Commit 522cfa77 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

test: don't check magic values in stitching perf test

parent 4c667727
......@@ -94,25 +94,7 @@ PERF_TEST_P(stitch, b12, TEST_DETECTORS)
EXPECT_NEAR(pano.size().width, 1117, 50);
EXPECT_NEAR(pano.size().height, 642, 30);
Mat pano_small;
resize(pano, pano_small, Size(320, 240), 0, 0, INTER_AREA);
// results from orb and surf are slightly different (but both of them are good). Regression data
// are for orb.
/* transformations are:
[0.99213386, 0.062509097, -351.83731;
-0.073042989, 1.0615162, -89.869858;
0.0005330033, -4.0937066e-05, 1]
[1.0034728, 0.022535477, -352.76849;
-0.080653802, 1.0742083, -89.602058;
0.0004876224, 0.00012311155, 1]
if (GetParam() == "orb")
SANITY_CHECK(pano_small, 5);
PERF_TEST_P(stitchDatasets, affine, testing::Combine(AFFINE_DATASETS, TEST_DETECTORS))
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