Commit 5e4ca227 authored by Xavier Delacour's avatar Xavier Delacour

small updates to bundle adjustment implementation

parent ad4969d8
......@@ -431,8 +431,10 @@ namespace cv
class CV_EXPORTS LevMarqSparse
typedef bool (*BundleAdjustCallback)(int iteration, double norm_error, void* user_data);
class LevMarqSparse {
LevMarqSparse(int npoints, // number of points
......@@ -453,8 +455,10 @@ namespace cv
// callback for estimation of backprojection errors
void (CV_CDECL * func)(int i, int j, Mat& point_params,
Mat& cam_params, Mat& estim, void* data),
void* data // user-specific data passed to the callbacks
void* data, // user-specific data passed to the callbacks
BundleAdjustCallback cb, void* user_data
virtual ~LevMarqSparse();
virtual void run( int npoints, // number of points
......@@ -480,24 +484,25 @@ namespace cv
virtual void clear();
// useful function to do simple bundle adjastment tasks
static void bundleAdjust(vector<Point3d>& points, //positions of points in global coordinate system (input and output)
const vector<vector<Point2d> >& imagePoints, //projections of 3d points for every camera
const vector<vector<int> >& visibility, //visibility of 3d points for every camera
vector<Mat>& cameraMatrix, //intrinsic matrices of all cameras (input and output)
vector<Mat>& R, //rotation matrices of all cameras (input and output)
vector<Mat>& T, //translation vector of all cameras (input and output)
vector<Mat>& distCoeffs, //distortion coefficients of all cameras (input and output)
// useful function to do simple bundle adjustment tasks
static void bundleAdjust(vector<Point3d>& points, // positions of points in global coordinate system (input and output)
const vector<vector<Point2d> >& imagePoints, // projections of 3d points for every camera
const vector<vector<int> >& visibility, // visibility of 3d points for every camera
vector<Mat>& cameraMatrix, // intrinsic matrices of all cameras (input and output)
vector<Mat>& R, // rotation matrices of all cameras (input and output)
vector<Mat>& T, // translation vector of all cameras (input and output)
vector<Mat>& distCoeffs, // distortion coefficients of all cameras (input and output)
const TermCriteria& criteria=
TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, 30, DBL_EPSILON));
TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT+TermCriteria::EPS, 30, DBL_EPSILON),
BundleAdjustCallback cb = 0, void* user_data = 0);
virtual void optimize(); //main function that runs minimization
virtual void optimize(CvMat &_vis); //main function that runs minimization
//iteratively asks for measurement for visible camera-point pairs
void ask_for_proj();
void ask_for_proj(CvMat &_vis,bool once=false);
//iteratively asks for Jacobians for every camera_point pair
void ask_for_projac();
void ask_for_projac(CvMat &_vis);
CvMat* err; //error X-hX
double prevErrNorm, errNorm;
......@@ -509,9 +514,9 @@ namespace cv
CvMat** V; //size of array is equal to number of points
CvMat** inv_V_star; //inverse of V*
CvMat* A;
CvMat* B;
CvMat* W;
CvMat** A;
CvMat** B;
CvMat** W;
CvMat* X; //measurement
CvMat* hX; //current measurement extimation given new parameter vector
......@@ -543,11 +548,13 @@ namespace cv
//target function and jacobian pointers, which needs to be initialized
void (*fjac)(int i, int j, Mat& point_params, Mat& cam_params, Mat& A, Mat& B, void* data);
void (*func)(int i, int j, Mat& point_params, Mat& cam_params, Mat& estim, void* data );
void (*func)(int i, int j, Mat& point_params, Mat& cam_params, Mat& estim, void* data);
void* data;
BundleAdjustCallback cb;
void* user_data;
CV_EXPORTS int chamerMatching( Mat& img, Mat& templ,
vector<vector<Point> >& results, vector<float>& cost,
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