Commit 4e0d2a3e authored by Alexander Alekhin's avatar Alexander Alekhin

Merge pull request #12193 from alalek:fix_vaapi_sample

parents da6d8961 216cd7dc
......@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ endif()
set(VA_LIBRARIES "-lva" "-lva-drm")
set(VA_LIBRARIES "va" "va-drm")
message(WARNING "libva installation is not found.")
......@@ -324,6 +324,163 @@ static void copy_convert_bgr_to_nv12(const VAImage& image, const Mat& bgr, unsig
dstUV += dstStepUV;
static void copy_convert_yv12_to_bgr(const VAImage& image, const unsigned char* buffer, Mat& bgr)
const float d1 = 16.0f;
const float d2 = 128.0f;
static const float coeffs[5] =
CV_CheckEQ(image.format.fourcc, VA_FOURCC_YV12, "Unexpected image format");
CV_CheckEQ(image.num_planes, 3, "");
const size_t srcOffsetY = image.offsets[0];
const size_t srcOffsetV = image.offsets[1];
const size_t srcOffsetU = image.offsets[2];
const size_t srcStepY = image.pitches[0];
const size_t srcStepU = image.pitches[1];
const size_t srcStepV = image.pitches[2];
const size_t dstStep = bgr.step;
const unsigned char* srcY_ = buffer + srcOffsetY;
const unsigned char* srcV_ = buffer + srcOffsetV;
const unsigned char* srcU_ = buffer + srcOffsetU;
for (int y = 0; y < bgr.rows; y += 2)
const unsigned char* srcY0 = srcY_ + (srcStepY) * y;
const unsigned char* srcY1 = srcY0 + srcStepY;
const unsigned char* srcV = srcV_ + (srcStepV) * y / 2;
const unsigned char* srcU = srcU_ + (srcStepU) * y / 2;
unsigned char* dst0 = + (dstStep) * y;
unsigned char* dst1 = dst0 + dstStep;
for (int x = 0; x < bgr.cols; x += 2)
float Y0 = float(srcY0[x+0]);
float Y1 = float(srcY0[x+1]);
float Y2 = float(srcY1[x+0]);
float Y3 = float(srcY1[x+1]);
float U = float(srcU[x/2]) - d2;
float V = float(srcV[x/2]) - d2;
Y0 = std::max(0.0f, Y0 - d1) * coeffs[0];
Y1 = std::max(0.0f, Y1 - d1) * coeffs[0];
Y2 = std::max(0.0f, Y2 - d1) * coeffs[0];
Y3 = std::max(0.0f, Y3 - d1) * coeffs[0];
float ruv = coeffs[4]*V;
float guv = coeffs[3]*V + coeffs[2]*U;
float buv = coeffs[1]*U;
dst0[(x+0)*NCHANNELS+0] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y0 + buv);
dst0[(x+0)*NCHANNELS+1] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y0 + guv);
dst0[(x+0)*NCHANNELS+2] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y0 + ruv);
dst0[(x+1)*NCHANNELS+0] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y1 + buv);
dst0[(x+1)*NCHANNELS+1] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y1 + guv);
dst0[(x+1)*NCHANNELS+2] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y1 + ruv);
dst1[(x+0)*NCHANNELS+0] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y2 + buv);
dst1[(x+0)*NCHANNELS+1] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y2 + guv);
dst1[(x+0)*NCHANNELS+2] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y2 + ruv);
dst1[(x+1)*NCHANNELS+0] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y3 + buv);
dst1[(x+1)*NCHANNELS+1] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y3 + guv);
dst1[(x+1)*NCHANNELS+2] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y3 + ruv);
static void copy_convert_bgr_to_yv12(const VAImage& image, const Mat& bgr, unsigned char* buffer)
const float d1 = 16.0f;
const float d2 = 128.0f;
static const float coeffs[8] =
0.256999969f, 0.50399971f, 0.09799957f, -0.1479988098f,
-0.2909994125f, 0.438999176f, -0.3679990768f, -0.0709991455f
CV_CheckEQ(image.format.fourcc, VA_FOURCC_YV12, "Unexpected image format");
CV_CheckEQ(image.num_planes, 3, "");
const size_t dstOffsetY = image.offsets[0];
const size_t dstOffsetV = image.offsets[1];
const size_t dstOffsetU = image.offsets[2];
const size_t dstStepY = image.pitches[0];
const size_t dstStepU = image.pitches[1];
const size_t dstStepV = image.pitches[2];
unsigned char* dstY_ = buffer + dstOffsetY;
unsigned char* dstV_ = buffer + dstOffsetV;
unsigned char* dstU_ = buffer + dstOffsetU;
const size_t srcStep = bgr.step;
for (int y = 0; y < bgr.rows; y += 2)
unsigned char* dstY0 = dstY_ + (dstStepY) * y;
unsigned char* dstY1 = dstY0 + dstStepY;
unsigned char* dstV = dstV_ + (dstStepV) * y / 2;
unsigned char* dstU = dstU_ + (dstStepU) * y / 2;
const unsigned char* src0 = + (srcStep) * y;
const unsigned char* src1 = src0 + srcStep;
for (int x = 0; x < bgr.cols; x += 2)
float B0 = float(src0[(x+0)*NCHANNELS+0]);
float G0 = float(src0[(x+0)*NCHANNELS+1]);
float R0 = float(src0[(x+0)*NCHANNELS+2]);
float B1 = float(src0[(x+1)*NCHANNELS+0]);
float G1 = float(src0[(x+1)*NCHANNELS+1]);
float R1 = float(src0[(x+1)*NCHANNELS+2]);
float B2 = float(src1[(x+0)*NCHANNELS+0]);
float G2 = float(src1[(x+0)*NCHANNELS+1]);
float R2 = float(src1[(x+0)*NCHANNELS+2]);
float B3 = float(src1[(x+1)*NCHANNELS+0]);
float G3 = float(src1[(x+1)*NCHANNELS+1]);
float R3 = float(src1[(x+1)*NCHANNELS+2]);
float Y0 = coeffs[0]*R0 + coeffs[1]*G0 + coeffs[2]*B0 + d1;
float Y1 = coeffs[0]*R1 + coeffs[1]*G1 + coeffs[2]*B1 + d1;
float Y2 = coeffs[0]*R2 + coeffs[1]*G2 + coeffs[2]*B2 + d1;
float Y3 = coeffs[0]*R3 + coeffs[1]*G3 + coeffs[2]*B3 + d1;
float U = coeffs[3]*R0 + coeffs[4]*G0 + coeffs[5]*B0 + d2;
float V = coeffs[5]*R0 + coeffs[6]*G0 + coeffs[7]*B0 + d2;
dstY0[x+0] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y0);
dstY0[x+1] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y1);
dstY1[x+0] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y2);
dstY1[x+1] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(Y3);
dstU[x/2] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(U);
dstV[x/2] = saturate_cast<unsigned char>(V);
#endif // HAVE_VA
void convertToVASurface(VADisplay display, InputArray src, VASurfaceID surface, Size size)
......@@ -412,9 +569,12 @@ void convertToVASurface(VADisplay display, InputArray src, VASurfaceID surface,
if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS)
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsError, "VA-API: vaMapBuffer failed");
CV_Assert(image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12);
copy_convert_bgr_to_nv12(image, m, buffer);
if (image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12)
copy_convert_bgr_to_nv12(image, m, buffer);
if (image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12)
copy_convert_bgr_to_yv12(image, m, buffer);
CV_Check((int)image.format.fourcc, image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12 || image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12, "Unexpected image format");
status = vaUnmapBuffer(display, image.buf);
if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS)
......@@ -510,9 +670,12 @@ void convertFromVASurface(VADisplay display, VASurfaceID surface, Size size, Out
if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS)
CV_Error(cv::Error::StsError, "VA-API: vaMapBuffer failed");
CV_Assert(image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12);
copy_convert_nv12_to_bgr(image, buffer, m);
if (image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12)
copy_convert_nv12_to_bgr(image, buffer, m);
if (image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12)
copy_convert_yv12_to_bgr(image, buffer, m);
CV_Check((int)image.format.fourcc, image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12 || image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12, "Unexpected image format");
status = vaUnmapBuffer(display, image.buf);
if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS)
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