Commit 567ae61e authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

core: add "check" macros

parent 86488ac1
......@@ -758,5 +758,6 @@ CV_EXPORTS_W void setUseIPP_NE(bool flag);
#include "opencv2/core/neon_utils.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/vsx_utils.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/check.hpp"
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include <opencv2/core/base.hpp>
namespace cv {
/** Returns string of cv::Mat depth value: CV_8U -> "CV_8U" or "<invalid depth>" */
CV_EXPORTS const char* depthToString(int depth);
/** Returns string of cv::Mat depth value: CV_8UC3 -> "CV_8UC3" or "<invalid type>" */
CV_EXPORTS const String typeToString(int type);
//! @cond IGNORED
namespace detail {
/** Returns string of cv::Mat depth value: CV_8U -> "CV_8U" or NULL */
CV_EXPORTS const char* depthToString_(int depth);
/** Returns string of cv::Mat depth value: CV_8UC3 -> "CV_8UC3" or cv::String() */
CV_EXPORTS const cv::String typeToString_(int type);
enum TestOp {
TEST_EQ = 1,
TEST_NE = 2,
TEST_LE = 3,
TEST_LT = 4,
TEST_GE = 5,
TEST_GT = 6,
struct CheckContext {
const char* func;
const char* file;
int line;
enum TestOp testOp;
const char* message;
const char* p1_str;
const char* p2_str;
# if defined _MSC_VER
# elif defined __GNUC__
# else
# define CV__CHECK_FUNCTION "<unknown>"
# endif
#define CV__DEFINE_CHECK_CONTEXT(id, message, testOp, p1_str, p2_str) \
static const cv::detail::CheckContext CV__CHECK_LOCATION_VARNAME(id) = \
{ CV__CHECK_FUNCTION, CV__CHECK_FILENAME, __LINE__, testOp, message, p1_str, p2_str }
CV_EXPORTS void CV_NORETURN check_failed_auto(const int v1, const int v2, const CheckContext& ctx);
CV_EXPORTS void CV_NORETURN check_failed_auto(const float v1, const float v2, const CheckContext& ctx);
CV_EXPORTS void CV_NORETURN check_failed_auto(const double v1, const double v2, const CheckContext& ctx);
CV_EXPORTS void CV_NORETURN check_failed_MatDepth(const int v1, const int v2, const CheckContext& ctx);
CV_EXPORTS void CV_NORETURN check_failed_MatType(const int v1, const int v2, const CheckContext& ctx);
CV_EXPORTS void CV_NORETURN check_failed_MatChannels(const int v1, const int v2, const CheckContext& ctx);
CV_EXPORTS void CV_NORETURN check_failed_auto(const int v, const CheckContext& ctx);
CV_EXPORTS void CV_NORETURN check_failed_auto(const float v, const CheckContext& ctx);
CV_EXPORTS void CV_NORETURN check_failed_auto(const double v, const CheckContext& ctx);
CV_EXPORTS void CV_NORETURN check_failed_MatDepth(const int v, const CheckContext& ctx);
CV_EXPORTS void CV_NORETURN check_failed_MatType(const int v, const CheckContext& ctx);
CV_EXPORTS void CV_NORETURN check_failed_MatChannels(const int v, const CheckContext& ctx);
#define CV__TEST_EQ(v1, v2) ((v1) == (v2))
#define CV__TEST_NE(v1, v2) ((v1) != (v2))
#define CV__TEST_LE(v1, v2) ((v1) <= (v2))
#define CV__TEST_LT(v1, v2) ((v1) < (v2))
#define CV__TEST_GE(v1, v2) ((v1) >= (v2))
#define CV__TEST_GT(v1, v2) ((v1) > (v2))
#define CV__CHECK(id, op, type, v1, v2, v1_str, v2_str, msg_str) do { \
if(CV__TEST_##op((v1), (v2))) ; else { \
CV__DEFINE_CHECK_CONTEXT(id, msg_str, cv::detail::TEST_ ## op, v1_str, v2_str); \
cv::detail::check_failed_ ## type((v1), (v2), CV__CHECK_LOCATION_VARNAME(id)); \
} \
} while (0)
#define CV__CHECK_CUSTOM_TEST(id, type, v, test_expr, v_str, test_expr_str, msg_str) do { \
if(!!(test_expr)) ; else { \
CV__DEFINE_CHECK_CONTEXT(id, msg_str, cv::detail::TEST_CUSTOM, v_str, test_expr_str); \
cv::detail::check_failed_ ## type((v), CV__CHECK_LOCATION_VARNAME(id)); \
} \
} while (0)
} // namespace
//! @endcond
/// Supported values of these types: int, float, double
#define CV_CheckEQ(v1, v2, msg) CV__CHECK(_, EQ, auto, v1, v2, #v1, #v2, msg)
#define CV_CheckNE(v1, v2, msg) CV__CHECK(_, NE, auto, v1, v2, #v1, #v2, msg)
#define CV_CheckLE(v1, v2, msg) CV__CHECK(_, LE, auto, v1, v2, #v1, #v2, msg)
#define CV_CheckLT(v1, v2, msg) CV__CHECK(_, LT, auto, v1, v2, #v1, #v2, msg)
#define CV_CheckGE(v1, v2, msg) CV__CHECK(_, GE, auto, v1, v2, #v1, #v2, msg)
#define CV_CheckGT(v1, v2, msg) CV__CHECK(_, GT, auto, v1, v2, #v1, #v2, msg)
/// Check with additional "decoding" of type values in error message
#define CV_CheckTypeEQ(t1, t2, msg) CV__CHECK(_, EQ, MatType, t1, t2, #t1, #t2, msg)
/// Check with additional "decoding" of depth values in error message
#define CV_CheckDepthEQ(d1, d2, msg) CV__CHECK(_, EQ, MatDepth, d1, d2, #d1, #d2, msg)
#define CV_CheckChannelsEQ(c1, c2, msg) CV__CHECK(_, EQ, MatChannels, c1, c2, #c1, #c2, msg)
/// Example: type == CV_8UC1 || type == CV_8UC3
#define CV_CheckType(t, test_expr, msg) CV__CHECK_CUSTOM_TEST(_, MatType, t, (test_expr), #t, #test_expr, msg)
/// Example: depth == CV_32F || depth == CV_64F
#define CV_CheckDepth(t, test_expr, msg) CV__CHECK_CUSTOM_TEST(_, MatDepth, t, (test_expr), #t, #test_expr, msg)
/// Some complex conditions: CV_Check(src2, src2.empty() || (src2.type() == src1.type() && src2.size() == src1.size()), "src2 should have same size/type as src1")
// TODO define pretty-printers: #define CV_Check(v, test_expr, msg) CV__CHECK_CUSTOM_TEST(_, auto, v, (test_expr), #v, #test_expr, msg)
} // namespace
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at
#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/check.hpp"
namespace cv {
const char* depthToString(int depth)
const char* s = detail::depthToString_(depth);
return s ? s : "<invalid depth>";
const cv::String typeToString(int type)
cv::String s = detail::typeToString_(type);
if (s.empty())
static cv::String invalidType("<invalid type>");
return invalidType;
return s;
namespace detail {
static const char* getTestOpPhraseStr(unsigned testOp)
static const char* _names[] = { "{custom check}", "equal to", "not equal to", "less than or equal to", "less than", "greater than or equal to", "greater than" };
CV_DbgAssert(testOp < CV__LAST_TEST_OP);
return testOp < CV__LAST_TEST_OP ? _names[testOp] : "???";
static const char* getTestOpMath(unsigned testOp)
static const char* _names[] = { "???", "==", "!=", "<=", "<", ">=", ">" };
CV_DbgAssert(testOp < CV__LAST_TEST_OP);
return testOp < CV__LAST_TEST_OP ? _names[testOp] : "???";
const char* depthToString_(int depth)
static const char* depthNames[] = { "CV_8U", "CV_8S", "CV_16U", "CV_16S", "CV_32S", "CV_32F", "CV_64F", "CV_USRTYPE1" };
return depth <= CV_USRTYPE1 ? depthNames[depth] : NULL;
const cv::String typeToString_(int type)
int depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type);
int cn = CV_MAT_CN(type);
if (depth >= 0 && depth <= CV_USRTYPE1)
return cv::format("%sC%d", depthToString_(depth), cn);
return cv::String();
template<typename T> static CV_NORETURN
void check_failed_auto_(const T& v1, const T& v2, const CheckContext& ctx)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << ctx.message << " (expected: '" << ctx.p1_str << " " << getTestOpMath(ctx.testOp) << " " << ctx.p2_str << "'), where" << std::endl
<< " '" << ctx.p1_str << "' is " << v1 << std::endl;
if (ctx.testOp != TEST_CUSTOM && ctx.testOp < CV__LAST_TEST_OP)
ss << "must be " << getTestOpPhraseStr(ctx.testOp) << std::endl;
ss << " '" << ctx.p2_str << "' is " << v2;
cv::errorNoReturn(cv::Error::StsError, ss.str(), ctx.func, ctx.file, ctx.line);
void check_failed_MatDepth(const int v1, const int v2, const CheckContext& ctx)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << ctx.message << " (expected: '" << ctx.p1_str << " " << getTestOpMath(ctx.testOp) << " " << ctx.p2_str << "'), where" << std::endl
<< " '" << ctx.p1_str << "' is " << v1 << " (" << depthToString(v1) << ")" << std::endl;
if (ctx.testOp != TEST_CUSTOM && ctx.testOp < CV__LAST_TEST_OP)
ss << "must be " << getTestOpPhraseStr(ctx.testOp) << std::endl;
ss << " '" << ctx.p2_str << "' is " << v2 << " (" << depthToString(v2) << ")";
cv::errorNoReturn(cv::Error::StsError, ss.str(), ctx.func, ctx.file, ctx.line);
void check_failed_MatType(const int v1, const int v2, const CheckContext& ctx)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << ctx.message << " (expected: '" << ctx.p1_str << " " << getTestOpMath(ctx.testOp) << " " << ctx.p2_str << "'), where" << std::endl
<< " '" << ctx.p1_str << "' is " << v1 << " (" << typeToString(v1) << ")" << std::endl;
if (ctx.testOp != TEST_CUSTOM && ctx.testOp < CV__LAST_TEST_OP)
ss << "must be " << getTestOpPhraseStr(ctx.testOp) << std::endl;
ss << " '" << ctx.p2_str << "' is " << v2 << " (" << typeToString(v2) << ")";
cv::errorNoReturn(cv::Error::StsError, ss.str(), ctx.func, ctx.file, ctx.line);
void check_failed_MatChannels(const int v1, const int v2, const CheckContext& ctx)
check_failed_auto_<int>(v1, v2, ctx);
void check_failed_auto(const int v1, const int v2, const CheckContext& ctx)
check_failed_auto_<int>(v1, v2, ctx);
void check_failed_auto(const float v1, const float v2, const CheckContext& ctx)
check_failed_auto_<float>(v1, v2, ctx);
void check_failed_auto(const double v1, const double v2, const CheckContext& ctx)
check_failed_auto_<double>(v1, v2, ctx);
template<typename T> static CV_NORETURN
void check_failed_auto_(const T& v, const CheckContext& ctx)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << ctx.message << ":" << std::endl
<< " '" << ctx.p2_str << "'" << std::endl
<< "where" << std::endl
<< " '" << ctx.p1_str << "' is " << v;
cv::errorNoReturn(cv::Error::StsError, ss.str(), ctx.func, ctx.file, ctx.line);
void check_failed_MatDepth(const int v, const CheckContext& ctx)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << ctx.message << ":" << std::endl
<< " '" << ctx.p2_str << "'" << std::endl
<< "where" << std::endl
<< " '" << ctx.p1_str << "' is " << v << " (" << depthToString(v) << ")";
cv::errorNoReturn(cv::Error::StsError, ss.str(), ctx.func, ctx.file, ctx.line);
void check_failed_MatType(const int v, const CheckContext& ctx)
std::stringstream ss;
ss << ctx.message << ":" << std::endl
<< " '" << ctx.p2_str << "'" << std::endl
<< "where" << std::endl
<< " '" << ctx.p1_str << "' is " << v << " (" << typeToString(v) << ")";
cv::errorNoReturn(cv::Error::StsError, ss.str(), ctx.func, ctx.file, ctx.line);
void check_failed_MatChannels(const int v, const CheckContext& ctx)
check_failed_auto_<int>(v, ctx);
void check_failed_auto(const int v, const CheckContext& ctx)
check_failed_auto_<int>(v, ctx);
void check_failed_auto(const float v, const CheckContext& ctx)
check_failed_auto_<float>(v, ctx);
void check_failed_auto(const double v, const CheckContext& ctx)
check_failed_auto_<double>(v, ctx);
}} // namespace
......@@ -249,10 +249,34 @@ const char* Exception::what() const throw() { return msg.c_str(); }
void Exception::formatMessage()
if( func.size() > 0 )
msg = format("OpenCV(%s) %s:%d: error: (%d) %s: %s in function %s\n", CV_VERSION, file.c_str(), line, code, cvErrorStr(code), err.c_str(), func.c_str());
size_t pos = err.find('\n');
bool multiline = pos != cv::String::npos;
if (multiline)
std::stringstream ss;
size_t prev_pos = 0;
while (pos != cv::String::npos)
ss << "> " << err.substr(prev_pos, pos - prev_pos) << std::endl;
prev_pos = pos + 1;
pos = err.find('\n', prev_pos);
ss << "> " << err.substr(prev_pos);
if (err[err.size() - 1] != '\n')
ss << std::endl;
err = ss.str();
if (func.size() > 0)
if (multiline)
msg = format("OpenCV(%s) %s:%d: error: (%d:%s) in function '%s'\n%s", CV_VERSION, file.c_str(), line, code, cvErrorStr(code), func.c_str(), err.c_str());
msg = format("OpenCV(%s) %s:%d: error: (%d) %s: %s\n", CV_VERSION, file.c_str(), line, code, cvErrorStr(code), err.c_str());
msg = format("OpenCV(%s) %s:%d: error: (%d:%s) %s in function '%s'\n", CV_VERSION, file.c_str(), line, code, cvErrorStr(code), err.c_str(), func.c_str());
msg = format("OpenCV(%s) %s:%d: error: (%d:%s) %s%s", CV_VERSION, file.c_str(), line, code, cvErrorStr(code), err.c_str(), multiline ? "" : "\n");
static const char* g_hwFeatureNames[CV_HARDWARE_MAX_FEATURE] = { NULL };
......@@ -245,4 +245,503 @@ TEST(Core_Version, consistency)
EXPECT_EQ(String(CV_VERSION), cv::getVersionString());
// Test core/check.hpp macros
void test_check_eq_1(int value_1, int value_2)
CV_CheckEQ(value_1, value_2, "Validation check failed");
TEST(Core_Check, testEQ_int_fail)
test_check_eq_1(123, 5678);
FAIL() << "Unreachable code called";
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
"> Validation check failed (expected: 'value_1 == value_2'), where\n"
"> 'value_1' is 123\n"
"> must be equal to\n"
"> 'value_2' is 5678\n"
catch (const std::exception& e)
FAIL() << "Unexpected C++ exception: " << e.what();
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected unknown exception";
TEST(Core_Check, testEQ_int_pass)
test_check_eq_1(1234, 1234);
void test_check_eq_2(float value_1, float value_2)
CV_CheckEQ(value_1, value_2, "Validation check failed (float)");
TEST(Core_Check, testEQ_float_fail)
test_check_eq_2(1234.5f, 1234.55f);
FAIL() << "Unreachable code called";
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
"> Validation check failed (float) (expected: 'value_1 == value_2'), where\n"
"> 'value_1' is 1234.5\n" // TODO Locale handling (use LC_ALL=C on Linux)
"> must be equal to\n"
"> 'value_2' is 1234.55\n"
catch (const std::exception& e)
FAIL() << "Unexpected C++ exception: " << e.what();
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected unknown exception";
TEST(Core_Check, testEQ_float_pass)
test_check_eq_2(1234.6f, 1234.6f);
void test_check_eq_3(double value_1, double value_2)
CV_CheckEQ(value_1, value_2, "Validation check failed (double)");
TEST(Core_Check, testEQ_double_fail)
test_check_eq_3(1234.5, 1234.56);
FAIL() << "Unreachable code called";
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
"> Validation check failed (double) (expected: 'value_1 == value_2'), where\n"
"> 'value_1' is 1234.5\n" // TODO Locale handling (use LC_ALL=C on Linux)
"> must be equal to\n"
"> 'value_2' is 1234.56\n"
catch (const std::exception& e)
FAIL() << "Unexpected C++ exception: " << e.what();
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected unknown exception";
TEST(Core_Check, testEQ_double_pass)
test_check_eq_3(1234.0f, 1234.0f);
void test_check_ne_1(int value_1, int value_2)
CV_CheckNE(value_1, value_2, "Validation NE check failed");
TEST(Core_Check, testNE_int_fail)
test_check_ne_1(123, 123);
FAIL() << "Unreachable code called";
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
"> Validation NE check failed (expected: 'value_1 != value_2'), where\n"
"> 'value_1' is 123\n"
"> must be not equal to\n"
"> 'value_2' is 123\n"
catch (const std::exception& e)
FAIL() << "Unexpected C++ exception: " << e.what();
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected unknown exception";
TEST(Core_Check, testNE_int_pass)
test_check_ne_1(123, 1234);
void test_check_le_1(int value_1, int value_2)
CV_CheckLE(value_1, value_2, "Validation LE check failed");
TEST(Core_Check, testLE_int_fail)
test_check_le_1(1234, 123);
FAIL() << "Unreachable code called";
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
"> Validation LE check failed (expected: 'value_1 <= value_2'), where\n"
"> 'value_1' is 1234\n"
"> must be less than or equal to\n"
"> 'value_2' is 123\n"
catch (const std::exception& e)
FAIL() << "Unexpected C++ exception: " << e.what();
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected unknown exception";
TEST(Core_Check, testLE_int_pass)
test_check_le_1(1234, 1234);
test_check_le_1(123, 1234);
void test_check_lt_1(int value_1, int value_2)
CV_CheckLT(value_1, value_2, "Validation LT check failed");
TEST(Core_Check, testLT_int_fail)
test_check_lt_1(1234, 123);
FAIL() << "Unreachable code called";
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
"> Validation LT check failed (expected: 'value_1 < value_2'), where\n"
"> 'value_1' is 1234\n"
"> must be less than\n"
"> 'value_2' is 123\n"
catch (const std::exception& e)
FAIL() << "Unexpected C++ exception: " << e.what();
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected unknown exception";
TEST(Core_Check, testLT_int_fail_eq)
test_check_lt_1(123, 123);
FAIL() << "Unreachable code called";
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
"> Validation LT check failed (expected: 'value_1 < value_2'), where\n"
"> 'value_1' is 123\n"
"> must be less than\n"
"> 'value_2' is 123\n"
catch (const std::exception& e)
FAIL() << "Unexpected C++ exception: " << e.what();
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected unknown exception";
TEST(Core_Check, testLT_int_pass)
test_check_lt_1(123, 1234);
void test_check_ge_1(int value_1, int value_2)
CV_CheckGE(value_1, value_2, "Validation GE check failed");
TEST(Core_Check, testGE_int_fail)
test_check_ge_1(123, 1234);
FAIL() << "Unreachable code called";
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
"> Validation GE check failed (expected: 'value_1 >= value_2'), where\n"
"> 'value_1' is 123\n"
"> must be greater than or equal to\n"
"> 'value_2' is 1234\n"
catch (const std::exception& e)
FAIL() << "Unexpected C++ exception: " << e.what();
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected unknown exception";
TEST(Core_Check, testGE_int_pass)
test_check_ge_1(1234, 1234);
test_check_ge_1(1234, 123);
void test_check_gt_1(int value_1, int value_2)
CV_CheckGT(value_1, value_2, "Validation GT check failed");
TEST(Core_Check, testGT_int_fail)
test_check_gt_1(123, 1234);
FAIL() << "Unreachable code called";
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
"> Validation GT check failed (expected: 'value_1 > value_2'), where\n"
"> 'value_1' is 123\n"
"> must be greater than\n"
"> 'value_2' is 1234\n"
catch (const std::exception& e)
FAIL() << "Unexpected C++ exception: " << e.what();
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected unknown exception";
TEST(Core_Check, testGT_int_fail_eq)
test_check_gt_1(123, 123);
FAIL() << "Unreachable code called";
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
"> Validation GT check failed (expected: 'value_1 > value_2'), where\n"
"> 'value_1' is 123\n"
"> must be greater than\n"
"> 'value_2' is 123\n"
catch (const std::exception& e)
FAIL() << "Unexpected C++ exception: " << e.what();
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected unknown exception";
TEST(Core_Check, testGT_int_pass)
test_check_gt_1(1234, 123);
void test_check_MatType_1(int src_type)
CV_CheckTypeEQ(src_type, CV_32FC1, "Unsupported source type");
TEST(Core_Check, testMatType_pass)
test_check_MatType_1(CV_MAKE_TYPE(CV_32F, 1));
TEST(Core_Check, testMatType_fail_1)
FAIL() << "Unreachable code called";
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
"> Unsupported source type (expected: 'src_type == CV_32FC1'), where\n"
"> 'src_type' is 0 (CV_8UC1)\n"
"> must be equal to\n"
"> 'CV_32FC1' is 5 (CV_32FC1)\n"
catch (const std::exception& e)
FAIL() << "Unexpected C++ exception: " << e.what();
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected unknown exception";
void test_check_MatType_2(int src_type)
CV_CheckType(src_type, src_type == CV_32FC1 || src_type == CV_32FC3, "Unsupported src");
TEST(Core_Check, testMatType_fail_2)
FAIL() << "Unreachable code called";
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
"> Unsupported src:\n"
"> 'src_type == CV_32FC1 || src_type == CV_32FC3'\n"
"> where\n> 'src_type' is 0 (CV_8UC1)\n"
catch (const std::exception& e)
FAIL() << "Unexpected C++ exception: " << e.what();
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected unknown exception";
void test_check_MatDepth_1(int src_depth)
CV_CheckDepthEQ(src_depth, CV_32F, "Unsupported source depth");
TEST(Core_Check, testMatDepth_pass)
test_check_MatDepth_1(CV_MAKE_TYPE(CV_32F, 1));
TEST(Core_Check, testMatDepth_fail_1)
FAIL() << "Unreachable code called";
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
"> Unsupported source depth (expected: 'src_depth == CV_32F'), where\n"
"> 'src_depth' is 0 (CV_8U)\n"
"> must be equal to\n"
"> 'CV_32F' is 5 (CV_32F)\n"
catch (const std::exception& e)
FAIL() << "Unexpected C++ exception: " << e.what();
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected unknown exception";
void test_check_MatDepth_2(int src_depth)
CV_CheckDepth(src_depth, src_depth == CV_32F || src_depth == CV_64F, "Unsupported src");
TEST(Core_Check, testMatDepth_fail_2)
FAIL() << "Unreachable code called";
catch (const cv::Exception& e)
"> Unsupported src:\n"
"> 'src_depth == CV_32F || src_depth == CV_64F'\n"
"> where\n> 'src_depth' is 0 (CV_8U)\n"
catch (const std::exception& e)
FAIL() << "Unexpected C++ exception: " << e.what();
catch (...)
FAIL() << "Unexpected unknown exception";
}} // namespace
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