Commit 5c9a624a authored by ann's avatar ann Committed by Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #15356 from APrigarina:3.4_version2

QR-Code detection: accuracy improvement

* first commit

* resize improvement

* resize improvement

* dummy commit

* warnings fix

* warnings fix

* warnings fix

* test added

* resize fix

* resize fix

* tests changed

* tests changed
parent aa61e796
......@@ -40,9 +40,10 @@ protected:
bool testBypassRoute(vector<Point2f> hull, int start, int finish);
inline double getCosVectors(Point2f a, Point2f b, Point2f c);
Mat barcode, bin_barcode, straight_barcode;
Mat barcode, bin_barcode, resized_barcode, resized_bin_barcode, straight_barcode;
vector<Point2f> localization_points, transformation_points;
double eps_vertical, eps_horizontal, coeff_expansion;
enum resize_direction { ZOOMING, SHRINKING, UNCHANGED } purpose;
......@@ -50,24 +51,36 @@ void QRDetect::init(const Mat& src, double eps_vertical_, double eps_horizontal_
barcode = src.clone();
const double min_side = std::min(src.size().width, src.size().height);
if (min_side < 512.0)
purpose = ZOOMING;
coeff_expansion = 512.0 / min_side;
const int width = cvRound(src.size().width * coeff_expansion);
const int height = cvRound(src.size().height * coeff_expansion);
Size new_size(width, height);
resize(src, barcode, new_size, 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);
else if (min_side > 512.0)
purpose = SHRINKING;
coeff_expansion = min_side / 512.0;
const int width = cvRound(src.size().width / coeff_expansion);
const int height = cvRound(src.size().height / coeff_expansion);
Size new_size(width, height);
resize(src, resized_barcode, new_size, 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
purpose = UNCHANGED;
coeff_expansion = 1.0;
barcode = src;
eps_vertical = eps_vertical_;
eps_horizontal = eps_horizontal_;
adaptiveThreshold(barcode, bin_barcode, 255, ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, THRESH_BINARY, 83, 2);
adaptiveThreshold(resized_barcode, resized_bin_barcode, 255, ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, THRESH_BINARY, 83, 2);
......@@ -140,11 +153,18 @@ vector<Point2f> QRDetect::separateVerticalLines(const vector<Vec3d> &list_lines)
vector<Vec3d> result;
int temp_length = 0;
int temp_length;
vector<Point2f> point2f_result;
uint8_t next_pixel;
vector<double> test_lines;
for (int coeff_epsilon = 1; coeff_epsilon < 10; coeff_epsilon++)
temp_length = 0;
for (size_t pnt = 0; pnt < list_lines.size(); pnt++)
const int x = cvRound(list_lines[pnt][0] + list_lines[pnt][2] * 0.5);
......@@ -199,20 +219,31 @@ vector<Point2f> QRDetect::separateVerticalLines(const vector<Vec3d> &list_lines)
else { weight += fabs((test_lines[i] / length) - 3.0/14.0); }
if(weight < eps_horizontal)
if(weight < eps_horizontal * coeff_epsilon)
vector<Point2f> point2f_result;
if (result.size() > 2)
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); i++)
Point2f(static_cast<float>(result[i][0] + result[i][2] * 0.5),
vector<Point2f> centers;
Mat labels;
double compactness;
compactness = kmeans(point2f_result, 3, labels,
TermCriteria( TermCriteria::EPS + TermCriteria::COUNT, 10, 0.1),
3, KMEANS_PP_CENTERS, centers);
if (compactness == 0) { continue; }
if (compactness > 0) { break; }
return point2f_result;
......@@ -316,10 +347,46 @@ bool QRDetect::localization()
vector<Vec3d> list_lines_x = searchHorizontalLines();
if( list_lines_x.empty() ) { return false; }
vector<Point2f> list_lines_y = separateVerticalLines(list_lines_x);
if( list_lines_y.size() < 3 ) { return false; }
if( list_lines_y.empty() ) { return false; }
vector<Point2f> centers;
Mat labels;
kmeans(list_lines_y, 3, labels,
TermCriteria( TermCriteria::EPS + TermCriteria::COUNT, 10, 0.1),
3, KMEANS_PP_CENTERS, localization_points);
bool suare_flag = false, local_points_flag = false;
double triangle_sides[3];
triangle_sides[0] = norm(localization_points[0] - localization_points[1]);
triangle_sides[1] = norm(localization_points[1] - localization_points[2]);
triangle_sides[2] = norm(localization_points[2] - localization_points[0]);
double triangle_perim = (triangle_sides[0] + triangle_sides[1] + triangle_sides[2]) / 2;
double square_area = sqrt((triangle_perim * (triangle_perim - triangle_sides[0])
* (triangle_perim - triangle_sides[1])
* (triangle_perim - triangle_sides[2]))) * 2;
double img_square_area = bin_barcode.cols * bin_barcode.rows;
if (square_area > (img_square_area * 0.2))
suare_flag = true;
if (localization_points.size() != 3)
local_points_flag = true;
if ((suare_flag || local_points_flag) && purpose == SHRINKING)
bin_barcode = resized_bin_barcode.clone();
list_lines_x = searchHorizontalLines();
if( list_lines_x.empty() ) { return false; }
list_lines_y = separateVerticalLines(list_lines_x);
if( list_lines_y.empty() ) { return false; }
kmeans(list_lines_y, 3, labels,
TermCriteria( TermCriteria::EPS + TermCriteria::COUNT, 10, 0.1),
3, KMEANS_PP_CENTERS, localization_points);
......@@ -327,7 +394,18 @@ bool QRDetect::localization()
if (localization_points.size() != 3) { return false; }
if (coeff_expansion > 1.0)
const int width = cvRound(bin_barcode.size().width * coeff_expansion);
const int height = cvRound(bin_barcode.size().height * coeff_expansion);
Size new_size(width, height);
Mat intermediate;
resize(bin_barcode, intermediate, new_size, 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR);
bin_barcode = intermediate.clone();
for (size_t i = 0; i < localization_points.size(); i++)
localization_points[i] *= coeff_expansion;
if (purpose == ZOOMING)
const int width = cvRound(bin_barcode.size().width / coeff_expansion);
const int height = cvRound(bin_barcode.size().height / coeff_expansion);
......@@ -475,6 +553,13 @@ bool QRDetect::computeTransformationPoints()
vector<Point2f> quadrilateral = getQuadrilateral(transformation_points);
transformation_points = quadrilateral;
int width = bin_barcode.size().width;
int height = bin_barcode.size().height;
for (size_t i = 0; i < transformation_points.size(); i++)
if ((cvRound(transformation_points[i].x) > width) ||
(cvRound(transformation_points[i].y) > height)) { return false; }
return true;
......@@ -835,9 +920,27 @@ protected:
void QRDecode::init(const Mat &src, const vector<Point2f> &points)
vector<Point2f> bbox = points;
double coeff_expansion;
const int min_side = std::min(src.size().width, src.size().height);
if (min_side > 512)
coeff_expansion = min_side / 512;
const int width = cvRound(src.size().width / coeff_expansion);
const int height = cvRound(src.size().height / coeff_expansion);
Size new_size(width, height);
resize(src, original, new_size, 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
for (size_t i = 0; i < bbox.size(); i++)
bbox[i] /= static_cast<float>(coeff_expansion);
original = src.clone();
intermediate = Mat::zeros(src.size(), CV_8UC1);
original_points = points;
intermediate = Mat::zeros(original.size(), CV_8UC1);
original_points = bbox;
version = 0;
version_size = 0;
test_perspective_size = 251;
This diff is collapsed.
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