Commit 54a1bbe1 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #13812 from smirnov-alexey:gapi_fix_sobelxy_valgrind

parents dfef04b3 caf438c6
......@@ -507,8 +507,8 @@ PERF_TEST_P_(SobelXYPerfTest, TestPerformance)
cv::GCompileArgs compile_args;
std::tie(cmpF, type, kernSize, sz, dtype, order, compile_args) = GetParam();
cv::Mat out_mat_ocv2 = cv::Mat(sz, dtype);
cv::Mat out_mat_gapi2 = cv::Mat(sz, dtype);
cv::Mat out_mat_ocv2;
cv::Mat out_mat_gapi2;
initMatsRandN(type, sz, dtype, false);
......@@ -361,9 +361,11 @@ TEST_P(SobelXYTest, AccuracyTest)
cv::Size sz;
cv::GCompileArgs compile_args;
std::tie(cmpF, type, kernSize, sz, dtype, order, border_type, border_val, compile_args) = GetParam();
cv::Mat out_mat_ocv2;
cv::Mat out_mat_gapi2;
initMatsRandN(type, sz, dtype);
cv::Mat out_mat_ocv2 = cv::Mat(sz, dtype);
cv::Mat out_mat_gapi2 = cv::Mat(sz, dtype);
// G-API code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cv::GMat in;
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