* first order spatio-temporal low pass filter setup function
@@ -261,7 +264,7 @@ public:
* @param maxInputValue: the maximum amplitude value measured after local adaptation processing (c.f. function runFilter_LocalAdapdation & runFilter_LocalAdapdation_autonomous)
* @param meanLuminance: the a priori meann luminance of the input data (should be 128 for 8bits images but can vary greatly in case of High Dynamic Range Images (HDRI)
* update local luminance adaptation setup, initial maxInputValue is kept. This function should be applied for normal local adaptation (not for tone mapping operation)
_spatiotemporalLPfilter_Irregular(&_irregularLPfilteredFrame[0],&_tempBuffer[0]);// warning, temporal issue may occur, if the temporal constant is not NULL !!!
* sigmoide image normalization function (saturates min and max values), in this function, the sigmoide is centered on low values (high saturation of the medium and high values