Commit 51cef265 authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #10048 from alalek:fix_macos_pkg_config

parents a0c658b0 a0e1def8
......@@ -1001,7 +1001,10 @@ endfunction()
macro(ocv_get_libname var_name)
get_filename_component(__libname "${ARGN}" NAME)
string(REGEX REPLACE "^lib(.+).(a|so)(.[.0-9]+)?$" "\\1" __libname "${__libname}")
# -> opencv_core
string(REGEX REPLACE "^lib(.+)\\.(a|so)(\\.[.0-9]+)?$" "\\1" __libname "${__libname}")
# MacOSX: libopencv_core.3.3.1.dylib -> opencv_core
string(REGEX REPLACE "^lib(.+[^.0-9])\\.([.0-9]+\\.)?dylib$" "\\1" __libname "${__libname}")
set(${var_name} "${__libname}")
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