Commit 5bf1a4c0 authored by Artur Wieczorek's avatar Artur Wieczorek

Fixed MSMF file capture error while opening the file containing unsupported video stream format

parent 562ff9d1
......@@ -3847,18 +3847,25 @@ bool CvCaptureFile_MSMF::open(const char* filename)
hr = enumerateCaptureFormats(videoFileSource);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
if( captureFormats.empty() )
isOpened = false;
hr = ImageGrabberThread::CreateInstance(&grabberThread, videoFileSource, (unsigned int)-2, true);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = ImageGrabberThread::CreateInstance(&grabberThread, videoFileSource, (unsigned int)-2, true);
isOpened = SUCCEEDED(hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
if (isOpened)
isOpened = SUCCEEDED(hr);
return isOpened;
......@@ -3990,7 +3997,9 @@ HRESULT CvCaptureFile_MSMF::enumerateCaptureFormats(IMFMediaSource *pSource)
goto done;
MediaType MT = FormatReader::Read(pType.Get());
// We can capture only RGB video.
if( MT.MF_MT_SUBTYPE == MFVideoFormat_RGB24 )
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