned char*)dst.ptr(y))[x] = tex2D(resize8UC1_tex, x * sx, y * sy) * 255;
float4 val = tex2D(resize8UC4_tex, x * sx + colOfs, y * sy);
dst.ptr(y)[x] = make_uchar4(val.x * 255, val.y * 255, val.z * 255, val.w * 255);
void resize_8UC1(const DevMem2D& src, DevMem2D dst)
template<class T, class TEX>
static void resize_for_hog(const DevMem2D& src, DevMem2D dst, TEX& tex)
cudaChannelFormatDesc desc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<unsigned char>();
cudaBindTexture2D(0, resize8UC1_tex,, desc, src.cols, src.rows, src.step);
resize8UC1_tex.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
tex.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
size_t texOfs = 0;
int colOfs = 0;
cudaChannelFormatDesc desc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<T>();
cudaSafeCall( cudaBindTexture2D(&texOfs, tex,, desc, src.cols, src.rows, src.step) );
if (texOfs != 0)
colOfs = static_cast<int>( texOfs/sizeof(T) );
cudaSafeCall( cudaUnbindTexture(tex) );
cudaSafeCall( cudaBindTexture2D(&texOfs, tex,, desc, src.cols, src.rows, src.step) );
dim3 threads(32, 8);
dim3 grid(div_up(dst.cols, threads.x), div_up(dst.rows, threads.y));
float sx = (float)src.cols / dst.cols;
float sy = (float)src.rows / dst.rows;
resize_8UC1_kernel<<<grid, threads>>>(sx, sy, dst);
dim3 grid(divUp(dst.cols, threads.x), divUp(dst.rows, threads.y));
float sx = static_cast<float>(src.cols) / dst.cols;
float sy = static_cast<float>(src.rows) / dst.rows;
resize_for_hog_kernel<<<grid, threads>>>(sx, sy, (DevMem2D_<T>)dst, colOfs);
cudaSafeCall( cudaGetLastError() );
void resize_8UC1(const DevMem2D& src, DevMem2D dst) { resize_for_hog<uchar> (src, dst, resize8UC1_tex); }
void resize_8UC4(const DevMem2D& src, DevMem2D dst) { resize_for_hog<uchar4>(src, dst, resize8UC4_tex); }
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