Commit 53f6198f authored by Dmitry Kurtaev's avatar Dmitry Kurtaev

Minor fixes in IE backend tests

parent f1dc26d7
......@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ InfEngineBackendNet::InfEngineBackendNet()
targetDevice = InferenceEngine::TargetDevice::eCPU;
precision = InferenceEngine::Precision::FP32;
hasNetOwner = false;
InfEngineBackendNet::InfEngineBackendNet(InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork& net)
......@@ -162,6 +163,7 @@ InfEngineBackendNet::InfEngineBackendNet(InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork& net)
outputs = net.getOutputsInfo();
layers.resize(net.layerCount()); // A hack to execute InfEngineBackendNet::layerCount correctly.
netOwner = net;
hasNetOwner = true;
void InfEngineBackendNet::Release() noexcept
......@@ -178,12 +180,12 @@ void InfEngineBackendNet::setPrecision(InferenceEngine::Precision p) noexcept
InferenceEngine::Precision InfEngineBackendNet::getPrecision() noexcept
return precision;
return hasNetOwner ? netOwner.getPrecision() : precision;
InferenceEngine::Precision InfEngineBackendNet::getPrecision() const noexcept
return precision;
return hasNetOwner ? netOwner.getPrecision() : precision;
// Assume that outputs of network is unconnected blobs.
......@@ -134,6 +134,9 @@ private:
InferenceEngine::InferRequest infRequest;
// In case of models from Model Optimizer we need to manage their lifetime.
InferenceEngine::CNNNetwork netOwner;
// There is no way to check if netOwner is initialized or not so we use
// a separate flag to determine if the model has been loaded from IR.
bool hasNetOwner;
std::string name;
......@@ -471,6 +471,7 @@ TEST(Test_Caffe, shared_weights)
net.setInput(blob_1, "input_1");
net.setInput(blob_2, "input_2");
Mat sum = net.forward();
......@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ TEST_P(Test_Darknet_nets, TinyYoloVoc)
// batch size 1
testDarknetModel(config_file, weights_file, ref.rowRange(0, 2), scoreDiff, iouDiff);
#if defined(INF_ENGINE_RELEASE) && INF_ENGINE_RELEASE == 2018040000
#if defined(INF_ENGINE_RELEASE) && INF_ENGINE_RELEASE >= 2018040000
// batch size 2
......@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ TEST_P(Deconvolution, Accuracy)
if (backendId == DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE && targetId == DNN_TARGET_CPU &&
dilation.width == 2 && dilation.height == 2)
throw SkipTestException("");
#if defined(INF_ENGINE_RELEASE) && INF_ENGINE_RELEASE == 2018040000
#if defined(INF_ENGINE_RELEASE) && INF_ENGINE_RELEASE >= 2018040000
if (backendId == DNN_BACKEND_INFERENCE_ENGINE && targetId == DNN_TARGET_CPU &&
hasBias && group != 1)
throw SkipTestException("Test is disabled for OpenVINO 2018R4");
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ TEST_P(Test_Caffe_layers, Convolution)
TEST_P(Test_Caffe_layers, DeConvolution)
#if defined(INF_ENGINE_RELEASE) && INF_ENGINE_RELEASE == 2018040000
#if defined(INF_ENGINE_RELEASE) && INF_ENGINE_RELEASE >= 2018040000
throw SkipTestException("Test is disabled for OpenVINO 2018R4");
......@@ -918,8 +918,11 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Layer_Test_DWconv_Prelu, Combine(Values(3, 6), Val
// Using Intel's Model Optimizer generate .xml and .bin files:
// ./ModelOptimizer -w /path/to/caffemodel -d /path/to/prototxt \
// -p FP32 -i -b ${batch_size} -o /path/to/output/folder
TEST(Layer_Test_Convolution_DLDT, Accuracy)
typedef testing::TestWithParam<Target> Layer_Test_Convolution_DLDT;
TEST_P(Layer_Test_Convolution_DLDT, Accuracy)
Target targetId = GetParam();
Net netDefault = readNet(_tf("layer_convolution.caffemodel"), _tf("layer_convolution.prototxt"));
Net net = readNet(_tf("layer_convolution.xml"), _tf("layer_convolution.bin"));
......@@ -930,17 +933,29 @@ TEST(Layer_Test_Convolution_DLDT, Accuracy)
Mat outDefault = netDefault.forward();
Mat out = net.forward();
if (targetId != DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD)
Mat out = net.forward();
normAssert(outDefault, out);
normAssert(outDefault, out);
std::vector<int> outLayers = net.getUnconnectedOutLayers();
ASSERT_EQ(net.getLayer(outLayers[0])->name, "output_merge");
ASSERT_EQ(net.getLayer(outLayers[0])->type, "Concat");
std::vector<int> outLayers = net.getUnconnectedOutLayers();
ASSERT_EQ(net.getLayer(outLayers[0])->name, "output_merge");
ASSERT_EQ(net.getLayer(outLayers[0])->type, "Concat");
// An assertion is expected because the model is in FP32 format but
// Myriad plugin supports only FP16 models.
TEST(Layer_Test_Convolution_DLDT, setInput_uint8)
TEST_P(Layer_Test_Convolution_DLDT, setInput_uint8)
Target targetId = GetParam();
Mat inp = blobFromNPY(_tf("blob.npy"));
Mat inputs[] = {Mat(inp.dims, inp.size, CV_8U), Mat()};
......@@ -951,12 +966,25 @@ TEST(Layer_Test_Convolution_DLDT, setInput_uint8)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
Net net = readNet(_tf("layer_convolution.xml"), _tf("layer_convolution.bin"));
outs[i] = net.forward();
ASSERT_EQ(outs[i].type(), CV_32F);
if (targetId != DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD)
outs[i] = net.forward();
ASSERT_EQ(outs[i].type(), CV_32F);
// An assertion is expected because the model is in FP32 format but
// Myriad plugin supports only FP16 models.
normAssert(outs[0], outs[1]);
if (targetId != DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD)
normAssert(outs[0], outs[1]);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/**/, Layer_Test_Convolution_DLDT,
// 1. Create a .prototxt file with the following network:
// layer {
......@@ -980,14 +1008,17 @@ TEST(Layer_Test_Convolution_DLDT, setInput_uint8)
// 3. Convert using ModelOptimizer.
typedef testing::TestWithParam<tuple<int, int> > Test_DLDT_two_inputs;
typedef testing::TestWithParam<tuple<int, int, Target> > Test_DLDT_two_inputs;
TEST_P(Test_DLDT_two_inputs, as_IR)
int firstInpType = get<0>(GetParam());
int secondInpType = get<1>(GetParam());
// TODO: It looks like a bug in Inference Engine.
Target targetId = get<2>(GetParam());
#if defined(INF_ENGINE_RELEASE) && INF_ENGINE_RELEASE < 2018040000
if (secondInpType == CV_8U)
throw SkipTestException("");
throw SkipTestException("Test is enabled starts from OpenVINO 2018R4");
Net net = readNet(_tf("net_two_inputs.xml"), _tf("net_two_inputs.bin"));
int inpSize[] = {1, 2, 3};
......@@ -998,11 +1029,21 @@ TEST_P(Test_DLDT_two_inputs, as_IR)
net.setInput(firstInp, "data");
net.setInput(secondInp, "second_input");
Mat out = net.forward();
if (targetId != DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD)
Mat out = net.forward();
Mat ref;
cv::add(firstInp, secondInp, ref, Mat(), CV_32F);
normAssert(out, ref);
Mat ref;
cv::add(firstInp, secondInp, ref, Mat(), CV_32F);
normAssert(out, ref);
// An assertion is expected because the model is in FP32 format but
// Myriad plugin supports only FP16 models.
TEST_P(Test_DLDT_two_inputs, as_backend)
......@@ -1010,6 +1051,8 @@ TEST_P(Test_DLDT_two_inputs, as_backend)
static const float kScale = 0.5f;
static const float kScaleInv = 1.0f / kScale;
Target targetId = get<2>(GetParam());
Net net;
LayerParams lp;
lp.type = "Eltwise";
......@@ -1018,9 +1061,9 @@ TEST_P(Test_DLDT_two_inputs, as_backend)
int eltwiseId = net.addLayerToPrev(, lp.type, lp); // connect to a first input
net.connect(0, 1, eltwiseId, 1); // connect to a second input
int inpSize[] = {1, 2, 3};
Mat firstInp(3, &inpSize[0], get<0>(GetParam()));
Mat secondInp(3, &inpSize[0], get<1>(GetParam()));
int inpSize[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
Mat firstInp(4, &inpSize[0], get<0>(GetParam()));
Mat secondInp(4, &inpSize[0], get<1>(GetParam()));
randu(firstInp, 0, 255);
randu(secondInp, 0, 255);
......@@ -1028,15 +1071,20 @@ TEST_P(Test_DLDT_two_inputs, as_backend)
net.setInput(firstInp, "data", kScale);
net.setInput(secondInp, "second_input", kScaleInv);
Mat out = net.forward();
Mat ref;
addWeighted(firstInp, kScale, secondInp, kScaleInv, 0, ref, CV_32F);
normAssert(out, ref);
// Output values are in range [0, 637.5].
double l1 = (targetId == DNN_TARGET_OPENCL_FP16 || targetId == DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD) ? 0.06 : 1e-6;
double lInf = (targetId == DNN_TARGET_OPENCL_FP16 || targetId == DNN_TARGET_MYRIAD) ? 0.3 : 1e-5;
normAssert(out, ref, "", l1, lInf);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(/*nothing*/, Test_DLDT_two_inputs, Combine(
Values(CV_8U, CV_32F), Values(CV_8U, CV_32F)
Values(CV_8U, CV_32F), Values(CV_8U, CV_32F),
class UnsupportedLayer : public Layer
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ TEST_P(Test_Torch_layers, run_reshape_change_batch_size)
TEST_P(Test_Torch_layers, run_reshape)
#if defined(INF_ENGINE_RELEASE) && INF_ENGINE_RELEASE == 2018040000
#if defined(INF_ENGINE_RELEASE) && INF_ENGINE_RELEASE >= 2018040000
throw SkipTestException("Test is disabled for OpenVINO 2018R4");
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ TEST_P(Test_Torch_layers, run_depth_concat)
TEST_P(Test_Torch_layers, run_deconv)
#if defined(INF_ENGINE_RELEASE) && INF_ENGINE_RELEASE == 2018040000
#if defined(INF_ENGINE_RELEASE) && INF_ENGINE_RELEASE >= 2018040000
throw SkipTestException("Test is disabled for OpenVINO 2018R4");
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