Commit 53b0df87 authored by cuda-geek's avatar cuda-geek Committed by OpenCV Buildbot

Merge pull request #385 from etalanin:bug2607

parents bf53ebd5 50c2f87a
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ void HOGDescriptor::write(FileStorage& fs, const String& objName) const
<< "gammaCorrection" << gammaCorrection
<< "nlevels" << nlevels;
if( !svmDetector.empty() )
fs << "SVMDetector" << "[:" << svmDetector << "]";
fs << "SVMDetector" << svmDetector;
fs << "}";
......@@ -461,5 +461,30 @@ int CV_HOGDetectorTest::detectMultiScale( int di, const Mat& img,
return cvtest::TS::OK;
//----------------------------------------------- HOGDetectorReadWriteTest -----------------------------------
TEST(Objdetect_HOGDetectorReadWrite, regression)
// Inspired by bug #2607
Mat img;
img = imread(cvtest::TS::ptr()->get_data_path() + "/cascadeandhog/images/karen-and-rob.png");
HOGDescriptor hog;
string tempfilename = cv::tempfile(".xml");
FileStorage fs(tempfilename, FileStorage::WRITE);
hog.write(fs, "myHOG");, FileStorage::READ);
FileNode n = fs["opencv_storage"]["myHOG"];
TEST(Objdetect_CascadeDetector, regression) { CV_CascadeDetectorTest test; test.safe_run(); }
TEST(Objdetect_HOGDetector, regression) { CV_HOGDetectorTest test; test.safe_run(); }
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