Commit 572c18da authored by Roman Donchenko's avatar Roman Donchenko Committed by OpenCV Buildbot

Merge pull request #1627 from SpecLad:java-version-no-inline

parents 7fb18a23 7ff91665
......@@ -785,8 +785,20 @@ public class %(jc)s {
version_suffix = ''.join( (epoch, major, minor) )
public static final String VERSION = "%(v)s", NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME = "opencv_java%(vs)s";
public static final int VERSION_EPOCH = %(ep)s, VERSION_MAJOR = %(ma)s, VERSION_MINOR = %(mi)s, VERSION_REVISION = %(re)s;
// these constants are wrapped inside functions to prevent inlining
private static String getVersion() { return "%(v)s"; }
private static String getNativeLibraryName() { return "opencv_java%(vs)s"; }
private static int getVersionEpoch() { return %(ep)s; }
private static int getVersionMajor() { return %(ma)s; }
private static int getVersionMinor() { return %(mi)s; }
private static int getVersionRevision() { return %(re)s; }
public static final String VERSION = getVersion();
public static final String NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME = getNativeLibraryName();
public static final int VERSION_EPOCH = getVersionEpoch();
public static final int VERSION_MAJOR = getVersionMajor();
public static final int VERSION_MINOR = getVersionMinor();
public static final int VERSION_REVISION = getVersionRevision();
""" % { 'v' : version_str, 'vs' : version_suffix, 'ep' : epoch, 'ma' : major, 'mi' : minor, 're' : revision } )
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