Commit 5e3a7ac8 authored by Pinaev Danil's avatar Pinaev Danil Committed by Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #16031 from aDanPin:dm/streaming_auto_meta

G-API-NG/Streaming: don't require explicit metadata in compileStreaming()

* First probably working version
Hardcode gose to setSource() :)

* Pre final version of move metadata declaration from compileStreaming() to setSource().

* G-API-NG/Streaming: recovered the existing Streaming functionality

- The auto-meta test is disabling since it crashes.
- Restored .gitignore

* G-API-NG/Streaming: Made the meta-less compileStreaming() work

- Works fine even with OpenCV backend;
- Fluid doesn't support such kind of compilation so far - to be fixed

* G-API-NG/Streaming: Fix Fluid to support meta-less compilation

- Introduced a notion of metadata-sensitive passes and slightly
  refactored GCompiler and GFluidBackend to support that
- Fixed a TwoVideoSourcesFail test on streaming

* Add three smoke streaming tests to gapi_streaming_tests.
All three teste run pipeline with two different input sets
1) SmokeTest_Two_Const_Mats test run pipeline with two const Mats
2) SmokeTest_One_Video_One_Const_Scalar test run pipleline with Mat(video source) and const Scalar
3) SmokeTest_One_Video_One_Const_Vector test run pipeline with Mat(video source) and const Vector
 # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting

* style fix

* Some review stuff

* Some review stuff
parent 4b0132ed
......@@ -410,11 +410,12 @@ public:
* @param in_metas vector of input metadata configuration. Grab
* metadata from real data objects (like cv::Mat or cv::Scalar)
* using cv::descr_of(), or create it on your own. @param args
* compilation arguments for this compilation process. Compilation
* arguments directly affect what kind of executable object would
* be produced, e.g. which kernels (and thus, devices) would be
* used to execute computation.
* using cv::descr_of(), or create it on your own.
* @param args compilation arguments for this compilation
* process. Compilation arguments directly affect what kind of
* executable object would be produced, e.g. which kernels (and
* thus, devices) would be used to execute computation.
* @return GStreamingCompiled, a streaming-oriented executable
* computation compiled specifically for the given input
......@@ -424,6 +425,27 @@ public:
GStreamingCompiled compileStreaming(GMetaArgs &&in_metas, GCompileArgs &&args = {});
* @brief Compile the computation for streaming mode.
* This method triggers compilation process and produces a new
* GStreamingCompiled object which then can process video stream
* data in any format. Underlying mechanisms will be adjusted to
* every new input video stream automatically, but please note that
* _not all_ existing backends support this (see reshape()).
* @param args compilation arguments for this compilation
* process. Compilation arguments directly affect what kind of
* executable object would be produced, e.g. which kernels (and
* thus, devices) would be used to execute computation.
* @return GStreamingCompiled, a streaming-oriented executable
* computation compiled for any input image format.
* @sa @ref gapi_compile_args
GStreamingCompiled compileStreaming(GCompileArgs &&args = {});
// 2. Direct metadata version
* @overload
......@@ -45,31 +45,62 @@ namespace wip {
class GCaptureSource: public IStreamSource
explicit GCaptureSource(int id) : cap(id) {}
explicit GCaptureSource(const std::string &path) : cap(path) {}
explicit GCaptureSource(int id) : cap(id) { prep(); }
explicit GCaptureSource(const std::string &path) : cap(path) { prep(); }
// TODO: Add more constructor overloads to make it
// fully compatible with VideoCapture's interface.
cv::VideoCapture cap;
cv::Mat first;
bool first_pulled = false;
void prep()
// Prepare first frame to report its meta to engine
// when needed
cv::Mat tmp;
if (!
GAPI_Assert(false && "Couldn't grab the very first frame");
// NOTE: Some decode/media VideoCapture backends continue
// owning the video buffer under cv::Mat so in order to
// process it safely in a highly concurrent pipeline, clone()
// is the only right way.
first = tmp.clone();
virtual bool pull(cv::gapi::wip::Data &data) override
if (!first_pulled)
first_pulled = true;
data = first; // no need to clone here since it was cloned already
return true;
if (!cap.isOpened()) return false;
cv::Mat frame;
if (!
// end-of-stream happened
return false;
// NOTE: Some decode/media VideoCapture backends continue
// owning the video buffer under cv::Mat so in order to
// process it safely in a highly concurrent pipeline, clone()
// is the only right way.
// Same reason to clone as in prep()
data = frame.clone();
return true;
virtual GMetaArg descr_of() const override
return cv::GMetaArg{cv::descr_of(first)};
} // namespace wip
......@@ -7,8 +7,11 @@
#include <memory> // shared_ptr
#include <type_traits> // is_base_of
#include <memory> // shared_ptr
#include <type_traits> // is_base_of
#include <opencv2/gapi/gmetaarg.hpp> // GMetaArg
namespace cv {
namespace gapi {
......@@ -38,6 +41,7 @@ public:
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<IStreamSource>;
Ptr ptr() { return shared_from_this(); }
virtual bool pull(Data &data) = 0;
virtual GMetaArg descr_of() const = 0;
virtual ~IStreamSource() = default;
......@@ -56,6 +56,13 @@ void cv::gapi::GBackend::Priv::addBackendPasses(ade::ExecutionEngineSetupContext
// add custom (backend-specific) graph transformations
void cv::gapi::GBackend::Priv::addMetaSensitiveBackendPasses(ade::ExecutionEngineSetupContext &)
// Do nothing by default, plugins may override this to
// add custom (backend-specific) graph transformations
// which are sensitive to metadata
cv::gapi::GKernelPackage cv::gapi::GBackend::Priv::auxiliaryKernels() const
return {};
......@@ -50,14 +50,22 @@ public:
const GCompileArgs &args,
const std::vector<ade::NodeHandle> &nodes) const;
virtual EPtr compile(const ade::Graph &graph,
const GCompileArgs &args,
const std::vector<ade::NodeHandle> &nodes,
const std::vector<cv::gimpl::Data>& ins_data,
const std::vector<cv::gimpl::Data>& outs_data) const;
// Ask backend to provide general backend-specific compiler passes
virtual void addBackendPasses(ade::ExecutionEngineSetupContext &);
// Ask backend to put extra meta-sensitive backend passes Since
// the inception of Streaming API one can compile graph without
// meta information, so if some passes depend on this information,
// they are called when meta information becomes available.
virtual void addMetaSensitiveBackendPasses(ade::ExecutionEngineSetupContext &);
virtual cv::gapi::GKernelPackage auxiliaryKernels() const;
virtual ~Priv() = default;
......@@ -82,6 +82,12 @@ cv::GStreamingCompiled cv::GComputation::compileStreaming(GMetaArgs &&metas, GCo
return comp.compileStreaming();
cv::GStreamingCompiled cv::GComputation::compileStreaming(GCompileArgs &&args)
cv::gimpl::GCompiler comp(*this, {}, std::move(args));
return comp.compileStreaming();
// FIXME: Introduce similar query/test method for GMetaArgs as a building block
// for functions like this?
static bool formats_are_same(const cv::GMetaArgs& metas1, const cv::GMetaArgs& metas2)
......@@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ cv::GMetaArg cv::descr_of(const cv::GRunArg &arg)
case GRunArg::index_of<cv::detail::VectorRef>():
return cv::GMetaArg(util::get<cv::detail::VectorRef>(arg).descr_of());
case GRunArg::index_of<cv::gapi::wip::IStreamSource::Ptr>():
return cv::util::get<cv::gapi::wip::IStreamSource::Ptr>(arg)->descr_of();
default: util::throw_error(std::logic_error("Unsupported GRunArg type"));
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ namespace
virtual void addBackendPasses(ade::ExecutionEngineSetupContext &ectx) override;
virtual void addMetaSensitiveBackendPasses(ade::ExecutionEngineSetupContext &ectx) override;
......@@ -1418,7 +1418,7 @@ void cv::gimpl::GParallelFluidExecutable::run(std::vector<InObj> &&input_objs,
// FIXME: these passes operate on graph global level!!!
// Need to fix this for heterogeneous (island-based) processing
void GFluidBackendImpl::addBackendPasses(ade::ExecutionEngineSetupContext &ectx)
void GFluidBackendImpl::addMetaSensitiveBackendPasses(ade::ExecutionEngineSetupContext &ectx)
using namespace cv::gimpl;
......@@ -259,13 +259,16 @@ cv::gimpl::GCompiler::GCompiler(const cv::GComputation &c,
// (no compound backend present here)
m_e.addPass("kernels", "check_islands_content", passes::checkIslandsContent);
//Input metas may be empty when a graph is compiled for streaming
m_e.addPass("meta", "initialize", std::bind(passes::initMeta, _1, std::ref(m_metas)));
m_e.addPass("meta", "propagate", std::bind(passes::inferMeta, _1, false));
m_e.addPass("meta", "finalize", passes::storeResultingMeta);
// moved to another stage, FIXME: two dumps?
// m_e.addPass("meta", "dump_dot", passes::dumpDotStdout);
if (!m_metas.empty())
m_e.addPass("meta", "initialize", std::bind(passes::initMeta, _1, std::ref(m_metas)));
m_e.addPass("meta", "propagate", std::bind(passes::inferMeta, _1, false));
m_e.addPass("meta", "finalize", passes::storeResultingMeta);
// moved to another stage, FIXME: two dumps?
// m_e.addPass("meta", "dump_dot", passes::dumpDotStdout);
// Special stage for backend-specific transformations
// FIXME: document passes hierarchy and order for backend developers
......@@ -280,6 +283,10 @@ cv::gimpl::GCompiler::GCompiler(const cv::GComputation &c,
// FIXME: add a better way to do that!
m_e.addPass("exec", "add_streaming", passes::addStreaming);
// Note: Must be called after addStreaming as addStreaming pass
// can possibly add new nodes to the IslandModel
m_e.addPass("exec", "sort_islands", passes::topoSortIslands);
if (dump_path.has_value())
m_e.addPass("exec", "dump_dot", std::bind(passes::dumpGraph, _1,
......@@ -294,6 +301,10 @@ cv::gimpl::GCompiler::GCompiler(const cv::GComputation &c,
for (auto &b : backends)
if (!m_metas.empty())
......@@ -361,9 +372,18 @@ void cv::gimpl::GCompiler::validateOutProtoArgs()
cv::gimpl::GCompiler::GPtr cv::gimpl::GCompiler::generateGraph()
if (!m_metas.empty())
// Metadata may be empty if we're compiling our graph for streaming
return makeGraph(m_c.priv().m_ins, m_c.priv().m_outs);
auto g = makeGraph(m_c.priv().m_ins, m_c.priv().m_outs);
if (!m_metas.empty())
return g;
void cv::gimpl::GCompiler::runPasses(ade::Graph &g)
......@@ -373,17 +393,17 @@ void cv::gimpl::GCompiler::runPasses(ade::Graph &g)
void cv::gimpl::GCompiler::compileIslands(ade::Graph &g)
compileIslands(g, m_args);
void cv::gimpl::GCompiler::compileIslands(ade::Graph &g, const cv::GCompileArgs &args)
GModel::Graph gm(g);
std::shared_ptr<ade::Graph> gptr(gm.metadata().get<IslandModel>().model);
GIslandModel::Graph gim(*gptr);
// Run topological sort on GIslandModel first
auto pass_ctx = ade::passes::PassContext{*gptr};
// Now compile islands
GIslandModel::compileIslands(gim, g, m_args);
GIslandModel::compileIslands(gim, g, args);
cv::GCompiled cv::gimpl::GCompiler::produceCompiled(GPtr &&pg)
......@@ -417,12 +437,27 @@ cv::GCompiled cv::gimpl::GCompiler::produceCompiled(GPtr &&pg)
cv::GStreamingCompiled cv::gimpl::GCompiler::produceStreamingCompiled(GPtr &&pg)
const auto &outMetas = GModel::ConstGraph(*pg).metadata()
std::unique_ptr<GStreamingExecutor> pE(new GStreamingExecutor(std::move(pg)));
GStreamingCompiled compiled;
compiled.priv().setup(m_metas, outMetas, std::move(pE));
GMetaArgs outMetas;
// FIXME: the whole below construct is ugly, need to revise
// how G*Compiled learns about its meta.
if (!m_metas.empty())
outMetas = GModel::ConstGraph(*pg).metadata().get<OutputMeta>().outMeta;
std::unique_ptr<GStreamingExecutor> pE(new GStreamingExecutor(std::move(pg)));
if (!m_metas.empty() && !outMetas.empty())
compiled.priv().setup(m_metas, outMetas, std::move(pE));
else if (m_metas.empty() && outMetas.empty())
// Otherwise, set it up with executor object only
else GAPI_Assert(false && "Impossible happened -- please report a bug");
return compiled;
......@@ -440,6 +475,34 @@ cv::GStreamingCompiled cv::gimpl::GCompiler::compileStreaming()
std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph> pG = generateGraph();
if (!m_metas.empty())
// If the metadata has been passed, compile our islands!
return produceStreamingCompiled(std::move(pG));
void cv::gimpl::GCompiler::runMetaPasses(ade::Graph &g, const cv::GMetaArgs &metas)
auto pass_ctx = ade::passes::PassContext{g};
cv::gimpl::passes::initMeta(pass_ctx, metas);
cv::gimpl::passes::inferMeta(pass_ctx, true);
// Also run meta-sensitive backend-specific passes, if there's any.
// FIXME: This may be hazardous if our backend are not very robust
// in their passes -- how can we guarantee correct functioning in the
// future?
ade::ExecutionEngine engine;
engine.addPassStage("exec"); // FIXME: Need a better decision on how we replicate
// our main compiler stages here.
ade::ExecutionEngineSetupContext ectx(engine);
// NB: &&b or &b doesn't work here since "backends" is a set. Nevermind
for (auto b : GModel::Graph(g).metadata().get<ActiveBackends>().backends)
......@@ -29,12 +29,16 @@ class GAPI_EXPORTS GCompiler
cv::gapi::GKernelPackage m_all_kernels;
cv::gapi::GNetPackage m_all_networks;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph>> m_all_patterns; // built patterns from transformations
// Patters built from transformations
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph>> m_all_patterns;
void validateInputMeta();
void validateOutProtoArgs();
// Metas may be empty in case when graph compiling for streaming
// In this case graph get metas from first frame
explicit GCompiler(const GComputation &c,
GMetaArgs &&metas,
GCompileArgs &&args);
......@@ -47,11 +51,13 @@ public:
// But those are actually composed of this:
using GPtr = std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph>;
GPtr generateGraph(); // Unroll GComputation into a GModel
void runPasses(ade::Graph &g); // Apply all G-API passes on a GModel
void compileIslands(ade::Graph &g); // Instantiate GIslandExecutables in GIslandModel
GCompiled produceCompiled(GPtr &&pg); // Produce GCompiled from processed GModel
GPtr generateGraph(); // Unroll GComputation into a GModel
void runPasses(ade::Graph &g); // Apply all G-API passes on a GModel
void compileIslands(ade::Graph &g); // Instantiate GIslandExecutables in GIslandModel
static void compileIslands(ade::Graph &g, const cv::GCompileArgs &args);
GCompiled produceCompiled(GPtr &&pg); // Produce GCompiled from processed GModel
GStreamingCompiled produceStreamingCompiled(GPtr &&pg); // Produce GStreamingCompiled from processed GMbodel
static void runMetaPasses(ade::Graph &g, const cv::GMetaArgs &metas);
......@@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ void GIslandModel::compileIslands(Graph &g, const ade::Graph &orig_g, const GCom
ade::NodeHandle GIslandModel::producerOf(const ConstGraph &g, ade::NodeHandle &data_nh)
......@@ -166,6 +166,12 @@ struct Sink
std::size_t proto_index;
// This flag is set in graph's own metadata if compileIsland was successful
struct IslandsCompiled
static const char *name() { return "IslandsCompiled"; }
namespace GIslandModel
using Graph = ade::TypedGraph
......@@ -175,6 +181,7 @@ namespace GIslandModel
, IslandExec
, Emitter
, Sink
, IslandsCompiled
, ade::passes::TopologicalSortData
......@@ -186,6 +193,7 @@ namespace GIslandModel
, IslandExec
, Emitter
, Sink
, IslandsCompiled
, ade::passes::TopologicalSortData
......@@ -109,6 +109,17 @@ struct Protocol
std::vector<ade::NodeHandle> out_nhs;
// The original metadata the graph has been compiled for.
// - For regular GCompiled, this information always present and
// is NOT updated on reshape()
// - For GStreamingCompiled, this information may be missing.
// It means that compileStreaming() was called without meta.
struct OriginalInputMeta
static const char *name() { return "OriginalInputMeta"; }
GMetaArgs inputMeta;
struct OutputMeta
static const char *name() { return "OutputMeta"; }
......@@ -193,6 +204,7 @@ namespace GModel
, ConstValue
, Island
, Protocol
, OriginalInputMeta
, OutputMeta
, Journal
, ade::passes::TopologicalSortData
......@@ -213,6 +225,7 @@ namespace GModel
, ConstValue
, Island
, Protocol
, OriginalInputMeta
, OutputMeta
, Journal
, ade::passes::TopologicalSortData
......@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ void cv::GStreamingCompiled::Priv::setup(const GMetaArgs &_metaArgs,
m_exec = std::move(_pE);
void cv::GStreamingCompiled::Priv::setup(std::unique_ptr<cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor> &&_pE)
m_exec = std::move(_pE);
bool cv::GStreamingCompiled::Priv::isEmpty() const
return !m_exec;
......@@ -47,9 +52,7 @@ const cv::GMetaArgs& cv::GStreamingCompiled::Priv::outMetas() const
// the G*Compiled's priv?
void cv::GStreamingCompiled::Priv::setSource(cv::GRunArgs &&args)
// FIXME: This metadata checking should be removed at all
// for the streaming case.
if (!can_describe(m_metas, args))
if (!m_metas.empty() && !can_describe(m_metas, args))
util::throw_error(std::logic_error("This object was compiled "
"for different metadata!"));
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ public:
void setup(const GMetaArgs &metaArgs,
const GMetaArgs &outMetas,
std::unique_ptr<cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor> &&pE);
void setup(std::unique_ptr<cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor> &&pE);
bool isEmpty() const;
const GMetaArgs& metas() const;
......@@ -638,4 +638,12 @@ void passes::syncIslandTags(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx)
GIslandModel::Graph gim(*gptr);
GIslandModel::syncIslandTags(gim, ctx.graph);
void passes::topoSortIslands(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx)
GModel::Graph gm(ctx.graph);
std::shared_ptr<ade::Graph> gptr(gm.metadata().get<IslandModel>().model);
auto pass_ctx = ade::passes::PassContext{*gptr};
}} // namespace cv::gimpl
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ void resolveKernels(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx,
void fuseIslands(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx);
void syncIslandTags(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx);
void topoSortIslands(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx);
void applyTransformations(ade::passes::PassContext &ctx,
const gapi::GKernelPackage &pkg,
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include "executor/gstreamingexecutor.hpp"
#include "compiler/passes/passes.hpp"
#include "backends/common/gbackend.hpp" // createMat
#include "compiler/gcompiler.hpp" // for compileIslands
......@@ -420,6 +421,10 @@ cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::GStreamingExecutor(std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph> &&
return m_gim.metadata(nh).get<NodeKind>().k == NodeKind::ISLAND;
// If metadata was not passed to compileStreaming, Islands are not compiled at this point.
// It is fine -- Islands are then compiled in setSource (at the first valid call).
const bool islands_compiled = m_gim.metadata().contains<IslandsCompiled>();
auto sorted = m_gim.metadata().get<ade::passes::TopologicalSortData>();
for (auto nh : sorted.nodes())
......@@ -440,7 +445,8 @@ cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::GStreamingExecutor(std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph> &&
auto xtract_in = [&](ade::NodeHandle slot_nh, std::vector<RcDesc> &vec) {
auto xtract_in = [&](ade::NodeHandle slot_nh, std::vector<RcDesc> &vec)
const auto orig_data_nh
= m_gim.metadata(slot_nh).get<DataSlot>().original_data_node;
const auto &orig_data_info
......@@ -458,7 +464,8 @@ cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::GStreamingExecutor(std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph> &&
, orig_data_info.shape
, orig_data_info.ctor});
auto xtract_out = [&](ade::NodeHandle slot_nh, std::vector<RcDesc> &vec, cv::GMetaArgs &metas) {
auto xtract_out = [&](ade::NodeHandle slot_nh, std::vector<RcDesc> &vec, cv::GMetaArgs &metas)
const auto orig_data_nh
= m_gim.metadata(slot_nh).get<DataSlot>().original_data_node;
const auto &orig_data_info
......@@ -476,13 +483,16 @@ cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::GStreamingExecutor(std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph> &&
for (auto in_slot_nh : nh->inNodes()) xtract_in(in_slot_nh, input_rcs);
for (auto out_slot_nh : nh->outNodes()) xtract_out(out_slot_nh, output_rcs, output_metas);
std::shared_ptr<GIslandExecutable> isl_exec = islands_compiled
? m_gim.metadata(nh).get<IslandExec>().object
: nullptr;
m_ops.emplace_back(OpDesc{ std::move(input_rcs)
, std::move(output_rcs)
, std::move(output_metas)
, nh
, in_constants
, m_gim.metadata(nh).get<IslandExec>().object});
, isl_exec
// Initialize queues for every operation's input
ade::TypedGraph<DataQueue> qgr(*m_island_graph);
for (auto eh : nh->inEdges())
......@@ -542,7 +552,8 @@ void cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::setSource(GRunArgs &&ins)
GAPI_Assert(state == State::READY || state == State::STOPPED);
const auto is_video = [](const GRunArg &arg) {
const auto is_video = [](const GRunArg &arg)
return util::holds_alternative<cv::gapi::wip::IStreamSource::Ptr>(arg);
const auto num_videos = std::count_if(ins.begin(), ins.end(), is_video);
......@@ -554,6 +565,67 @@ void cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::setSource(GRunArgs &&ins)
" currently supported!"));
GModel::ConstGraph gm(*m_orig_graph);
// Now the tricky-part: completing Islands compilation if compileStreaming
// has been called without meta arguments.
// The logic is basically the following:
// - (0) Collect metadata from input vector;
// - (1) If graph is compiled with meta
// - (2) Just check if the passed objects have correct meta.
// - (3) Otherwise:
// - (4) Run metadata inference;
// - (5) If islands are not compiled at this point OR are not reshapeable:
// - (6) Compile them for a first time with this meta;
// - (7) Update internal structures with this island information
// - (8) Otherwise:
// - (9) Reshape islands to this new metadata.
// - (10) Update internal structures again
const auto update_int_metas = [&]()
for (auto& op : m_ops)
for (auto out_slot_nh : op.nh->outNodes())
const auto &orig_nh = m_gim.metadata(out_slot_nh).get<DataSlot>().original_data_node;
const auto &orig_info = gm.metadata(orig_nh).get<Data>();
const auto new_meta = cv::descr_of(ins); // 0
if (gm.metadata().contains<OriginalInputMeta>()) // (1)
// NB: Metadata is tested in setSource() already - just put an assert here
GAPI_Assert(new_meta == gm.metadata().get<OriginalInputMeta>().inputMeta); // (2)
else // (3)
GCompiler::runMetaPasses(*m_orig_graph.get(), new_meta); // (4)
if (!m_gim.metadata().contains<IslandsCompiled>()
|| (m_reshapable.has_value() && m_reshapable.value() == false)) // (5)
bool is_reshapable = true;
GCompiler::compileIslands(*m_orig_graph.get(), m_comp_args); // (6)
for (auto& op : m_ops)
op.isl_exec = m_gim.metadata(op.nh).get<IslandExec>().object;
is_reshapable &= op.isl_exec->canReshape();
update_int_metas(); // (7)
m_reshapable = util::make_optional(is_reshapable);
else // (8)
for (auto& op : m_ops)
op.isl_exec->reshape(*m_orig_graph, m_comp_args); // (9)
update_int_metas(); // (10)
// Metadata handling is done!
// Walk through the protocol, set-up emitters appropriately
// There's a 1:1 mapping between emitters and corresponding data inputs.
for (auto it : ade::util::zip(ade::util::toRange(m_emitters),
......@@ -592,7 +664,8 @@ void cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::setSource(GRunArgs &&ins)
// all other inputs are "constant" generators.
// Craft here a completion callback to notify Const emitters that
// a video source is over
auto real_video_completion_cb = [this]() {
auto real_video_completion_cb = [this]()
for (auto q : m_const_emitter_queues) q->push(Cmd{Stop{}});
......@@ -624,6 +697,7 @@ void cv::gimpl::GStreamingExecutor::setSource(GRunArgs &&ins)
// Now do this for every island (in a topological order)
for (auto &&op : m_ops)
......@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ protected:
std::unique_ptr<ade::Graph> m_orig_graph;
std::shared_ptr<ade::Graph> m_island_graph;
cv::GCompileArgs m_comp_args;
cv::GMetaArgs m_last_metas;
util::optional<bool> m_reshapable;
cv::gimpl::GIslandModel::Graph m_gim; // FIXME: make const?
......@@ -90,7 +93,6 @@ protected:
std::vector<GRunArg> in_constants;
// FIXME: remove it as unused
std::shared_ptr<GIslandExecutable> isl_exec;
std::vector<OpDesc> m_ops;
......@@ -302,6 +302,102 @@ TEST_P(GAPI_Streaming, SmokeTest_VideoConstSource_NoHang)
EXPECT_EQ(ref_frames, test_frames);
TEST_P(GAPI_Streaming, SmokeTest_AutoMeta)
cv::GMat in;
cv::GMat in2;
cv::GMat roi = cv::gapi::crop(in2, cv::Rect{1,1,256,256});
cv::GMat blr = cv::gapi::blur(roi, cv::Size(3,3));
cv::GMat out = blr - in;
auto testc = cv::GComputation(cv::GIn(in, in2), cv::GOut(out))
cv::Mat in_const = cv::Mat::eye(cv::Size(256,256), CV_8UC3);
cv::Mat tmp;
// Test with one video source
auto in_src = gapi::wip::make_src<cv::gapi::wip::GCaptureSource>(findDataFile("cv/video/768x576.avi"));
testc.setSource(cv::gin(in_const, in_src));
std::size_t test_frames = 0u;
while (testc.pull(cv::gout(tmp))) test_frames++;
EXPECT_EQ(100u, test_frames);
// Now test with another one
in_src = gapi::wip::make_src<cv::gapi::wip::GCaptureSource>(findDataFile("cv/video/1920x1080.avi"));
testc.setSource(cv::gin(in_const, in_src));
test_frames = 0u;
while (testc.pull(cv::gout(tmp))) test_frames++;
EXPECT_EQ(165u, test_frames);
TEST_P(GAPI_Streaming, SmokeTest_AutoMeta_2xConstMat)
cv::GMat in;
cv::GMat in2;
cv::GMat roi = cv::gapi::crop(in2, cv::Rect{1,1,256,256});
cv::GMat blr = cv::gapi::blur(roi, cv::Size(3,3));
cv::GMat out = blr - in;
auto testc = cv::GComputation(cv::GIn(in, in2), cv::GOut(out))
cv::Mat in_const = cv::Mat::eye(cv::Size(256,256), CV_8UC3);
cv::Mat tmp;
// Test with first image
auto in_src = cv::imread(findDataFile("cv/edgefilter/statue.png"));
testc.setSource(cv::gin(in_const, in_src));
// Now test with second image
in_src = cv::imread(findDataFile("cv/edgefilter/kodim23.png"));
testc.setSource(cv::gin(in_const, in_src));
TEST_P(GAPI_Streaming, SmokeTest_AutoMeta_VideoScalar)
cv::GMat in_m;
cv::GScalar in_s;
cv::GMat out_m = in_m * in_s;
auto testc = cv::GComputation(cv::GIn(in_m, in_s), cv::GOut(out_m))
cv::Mat tmp;
// Test with one video source and scalar
auto in_src = gapi::wip::make_src<cv::gapi::wip::GCaptureSource>(findDataFile("cv/video/768x576.avi"));
testc.setSource(cv::gin(in_src, cv::Scalar{1.25}));
std::size_t test_frames = 0u;
while (testc.pull(cv::gout(tmp))) test_frames++;
EXPECT_EQ(100u, test_frames);
// Now test with another one video source and scalar
in_src = gapi::wip::make_src<cv::gapi::wip::GCaptureSource>(findDataFile("cv/video/1920x1080.avi"));
testc.setSource(cv::gin(in_src, cv::Scalar{0.75}));
test_frames = 0u;
while (testc.pull(cv::gout(tmp))) test_frames++;
EXPECT_EQ(165u, test_frames);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(TestStreaming, GAPI_Streaming,
//, OCL_KERNELS() // FIXME: Fails bit-exactness check, maybe relax it?
......@@ -377,6 +473,38 @@ namespace TypesTest
} // namespace TypesTest
TEST_P(GAPI_Streaming, SmokeTest_AutoMeta_VideoArray)
cv::GMat in_m;
cv::GArray<int> in_v;
cv::GMat out_m = TypesTest::AddV::on(in_m, in_v) - in_m;
// Run pipeline
auto testc = cv::GComputation(cv::GIn(in_m, in_v), cv::GOut(out_m))
cv::Mat tmp;
// Test with one video source and vector
auto in_src = gapi::wip::make_src<cv::gapi::wip::GCaptureSource>(findDataFile("cv/video/768x576.avi"));
std::vector<int> first_in_vec(768*3, 1);
testc.setSource(cv::gin(in_src, first_in_vec));
std::size_t test_frames = 0u;
while (testc.pull(cv::gout(tmp))) test_frames++;
EXPECT_EQ(100u, test_frames);
// Now test with another one
in_src = gapi::wip::make_src<cv::gapi::wip::GCaptureSource>(findDataFile("cv/video/1920x1080.avi"));
std::vector<int> second_in_vec(1920*3, 1);
testc.setSource(cv::gin(in_src, second_in_vec));
test_frames = 0u;
while (testc.pull(cv::gout(tmp))) test_frames++;
EXPECT_EQ(165u, test_frames);
TEST(GAPI_Streaming_Types, InputScalar)
// This test verifies if Streaming works with Scalar data @ input.
......@@ -662,7 +790,6 @@ struct GAPI_Streaming_Unit: public ::testing::Test {
const auto a_desc = cv::descr_of(m);
const auto b_desc = cv::descr_of(m);
sc = cc.compileStreaming(a_desc, b_desc);
......@@ -672,10 +799,17 @@ struct GAPI_Streaming_Unit: public ::testing::Test {
TEST_F(GAPI_Streaming_Unit, TestTwoVideoSourcesFail)
// FIXME: Meta check doesn't fail here (but ideally it should)
const auto c_ptr = gapi::wip::make_src<cv::gapi::wip::GCaptureSource>(findDataFile("cv/video/768x576.avi"));
auto c_desc = cv::GMatDesc{CV_8U,3,{768,576}};
auto m_desc = cv::descr_of(m);
sc = cc.compileStreaming(c_desc, m_desc);
EXPECT_NO_THROW(sc.setSource(cv::gin(c_ptr, m)));
sc = cc.compileStreaming(m_desc, c_desc);
EXPECT_NO_THROW(sc.setSource(cv::gin(m, c_ptr)));
sc = cc.compileStreaming(c_desc, c_desc);
EXPECT_ANY_THROW(sc.setSource(cv::gin(c_ptr, c_ptr)));
......@@ -823,5 +957,4 @@ TEST_F(GAPI_Streaming_Unit, SetSource_After_Completion)
EXPECT_EQ(0., cv::norm(out, out_ref, cv::NORM_INF));
} // namespace opencv_test
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