Commit 5c3495a0 authored by Alexey Spizhevoy's avatar Alexey Spizhevoy

added perf test for gpu::erode, fixed docs, refactored perf. sample

parent da6aa774
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ Returns true if the device has the given GPU feature, otherwise false.
\cvdefCpp{bool DeviceInfo::has(GpuFeature feature);}
\cvarg{feature}{Feature to be checked. See \hyperref[cpp.gpu.GpuFeature]{gpu::GpuFeature}.}
\cvarg{feature}{Feature to be checked. See \hyperref[cpp.gpu.GpuFeature]{cv::gpu::GpuFeature}.}
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ This class provides functionality (as set of static methods) for checking which
The following method checks whether the module was built with the support of the given feature:
\cvdefCpp{static bool builtWith(GpuFeature feature);}
\cvarg{feature}{Feature to be checked. See \hyperref[cpp.gpu.GpuFeature]{gpu::GpuFeature}.}
\cvarg{feature}{Feature to be checked. See \hyperref[cpp.gpu.GpuFeature]{cv::gpu::GpuFeature}.}
There are a set of methods for checking whether the module contains intermediate (PTX) or binary GPU code for the given architecture(s):
......@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ private:
void name##_test::run()
#define SUBTEST TestSystem::instance().subtest()
#define DESCRIPTION TestSystem::instance().subtest()
#define CPU_ON TestSystem::instance().cpuOn()
#define GPU_ON TestSystem::instance().gpuOn()
#define CPU_OFF TestSystem::instance().cpuOff()
......@@ -167,32 +167,32 @@ TEST(cornerHarris)
// Mat src, sum;
// gpu::GpuMat d_src, d_sum, d_buf;
// int size = 4000;
// gen(src, size, size, CV_8U, 0, 256);
// sum.create(size + 1, size + 1, CV_32S);
// d_src = src;
// d_sum.create(size + 1, size + 1, CV_32S);
// for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
// {
// SUBTEST << "size " << size << ", 8U";
// CPU_ON;
// integral(src, sum);
// GPU_ON;
// gpu::integralBuffered(d_src, d_sum, d_buf);
// }
Mat src, sum;
gpu::GpuMat d_src, d_sum, d_buf;
int size = 4000;
gen(src, size, size, CV_8U, 0, 256);
sum.create(size + 1, size + 1, CV_32S);
d_src = src;
d_sum.create(size + 1, size + 1, CV_32S);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
SUBTEST << "size " << size << ", 8U";
integral(src, sum);
gpu::integralBuffered(d_src, d_sum, d_buf);
......@@ -654,3 +654,30 @@ TEST(cvtColor)
cv::swap(src, dst);
Mat src, dst, ker;
gpu::GpuMat d_src, d_dst;
for (int size = 2000; size <= 4000; size += 1000)
SUBTEST << "size " << size;
gen(src, size, size, CV_8UC4, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(256));
ker = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(3, 3));
dst.create(src.size(), src.type());
erode(src, dst, ker);
d_src = src;
d_dst.create(d_src.size(), d_src.type());
gpu::erode(d_src, d_dst, ker);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -60,10 +60,13 @@ void inline contextOff()
// GPUs data
GpuMat d_left[2];
GpuMat d_right[2];
StereoBM_GPU* bm[2];
GpuMat d_result[2];
// CPU result
Mat result;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
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