Commit 5f02bbd0 authored by Andrey Pavlenko's avatar Andrey Pavlenko

Java API: fixing more tests

parent 2c4b5014
......@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ public class BruteForceL1DescriptorMatcherTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
DescriptorExtractor extractor = DescriptorExtractor.create(DescriptorExtractor.SURF);
String filename = OpenCVTestRunner.getTempFileName("yml");
writeFile(filename, "%YAML:1.0\nhessianThreshold: 8000.\noctaves: 3\noctaveLayers: 4\nupright: 0\n");
//writeFile(filename, "%YAML:1.0\nhessianThreshold: 8000.\noctaves: 3\noctaveLayers: 4\nupright: 0\n");
writeFile(filename, "%YAML:1.0\nname: \"Feature2D.SURF\"\nextended: 1\nhessianThreshold: 8000.\nnOctaveLayers: 2\nnOctaves: 3\nupright: 0\n");;
detector.detect(img, keypoints);
......@@ -83,11 +84,19 @@ public class BruteForceL1DescriptorMatcherTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
matSize = 100;
truth = new DMatch[] {
new DMatch(0, 0, 0, 3.175296f),
new DMatch(1, 1, 0, 3.5954158f),
new DMatch(2, 1, 0, 1.2537984f),
new DMatch(3, 1, 0, 3.5761614f),
new DMatch(4, 1, 0, 1.3250958f) };
new DMatch(4, 1, 0, 1.3250958f)
new DMatch(0, 1, 0, 6.920234f),
new DMatch(1, 0, 0, 6.1294847f),
new DMatch(2, 1, 0, 2.6545324f),
new DMatch(3, 1, 0, 6.1675916f),
new DMatch(4, 1, 0, 2.679859f)
......@@ -32,9 +32,11 @@ public class BruteForceSL2DescriptorMatcherTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
private float sqr(float val){
return val * val;
private Mat getQueryDescriptors() {
Mat img = getQueryImg();
......@@ -87,11 +89,19 @@ public class BruteForceSL2DescriptorMatcherTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
matSize = 100;
truth = new DMatch[] {
new DMatch(0, 0, 0, sqr(0.643284f)),
new DMatch(1, 1, 0, sqr(0.92945856f)),
new DMatch(2, 1, 0, sqr(0.2841479f)),
new DMatch(3, 1, 0, sqr(0.9194034f)),
new DMatch(4, 1, 0, sqr(0.3006621f)) };
new DMatch(4, 1, 0, sqr(0.3006621f))
new DMatch(0, 0, 0, 1.1018577f),
new DMatch(1, 0, 0, 1.1746116f),
new DMatch(2, 1, 0, 0.23459719f),
new DMatch(3, 0, 0, 1.2069331f),
new DMatch(4, 1, 0, 0.2446168f)
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ public class STARFeatureDetectorTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
matSize = 200;
truth = new KeyPoint[] {
new KeyPoint(95, 80, 22, -1, 31.595734f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint(105, 80, 22, -1, 31.595734f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint(80, 95, 22, -1, 31.595734f, 0, -1),
......@@ -55,7 +56,18 @@ public class STARFeatureDetectorTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
new KeyPoint(80, 105, 22, -1, 31.595734f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint(120, 105, 22, -1, 31.595734f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint(95, 120, 22, -1, 31.595734f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint(105, 120, 22, -1, 31.595734f, 0, -1) };
new KeyPoint(105, 120, 22, -1, 31.595734f, 0, -1)
new KeyPoint( 95, 80, 22, -1, 31.5957f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint(105, 80, 22, -1, 31.5957f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint( 80, 95, 22, -1, 31.5957f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint(120, 95, 22, -1, 31.5957f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint(100, 100, 8, -1, 30.f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint( 80, 105, 22, -1, 31.5957f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint(120, 105, 22, -1, 31.5957f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint( 95, 120, 22, -1, 31.5957f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint(105, 120, 22, -1, 31.5957f, 0, -1)
......@@ -116,7 +128,7 @@ public class STARFeatureDetectorTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
String truth = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<opencv_storage>\n<maxSize>45</maxSize>\n<responseThreshold>30</responseThreshold>\n<lineThresholdProjected>10</lineThresholdProjected>\n<lineThresholdBinarized>8</lineThresholdBinarized>\n<suppressNonmaxSize>5</suppressNonmaxSize>\n</opencv_storage>\n";
String truth = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<opencv_storage>\n<name>Feature2D.STAR</name>\n<lineThresholdBinarized>8</lineThresholdBinarized>\n<lineThresholdProjected>10</lineThresholdProjected>\n<maxSize>45</maxSize>\n<responseThreshold>30</responseThreshold>\n<suppressNonmaxSize>5</suppressNonmaxSize>\n</opencv_storage>\n";
assertEquals(truth, readFile(filename));
......@@ -125,7 +137,7 @@ public class STARFeatureDetectorTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
String truth = "%YAML:1.0\nmaxSize: 45\nresponseThreshold: 30\nlineThresholdProjected: 10\nlineThresholdBinarized: 8\nsuppressNonmaxSize: 5\n";
String truth = "%YAML:1.0\nname: \"Feature2D.STAR\"\nlineThresholdBinarized: 8\nlineThresholdProjected: 10\nmaxSize: 45\nresponseThreshold: 30\nsuppressNonmaxSize: 5\n";
assertEquals(truth, readFile(filename));
......@@ -44,13 +44,29 @@ public class SURFDescriptorExtractorTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
extractor.compute(img, keypoints, descriptors);
Mat truth = new Mat(1, 64, CvType.CV_32FC1) {
Mat truth = new Mat(1, 128, CvType.CV_32FC1) {
put(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011540107, 0.0029440077, 0.095483348, 0.018144149, 0.00014820647, 0, 0.00014820647, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.00014820647,
put(0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011540107, 0.0029440077, 0.095483348, 0.018144149, 0.00014820647, 0, 0.00014820647, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.00014820647,
0, 0.00014820647, 0.10196275, 0.0099145742, 0.57075155, 0.047922116, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0029440068, -0.011540107, 0.018144149,
0.095483348, 0.085385554, -0.054076977, 0.34105155, 0.47911066, 0.023395451, -0.11012388, 0.088196531, 0.50863767, 0.0031790689,
-0.019882837, 0.0089476965, 0.054817006, -0.0033560959, -0.0011770058, 0.0033560959, 0.0011770058, 0.019882834, 0.0031790687,
0.054817006, 0.0089476984, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.0011770058, 0.0033560959, 0.0011770058, 0.0033560959);
0.054817006, 0.0089476984, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.0011770058, 0.0033560959, 0.0011770058, 0.0033560959
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.045382127, 0.075976953, -0.031969212, 0.035002094, 0.012224297, 0.012286193,
-0.0088025155, 0.0088025155, 0.00017225844, 0.00017225844, 0, 0, 8.2743405e-05, 8.2743405e-05, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8.2743405e-05, 8.2743405e-05, -0.00017225844, 0.00017225844, 0, 0, 0.31723264,
0.42715758, -0.19872268, 0.23621935, 0.033304065, 0.033918764, -0.021780485, 0.021780485, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.0088025145, 0.0088025145, 0.012224296, 0.012286192, -0.045382123,
0.075976953, 0.031969212, 0.035002094, 0.10047197, 0.21463872, -0.0012294546, 0.18176091, -0.075555265,
0.35627601, 0.01270232, 0.20058797, -0.037658721, 0.037658721, 0.064850949, 0.064850949, -0.27688536,
0.44229308, 0.14888979, 0.14888979, -0.0031531656, 0.0031531656, 0.0068481555, 0.0072466261, -0.034193151,
0.040314503, 0.01108359, 0.023398584, -0.00071876607, 0.00071876607, -0.0031819802, 0.0031819802, 0, 0,
-0.0013680183, 0.0013680183, 0.034193147, 0.040314503, -0.01108359, 0.023398584, 0.006848156, 0.0072466265,
-0.0031531656, 0.0031531656, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.0013680183, 0.0013680183, 0, 0, 0.00071876607,
0.00071876607, 0.0031819802, 0.0031819802
......@@ -62,7 +78,7 @@ public class SURFDescriptorExtractorTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
public void testDescriptorSize() {
assertEquals(64, extractor.descriptorSize());
assertEquals(128, extractor.descriptorSize());
public void testDescriptorType() {
......@@ -87,7 +103,7 @@ public class SURFDescriptorExtractorTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
String truth = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<opencv_storage>\n<nOctaves>4</nOctaves>\n<nOctaveLayers>2</nOctaveLayers>\n<extended>0</extended>\n<upright>0</upright>\n</opencv_storage>\n";
String truth = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<opencv_storage>\n<name>Feature2D.SURF</name>\n<extended>1</extended>\n<hessianThreshold>100.</hessianThreshold>\n<nOctaveLayers>2</nOctaveLayers>\n<nOctaves>4</nOctaves>\n<upright>0</upright>\n</opencv_storage>\n";
assertEquals(truth, readFile(filename));
......@@ -96,7 +112,7 @@ public class SURFDescriptorExtractorTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
String truth = "%YAML:1.0\nnOctaves: 4\nnOctaveLayers: 2\nextended: 0\nupright: 0\n";
String truth = "%YAML:1.0\nname: \"Feature2D.SURF\"\nextended: 1\nhessianThreshold: 100.\nnOctaveLayers: 2\nnOctaves: 4\nupright: 0\n";
assertEquals(truth, readFile(filename));
......@@ -56,10 +56,18 @@ public class SURFFeatureDetectorTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
matSize = 100;
truth = new KeyPoint[] { new KeyPoint(55.775577545166016f, 44.224422454833984f, 16, 9.754629f, 8617.863f, 1, -1),
truth = new KeyPoint[] {
new KeyPoint(55.775577545166016f, 44.224422454833984f, 16, 9.754629f, 8617.863f, 1, -1),
new KeyPoint(44.224422454833984f, 44.224422454833984f, 16, 99.75463f, 8617.863f, 1, -1),
new KeyPoint(44.224422454833984f, 55.775577545166016f, 16, 189.7546f, 8617.863f, 1, -1),
new KeyPoint(55.775577545166016f, 55.775577545166016f, 16, 279.75464f, 8617.863f, 1, -1) };
new KeyPoint(55.775577545166016f, 55.775577545166016f, 16, 279.75464f, 8617.863f, 1, -1)
new KeyPoint(55.7755f, 44.2244f, 16, 9.754f, 8617.863f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint(44.2244f, 44.2244f, 16, 99.754f, 8617.863f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint(44.2244f, 55.7755f, 16, 189.754f, 8617.863f, 0, -1),
new KeyPoint(55.7755f, 55.7755f, 16, 279.754f, 8617.863f, 0, -1)
......@@ -151,7 +159,7 @@ public class SURFFeatureDetectorTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
String truth = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<opencv_storage>\n<hessianThreshold>400.</hessianThreshold>\n<octaves>3</octaves>\n<octaveLayers>4</octaveLayers>\n<upright>0</upright>\n</opencv_storage>\n";
String truth = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<opencv_storage>\n<name>Feature2D.SURF</name>\n<extended>1</extended>\n<hessianThreshold>100.</hessianThreshold>\n<nOctaveLayers>2</nOctaveLayers>\n<nOctaves>4</nOctaves>\n<upright>0</upright>\n</opencv_storage>\n";
assertEquals(truth, readFile(filename));
......@@ -160,7 +168,7 @@ public class SURFFeatureDetectorTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
String truth = "%YAML:1.0\nhessianThreshold: 400.\noctaves: 3\noctaveLayers: 4\nupright: 0\n";
String truth = "%YAML:1.0\nname: \"Feature2D.SURF\"\nextended: 1\nhessianThreshold: 100.\nnOctaveLayers: 2\nnOctaves: 4\nupright: 0\n";
assertEquals(truth, readFile(filename));
package org.opencv.test.objdetect;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfRect;
import org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect;
import org.opencv.test.OpenCVTestCase;
public class ObjdetectTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
public void testGroupRectanglesListOfRectListOfIntegerInt() {
fail("Not yet implemented");
final int NUM = 10;
MatOfRect rects = new MatOfRect();
......@@ -16,7 +15,6 @@ public class ObjdetectTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
rects.put(i, 0, 10, 10, 20, 20);
int groupThreshold = 1;
Objdetect.groupRectangles(rects, null, groupThreshold);//TODO: second parameter should not be null
......@@ -24,6 +22,7 @@ public class ObjdetectTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
public void testGroupRectanglesListOfRectListOfIntegerIntDouble() {
fail("Not yet implemented");
final int NUM = 10;
MatOfRect rects = new MatOfRect();
......@@ -36,7 +35,6 @@ public class ObjdetectTest extends OpenCVTestCase {
int groupThreshold = 1;
double eps = 0.2;
Objdetect.groupRectangles(rects, null, groupThreshold, eps);//TODO: second parameter should not be null
assertEquals(2, rects.size());
......@@ -488,6 +488,8 @@ JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_org_opencv_core_Core_n_1getTextSize
"setTrackbarPos" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"imshow" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"waitKey" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"moveWindow" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
"resizeWindow" : {'j_code' : '', 'jn_code' : '', 'cpp_code' : '' },
}, # Highgui
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