Commit 57992e01 authored by krodyush's avatar krodyush

replace IPatchLocal[][] into *IPatchLocal to fix compilation error on some devices.

parent 616ec74b
......@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
#define GRIDSIZE 3
#define LSx 8
#define LSy 8
// defeine local memory sizes
#define LM_W (LSx*GRIDSIZE+2)
#define LM_H (LSy*GRIDSIZE+2)
#define BUFFER (LSx*LSy)
#define BUFFER2 BUFFER>>1
#ifndef WAVE_SIZE
......@@ -224,8 +227,9 @@ inline void reduce1(float val1, __local volatile float* smem1, int tid)
// macro to get pixel value from local memory
#define VAL(_y,_x,_yy,_xx) (IPatchLocal[yid+((_y)*LSy)+1+(_yy)][xid+((_x)*LSx)+1+(_xx)])
inline void SetPatch(local float IPatchLocal[LSy*GRIDSIZE+2][LSx*GRIDSIZE+2], int TileY, int TileX,
#define VAL(_y,_x,_yy,_xx) (IPatchLocal[(yid+((_y)*LSy)+1+(_yy))*LM_W+(xid+((_x)*LSx)+1+(_xx))])
inline void SetPatch(local float* IPatchLocal, int TileY, int TileX,
float* Pch, float* Dx, float* Dy,
float* A11, float* A12, float* A22, float w)
......@@ -266,8 +270,8 @@ inline void GetError(image2d_t J, const float x, const float y, const float* Pch
//macro to read pixel value into local memory.
#define READI(_y,_x) IPatchLocal[yid+((_y)*LSy)][xid+((_x)*LSx)] = read_imagef(I, sampler, (float2)(Point.x + xid+(_x)*LSx + 0.5f-1, Point.y + yid+(_y)*LSy+ 0.5f-1)).x;
void ReadPatchIToLocalMem(image2d_t I, float2 Point, local float IPatchLocal[LSy*GRIDSIZE+2][LSx*GRIDSIZE+2])
#define READI(_y,_x) IPatchLocal[(yid+((_y)*LSy))*LM_W+(xid+((_x)*LSx))] = read_imagef(I, sampler, (float2)(Point.x + xid+(_x)*LSx + 0.5f-1, Point.y + yid+(_y)*LSy+ 0.5f-1)).x;
void ReadPatchIToLocalMem(image2d_t I, float2 Point, local float* IPatchLocal)
unsigned int xid=get_local_id(0);
unsigned int yid=get_local_id(1);
......@@ -341,7 +345,7 @@ __kernel void lkSparse(image2d_t I, image2d_t J,
float dIdy_patch[GRIDSIZE][GRIDSIZE];
// local memory to read image with border to calc sobels
local float IPatchLocal[LSy*GRIDSIZE+2][LSx*GRIDSIZE+2];
local float IPatchLocal[LM_W*LM_H];
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