Commit 5c43a394 authored by Dmitry Kurtaev's avatar Dmitry Kurtaev

Added performance test for Caffe framework

parent 8ffa2947
......@@ -8,20 +8,7 @@ according to specific device and evaluate it with a quite good efficiency.
An official website of the Halide project:
## Efficiency comparison
Measured on Intel® Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz x 8.
Single image forward pass (in milliseconds):
| Architecture | MKL backend | Halide backend | Speed Up ratio |
| AlexNet | 16.55 | 22.38 | x0.73 |
| ResNet-50 | 63.69 | 73.91 | x0.86 |
| SqueezeNet v1.1 | 10.11 | 8.21 | x1.23 |
| Inception-5h | 35.38 | 37.06 | x0.95 |
| ENet @ 3x512x256 | 82.26 | 41.21 | x1.99 |
Scheduling directives might be found @ [opencv_extra/testdata/dnn](
An up to date efficiency comparison:
## Requirements
### LLVM compiler
......@@ -81,6 +68,8 @@ MSBuild.exe /m:4 /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release .\\ALL_BUILD.vcxproj
## Build OpenCV with Halide backend
When you build OpenCV add the following configuration flags:
- `ENABLE_CXX11` - enable C++11 standard
- `WITH_HALIDE` - enable Halide linkage
- `HALIDE_ROOT_DIR` - path to Halide build directory
......@@ -77,6 +77,24 @@ ocv_add_samples()
ocv_option(${the_module}_PERF_CAFFE "Add performance tests of Caffe framework" OFF)
ocv_option(${the_module}_PERF_CLCAFFE "Add performance tests of clCaffe framework" OFF)
if (${the_module}_PERF_CAFFE)
find_package(Caffe QUIET)
if (Caffe_FOUND)
ocv_target_link_libraries(opencv_perf_dnn caffe)
find_package(Caffe QUIET)
if (Caffe_FOUND)
ocv_target_link_libraries(opencv_perf_dnn caffe)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Torch7 importer of blobs and models, produced by Torch.nn module
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -428,21 +428,21 @@ CV__DNN_EXPERIMENTAL_NS_BEGIN
* specific target. For layers that not represented in scheduling file
* or if no manual scheduling used at all, automatic scheduling will be applied.
void setHalideScheduler(const String& scheduler);
CV_WRAP void setHalideScheduler(const String& scheduler);
* @brief Ask network to use specific computation backend where it supported.
* @param[in] backendId backend identifier.
* @see Backend
void setPreferableBackend(int backendId);
CV_WRAP void setPreferableBackend(int backendId);
* @brief Ask network to make computations on specific target device.
* @param[in] targetId target identifier.
* @see Target
void setPreferableTarget(int targetId);
CV_WRAP void setPreferableTarget(int targetId);
/** @brief Sets the new value for the layer output blob
* @param name descriptor of the updating layer output blob.
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2017, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// Recommends run this performance test via
// ./bin/opencv_perf_dnn 2> /dev/null | grep "PERFSTAT" -A 3
// because whole output includes Caffe's logs.
// Note: Be sure that interesting version of Caffe was linked.
// Note: There is an impact on Halide performance. Comment this tests if you
// want to run the last one.
// How to build Intel-Caffe with MKLDNN backend
// ============================================
// mkdir build && cd build
// cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
// -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .. && make -j8
// sudo make install
// In case of problems with cublas_v2.h at include/caffe/util/device_alternate.hpp: add line
// #define CPU_ONLY
// before the first line
// #ifdef CPU_ONLY // CPU-only Caffe.
#if defined(HAVE_CAFFE) || defined(HAVE_CLCAFFE)
#include "perf_precomp.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <caffe/caffe.hpp>
namespace cvtest
static caffe::Net<float>* initNet(std::string proto, std::string weights)
proto = findDataFile(proto, false);
weights = findDataFile(weights, false);
caffe::Net<float>* net =
new caffe::Net<float>(proto, caffe::TEST, caffe::Caffe::GetDefaultDevice());
caffe::Net<float>* net = new caffe::Net<float>(proto, caffe::TEST);
caffe::Blob<float>* input = net->input_blobs()[0];
CV_Assert(input->num() == 1);
CV_Assert(input->channels() == 3);
Mat inputMat(input->height(), input->width(), CV_32FC3, (char*)input->cpu_data());
randu(inputMat, 0.0f, 1.0f);
return net;
PERF_TEST(GoogLeNet_caffe, CaffePerfTest)
caffe::Net<float>* net = initNet("dnn/bvlc_googlenet.prototxt",
TEST_CYCLE() net->Forward();
PERF_TEST(AlexNet_caffe, CaffePerfTest)
caffe::Net<float>* net = initNet("dnn/bvlc_alexnet.prototxt",
TEST_CYCLE() net->Forward();
PERF_TEST(ResNet50_caffe, CaffePerfTest)
caffe::Net<float>* net = initNet("dnn/ResNet-50-deploy.prototxt",
TEST_CYCLE() net->Forward();
PERF_TEST(SqueezeNet_v1_1_caffe, CaffePerfTest)
caffe::Net<float>* net = initNet("dnn/squeezenet_v1.1.prototxt",
TEST_CYCLE() net->Forward();
} // namespace cvtest
#endif // HAVE_CAFFE
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ PERF_TEST(GoogLeNet, HalidePerfTest)
Net net;
loadNet("dnn/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel", "dnn/bvlc_googlenet.prototxt",
"", 227, 227, "prob", "caffe", DNN_TARGET_CPU, &net);
"", 224, 224, "prob", "caffe", DNN_TARGET_CPU, &net);
TEST_CYCLE() net.forward();
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ TEST(Reproducibility_GoogLeNet_Halide, Accuracy)
test(findDataFile("dnn/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel", false),
findDataFile("dnn/bvlc_googlenet.prototxt", false),
"", 227, 227, "prob", "caffe", DNN_TARGET_CPU);
"", 224, 224, "prob", "caffe", DNN_TARGET_CPU);
TEST(Reproducibility_AlexNet_Halide, Accuracy)
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
// Copyright (C) 2017, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
// Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
// Sample of using Halide backend in OpenCV deep learning module.
// Based on caffe_googlenet.cpp.
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