Commit 51fc891a authored by Maksim Shabunin's avatar Maksim Shabunin

cvtColor: fixed tables init, moved some tables to heap

parent c3cced0f
......@@ -140,31 +140,6 @@ const int CB2GI = -5636;
const int CR2GI = -11698;
const int CR2RI = 22987;
// computes cubic spline coefficients for a function: (xi=i, yi=f[i]), i=0..n
template<typename _Tp> static void splineBuild(const _Tp* f, int n, _Tp* tab)
_Tp cn = 0;
int i;
tab[0] = tab[1] = (_Tp)0;
for(i = 1; i < n-1; i++)
_Tp t = 3*(f[i+1] - 2*f[i] + f[i-1]);
_Tp l = 1/(4 - tab[(i-1)*4]);
tab[i*4] = l; tab[i*4+1] = (t - tab[(i-1)*4+1])*l;
for(i = n-1; i >= 0; i--)
_Tp c = tab[i*4+1] - tab[i*4]*cn;
_Tp b = f[i+1] - f[i] - (cn + c*2)*(_Tp)0.3333333333333333;
_Tp d = (cn - c)*(_Tp)0.3333333333333333;
tab[i*4] = f[i]; tab[i*4+1] = b;
tab[i*4+2] = c; tab[i*4+3] = d;
cn = c;
static void splineBuild(const softfloat* f, int n, float* tab)
const softfloat f2(2), f3(3), f4(4);
......@@ -173,7 +148,7 @@ static void splineBuild(const softfloat* f, int n, float* tab)
int i;
tab[0] = tab[1] = 0.0f;
for(i = 1; i < n-1; i++)
for(i = 1; i <= n-1; i++)
softfloat t = (f[i+1] - f[i]*f2 + f[i-1])*f3;
softfloat l = softfloat::one()/(f4 - sftab[(i-1)*4]);
......@@ -5845,10 +5820,11 @@ static const softdouble D65[] = {softdouble::fromRaw(0x3fee6a22b3892ee8),
enum { LAB_CBRT_TAB_SIZE = 1024, GAMMA_TAB_SIZE = 1024 };
static float LabCbrtTab[LAB_CBRT_TAB_SIZE*4];
static float *LabCbrtTab;
static const float LabCbrtTabScale = softfloat(LAB_CBRT_TAB_SIZE*2)/softfloat(3);
static float sRGBGammaTab[GAMMA_TAB_SIZE*4], sRGBInvGammaTab[GAMMA_TAB_SIZE*4];
static float *sRGBGammaTab;
static float *sRGBInvGammaTab;
static const float GammaTabScale((int)GAMMA_TAB_SIZE);
static ushort sRGBGammaTab_b[256], linearGammaTab_b[256];
......@@ -5873,21 +5849,21 @@ enum
trilinear_shift = 8 - lab_lut_shift + 1,
TRILINEAR_BASE = (1 << trilinear_shift)
static int16_t RGB2LabLUT_s16[LAB_LUT_DIM*LAB_LUT_DIM*LAB_LUT_DIM*3*8];
static int16_t *RGB2LabLUT_s16;
static ushort LabToYF_b[256*2];
static const int minABvalue = -8145;
static int abToXZ_b[LAB_BASE*9/4];
static int *abToXZ_b;
// Luv constants
static const bool enableRGB2LuvInterpolation = true;
static const bool enablePackedRGB2Luv = true;
static const bool enablePackedLuv2RGB = true;
static int16_t RGB2LuvLUT_s16[LAB_LUT_DIM*LAB_LUT_DIM*LAB_LUT_DIM*3*8];
static int16_t *RGB2LuvLUT_s16;
static const softfloat uLow(-134), uHigh(220), uRange(uHigh-uLow);
static const softfloat vLow(-140), vHigh(122), vRange(vHigh-vLow);
static int LuToUp_b[256*256];
static int LvToVp_b[256*256];
static long long int LvToVpl_b[256*256];
static int *LuToUp_b;
static int *LvToVp_b;
static long long int *LvToVpl_b;
#define clip(value) \
value < 0.0f ? 0.0f : value > 1.0f ? 1.0f : value;
......@@ -5935,6 +5911,7 @@ static void initLabTabs()
softfloat x = scale*softfloat(i);
f[i] = x < lthresh ? mulAdd(x, lscale, lbias) : cbrt(x);
LabCbrtTab = new float[LAB_CBRT_TAB_SIZE*4];
splineBuild(f, LAB_CBRT_TAB_SIZE, LabCbrtTab);
scale = softfloat::one()/softfloat(GammaTabScale);
......@@ -5944,6 +5921,9 @@ static void initLabTabs()
g[i] = applyGamma(x);
ig[i] = applyInvGamma(x);
sRGBGammaTab = new float[GAMMA_TAB_SIZE*4];
sRGBInvGammaTab = new float[GAMMA_TAB_SIZE*4];
splineBuild(g, GAMMA_TAB_SIZE, sRGBGammaTab);
splineBuild(ig, GAMMA_TAB_SIZE, sRGBInvGammaTab);
......@@ -5999,6 +5979,7 @@ static void initLabTabs()
//Lookup table for a,b to x,z conversion
abToXZ_b = new int[LAB_BASE*9/4];
for(i = minABvalue; i < LAB_BASE*9/4+minABvalue; i++)
int v;
......@@ -6032,6 +6013,9 @@ static void initLabTabs()
//Luv LUT
LuToUp_b = new int[256*256];
LvToVp_b = new int[256*256];
LvToVpl_b = new long long int[256*256];
for(int LL = 0; LL < 256; LL++)
softfloat L = softfloat(LL*100)/f255;
......@@ -6145,6 +6129,8 @@ static void initLabTabs()
RGB2LabLUT_s16 = new int16_t[LAB_LUT_DIM*LAB_LUT_DIM*LAB_LUT_DIM*3*8];
RGB2LuvLUT_s16 = new int16_t[LAB_LUT_DIM*LAB_LUT_DIM*LAB_LUT_DIM*3*8];
for(int p = 0; p < LAB_LUT_DIM; p++)
for(int q = 0; q < LAB_LUT_DIM; q++)
......@@ -6199,7 +6185,7 @@ static void initLabTabs()
// cx, cy, cz are in [0; LAB_BASE]
static inline void trilinearInterpolate(int cx, int cy, int cz, int16_t* LUT,
static inline void trilinearInterpolate(int cx, int cy, int cz, const int16_t* LUT,
int& a, int& b, int& c)
//LUT idx of origin pt of cube
......@@ -6207,7 +6193,7 @@ static inline void trilinearInterpolate(int cx, int cy, int cz, int16_t* LUT,
int ty = cy >> (lab_base_shift - lab_lut_shift);
int tz = cz >> (lab_base_shift - lab_lut_shift);
int16_t* baseLUT = &LUT[3*8*tx + (3*8*LAB_LUT_DIM)*ty + (3*8*LAB_LUT_DIM*LAB_LUT_DIM)*tz];
const int16_t* baseLUT = &LUT[3*8*tx + (3*8*LAB_LUT_DIM)*ty + (3*8*LAB_LUT_DIM*LAB_LUT_DIM)*tz];
int aa[8], bb[8], cc[8];
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
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