Commit 4f906372 authored by orestis's avatar orestis

SymmColumnSmallVec_32s16s [1, 2, 1]

NEON speedup: 2.66x
Auto-vect speedup: 1x
parent 80a03644
...@@ -2599,13 +2599,96 @@ struct SymmColumnVec_32s8u ...@@ -2599,13 +2599,96 @@ struct SymmColumnVec_32s8u
}; };
struct SymmColumnSmallVec_32s16s
SymmColumnSmallVec_32s16s() { symmetryType=0; }
SymmColumnSmallVec_32s16s(const Mat& _kernel, int _symmetryType, int _bits, double _delta)
symmetryType = _symmetryType;
_kernel.convertTo(kernel, CV_32F, 1./(1 << _bits), 0);
delta = (float)(_delta/(1 << _bits));
CV_Assert( (symmetryType & (KERNEL_SYMMETRICAL | KERNEL_ASYMMETRICAL)) != 0 );
int operator()(const uchar** _src, uchar* _dst, int width) const
//Uncomment the two following lines when runtime support for neon is implemented.
// if( !checkHardwareSupport(CV_CPU_NEON) )
// return 0;
int ksize2 = (kernel.rows + kernel.cols - 1)/2;
const float* ky = kernel.ptr<float>() + ksize2;
int i = 0;
bool symmetrical = (symmetryType & KERNEL_SYMMETRICAL) != 0;
const int** src = (const int**)_src;
const int *S0 = src[-1], *S1 = src[0], *S2 = src[1];
short* dst = (short*)_dst;
float32x4_t df4 = vdupq_n_f32(delta);
int32x4_t d4 = vcvtq_s32_f32(df4);
if( symmetrical )
if( ky[0] == 2 && ky[1] == 1 )
for( ; i <= width - 4; i += 4 )
int32x4_t x0, x1, x2;
x0 = vld1q_s32((int32_t const *)(S0 + i));
x1 = vld1q_s32((int32_t const *)(S1 + i));
x2 = vld1q_s32((int32_t const *)(S2 + i));
int32x4_t y0, y1, y2, y3;
y0 = vaddq_s32(x0, x2);
y1 = vqshlq_n_s32(x1, 1);
y2 = vaddq_s32(y0, y1);
y3 = vaddq_s32(y2, d4);
int16x4_t t;
t = vqmovn_s32(y3);
vst1_s16((int16_t *)(dst + i), t);
else if( ky[0] == -2 && ky[1] == 1 )
return 0;
else if( ky[0] == 10 && ky[1] == 3 )
return 0;
return 0;
if( fabs(ky[1]) == 1 && ky[1] == -ky[-1] )
return 0;
return 0;
return i;
int symmetryType;
float delta;
Mat kernel;
typedef RowNoVec RowVec_8u32s; typedef RowNoVec RowVec_8u32s;
typedef RowNoVec RowVec_16s32f; typedef RowNoVec RowVec_16s32f;
typedef RowNoVec RowVec_32f; typedef RowNoVec RowVec_32f;
typedef SymmRowSmallNoVec SymmRowSmallVec_32f; typedef SymmRowSmallNoVec SymmRowSmallVec_32f;
typedef ColumnNoVec SymmColumnVec_32f16s; typedef ColumnNoVec SymmColumnVec_32f16s;
typedef ColumnNoVec SymmColumnVec_32f; typedef ColumnNoVec SymmColumnVec_32f;
typedef SymmColumnSmallNoVec SymmColumnSmallVec_32s16s;
typedef SymmColumnSmallNoVec SymmColumnSmallVec_32f; typedef SymmColumnSmallNoVec SymmColumnSmallVec_32f;
typedef FilterNoVec FilterVec_8u; typedef FilterNoVec FilterVec_8u;
typedef FilterNoVec FilterVec_8u16s; typedef FilterNoVec FilterVec_8u16s;
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