Commit 5c25d821 authored by Andrey Pavlenko's avatar Andrey Pavlenko Committed by OpenCV Buildbot

Merge pull request #2063 from vpisarev:ocl_moments

parents 01cd9574 48c7378c
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "opencl_kernels.hpp"
namespace cv
......@@ -362,30 +363,98 @@ Moments::Moments( double _m00, double _m10, double _m01, double _m20, double _m1
nu30 = mu30*s3; nu21 = mu21*s3; nu12 = mu12*s3; nu03 = mu03*s3;
static bool ocl_moments( InputArray _src, Moments& m)
const int TILE_SIZE = 32;
const int K = 10;
ocl::Kernel k("moments", ocl::imgproc::moments_oclsrc, format("-D TILE_SIZE=%d", TILE_SIZE));
if( k.empty() )
return false;
UMat src = _src.getUMat();
Size sz = src.size();
int xtiles = (sz.width + TILE_SIZE-1)/TILE_SIZE;
int ytiles = (sz.height + TILE_SIZE-1)/TILE_SIZE;
int ntiles = xtiles*ytiles;
UMat umbuf(1, ntiles*K, CV_32S);
size_t globalsize[] = {xtiles, sz.height}, localsize[] = {1, TILE_SIZE};
bool ok = k.args(ocl::KernelArg::ReadOnly(src),
xtiles).run(2, globalsize, localsize, true);
return false;
Mat mbuf = umbuf.getMat(ACCESS_READ);
for( int i = 0; i < ntiles; i++ )
double x = (i % xtiles)*TILE_SIZE, y = (i / xtiles)*TILE_SIZE;
const int* mom = mbuf.ptr<int>() + i*K;
double xm = x * mom[0], ym = y * mom[0];
// accumulate moments computed in each tile
// + m00 ( = m00' )
m.m00 += mom[0];
// + m10 ( = m10' + x*m00' )
m.m10 += mom[1] + xm;
// + m01 ( = m01' + y*m00' )
m.m01 += mom[2] + ym;
// + m20 ( = m20' + 2*x*m10' + x*x*m00' )
m.m20 += mom[3] + x * (mom[1] * 2 + xm);
// + m11 ( = m11' + x*m01' + y*m10' + x*y*m00' )
m.m11 += mom[4] + x * (mom[2] + ym) + y * mom[1];
// + m02 ( = m02' + 2*y*m01' + y*y*m00' )
m.m02 += mom[5] + y * (mom[2] * 2 + ym);
// + m30 ( = m30' + 3*x*m20' + 3*x*x*m10' + x*x*x*m00' )
m.m30 += mom[6] + x * (3. * mom[3] + x * (3. * mom[1] + xm));
// + m21 ( = m21' + x*(2*m11' + 2*y*m10' + x*m01' + x*y*m00') + y*m20')
m.m21 += mom[7] + x * (2 * (mom[4] + y * mom[1]) + x * (mom[2] + ym)) + y * mom[3];
// + m12 ( = m12' + y*(2*m11' + 2*x*m01' + y*m10' + x*y*m00') + x*m02')
m.m12 += mom[8] + y * (2 * (mom[4] + x * mom[2]) + y * (mom[1] + xm)) + x * mom[5];
// + m03 ( = m03' + 3*y*m02' + 3*y*y*m01' + y*y*y*m00' )
m.m03 += mom[9] + y * (3. * mom[5] + y * (3. * mom[2] + ym));
return true;
cv::Moments cv::moments( InputArray _src, bool binary )
const int TILE_SIZE = 32;
Mat mat = _src.getMat();
MomentsInTileFunc func = 0;
uchar nzbuf[TILE_SIZE*TILE_SIZE];
Moments m;
int type = mat.type();
int type = _src.type();
int depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH( type );
int cn = CV_MAT_CN( type );
Size size = _src.size();
if( size.width <= 0 || size.height <= 0 )
return m;
if( ocl::useOpenCL() && type == CV_8UC1 && !binary &&
_src.isUMat() && ocl_moments(_src, m) )
Mat mat = _src.getMat();
if( mat.checkVector(2) >= 0 && (depth == CV_32F || depth == CV_32S))
return contourMoments(mat);
Size size = mat.size();
if( cn > 1 )
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Invalid image type" );
if( size.width <= 0 || size.height <= 0 )
return m;
CV_Error( CV_StsBadArg, "Invalid image type (must be single-channel)" );
if( binary || depth == CV_8U )
func = momentsInTile<uchar, int, int>;
......@@ -464,6 +533,7 @@ cv::Moments cv::moments( InputArray _src, bool binary )
m.m03 += mom[9] + y * (3. * mom[5] + y * (3. * mom[2] + ym));
completeMomentState( &m );
return m;
/* See LICENSE file in the root OpenCV directory */
#if TILE_SIZE != 32
#error "TILE SIZE should be 32"
__kernel void moments(__global const uchar* src, int src_step, int src_offset,
int src_rows, int src_cols, __global int* mom0, int xtiles)
int x0 = get_global_id(0);
int y0 = get_group_id(1);
int x, y = get_local_id(1);
int x_min = x0*TILE_SIZE;
int ypix = y0*TILE_SIZE + y;
__local int mom[TILE_SIZE][10];
if( x_min < src_cols && y0*TILE_SIZE < src_rows )
if( ypix < src_rows )
int x_max = min(src_cols - x_min, TILE_SIZE);
__global const uchar* ptr = src + src_offset + ypix*src_step + x_min;
int4 S = (int4)(0,0,0,0), p;
#define SUM_ELEM(elem, ofs) \
(int4)(1, (ofs), (ofs)*(ofs), (ofs)*(ofs)*(ofs))*elem
x = x_max & -4;
if( x_max >= 4 )
p = convert_int4(vload4(0, ptr));
S += SUM_ELEM(p.s0, 0) + SUM_ELEM(p.s1, 1) + SUM_ELEM(p.s2, 2) + SUM_ELEM(p.s3, 3);
if( x_max >= 8 )
p = convert_int4(vload4(0, ptr+4));
S += SUM_ELEM(p.s0, 4) + SUM_ELEM(p.s1, 5) + SUM_ELEM(p.s2, 6) + SUM_ELEM(p.s3, 7);
if( x_max >= 12 )
p = convert_int4(vload4(0, ptr+8));
S += SUM_ELEM(p.s0, 8) + SUM_ELEM(p.s1, 9) + SUM_ELEM(p.s2, 10) + SUM_ELEM(p.s3, 11);
if( x_max >= 16 )
p = convert_int4(vload4(0, ptr+12));
S += SUM_ELEM(p.s0, 12) + SUM_ELEM(p.s1, 13) + SUM_ELEM(p.s2, 14) + SUM_ELEM(p.s3, 15);
if( x_max >= 20 )
p = convert_int4(vload4(0, ptr+16));
S += SUM_ELEM(p.s0, 16) + SUM_ELEM(p.s1, 17) + SUM_ELEM(p.s2, 18) + SUM_ELEM(p.s3, 19);
if( x_max >= 24 )
p = convert_int4(vload4(0, ptr+20));
S += SUM_ELEM(p.s0, 20) + SUM_ELEM(p.s1, 21) + SUM_ELEM(p.s2, 22) + SUM_ELEM(p.s3, 23);
if( x_max >= 28 )
p = convert_int4(vload4(0, ptr+24));
S += SUM_ELEM(p.s0, 24) + SUM_ELEM(p.s1, 25) + SUM_ELEM(p.s2, 26) + SUM_ELEM(p.s3, 27);
if( x_max >= 32 )
p = convert_int4(vload4(0, ptr+28));
S += SUM_ELEM(p.s0, 28) + SUM_ELEM(p.s1, 29) + SUM_ELEM(p.s2, 30) + SUM_ELEM(p.s3, 31);
if( x < x_max )
int ps = ptr[x];
S += SUM_ELEM(ps, x);
if( x+1 < x_max )
ps = ptr[x+1];
S += SUM_ELEM(ps, x+1);
if( x+2 < x_max )
ps = ptr[x+2];
S += SUM_ELEM(ps, x+2);
int sy = y*y;
mom[y][0] = S.s0;
mom[y][1] = S.s1;
mom[y][2] = y*S.s0;
mom[y][3] = S.s2;
mom[y][4] = y*S.s1;
mom[y][5] = sy*S.s0;
mom[y][6] = S.s3;
mom[y][7] = y*S.s2;
mom[y][8] = sy*S.s1;
mom[y][9] = y*sy*S.s0;
mom[y][0] = mom[y][1] = mom[y][2] = mom[y][3] = mom[y][4] =
mom[y][5] = mom[y][6] = mom[y][7] = mom[y][8] = mom[y][9] = 0;
#define REDUCE(d) \
if( y < d ) \
{ \
mom[y][0] += mom[y+d][0]; \
mom[y][1] += mom[y+d][1]; \
mom[y][2] += mom[y+d][2]; \
mom[y][3] += mom[y+d][3]; \
mom[y][4] += mom[y+d][4]; \
mom[y][5] += mom[y+d][5]; \
mom[y][6] += mom[y+d][6]; \
mom[y][7] += mom[y+d][7]; \
mom[y][8] += mom[y+d][8]; \
mom[y][9] += mom[y+d][9]; \
} \
if( y == 0 )
__global int* momout = mom0 + (y0*xtiles + x0)*10;
momout[0] = mom[0][0] + mom[1][0];
momout[1] = mom[0][1] + mom[1][1];
momout[2] = mom[0][2] + mom[1][2];
momout[3] = mom[0][3] + mom[1][3];
momout[4] = mom[0][4] + mom[1][4];
momout[5] = mom[0][5] + mom[1][5];
momout[6] = mom[0][6] + mom[1][6];
momout[7] = mom[0][7] + mom[1][7];
momout[8] = mom[0][8] + mom[1][8];
momout[9] = mom[0][9] + mom[1][9];
......@@ -43,6 +43,13 @@
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
#define OCL_TUNING_MODE_ONLY(code) code
#define OCL_TUNING_MODE_ONLY(code)
// image moments
class CV_MomentsTest : public cvtest::ArrayTest
......@@ -60,6 +67,7 @@ protected:
void run_func();
int coi;
bool is_binary;
bool try_umat;
......@@ -70,6 +78,7 @@ CV_MomentsTest::CV_MomentsTest()
coi = -1;
is_binary = false;
OCL_TUNING_MODE_ONLY(test_case_count = 10);
//element_wise_relative_error = false;
......@@ -96,17 +105,31 @@ void CV_MomentsTest::get_minmax_bounds( int i, int j, int type, Scalar& low, Sca
void CV_MomentsTest::get_test_array_types_and_sizes( int test_case_idx,
vector<vector<Size> >& sizes, vector<vector<int> >& types )
RNG& rng = ts->get_rng();
cvtest::ArrayTest::get_test_array_types_and_sizes( test_case_idx, sizes, types );
int cn = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 4 + 1;
int cn = (cvtest::randInt(rng) % 4) + 1;
int depth = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 4;
depth = depth == 0 ? CV_8U : depth == 1 ? CV_16U : depth == 2 ? CV_16S : CV_32F;
if( cn == 2 )
is_binary = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2 != 0;
if( depth == 0 && !is_binary )
try_umat = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 5 != 0;
try_umat = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2 != 0;
if( cn == 2 || try_umat )
cn = 1;
cn = 1;
depth = CV_8U;
try_umat = true;
is_binary = false;
sizes[INPUT][0] = Size(1024,768)
types[INPUT][0] = CV_MAKETYPE(depth, cn);
types[OUTPUT][0] = types[REF_OUTPUT][0] = CV_64FC1;
......@@ -114,7 +137,6 @@ void CV_MomentsTest::get_test_array_types_and_sizes( int test_case_idx,
sizes[INPUT][0].width = MAX(sizes[INPUT][0].width, 3);
is_binary = cvtest::randInt(rng) % 2 != 0;
coi = 0;
cvmat_allowed = true;
if( cn > 1 )
......@@ -149,7 +171,25 @@ void CV_MomentsTest::run_func()
CvMoments* m = (CvMoments*)test_mat[OUTPUT][0].ptr<double>();
double* others = (double*)(m + 1);
if( try_umat )
UMat u;
static double ttime = 0;
static int ncalls = 0;
moments(u, is_binary != 0);
double t = (double)getTickCount());
Moments new_m = moments(u, is_binary != 0);
ttime += (double)getTickCount() - t;
printf("%g\n", ttime/ncalls/;
*m = new_m;
cvMoments( test_array[INPUT][0], m, is_binary );
others[0] = cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment( m, 2, 0 );
others[1] = cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment( m, 1, 1 );
others[2] = cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment( m, 0, 2 );
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