Commit 4db68b50 authored by Vladislav Vinogradov's avatar Vladislav Vinogradov

fixed Sobel and Scharr tests

compare inner part
parent 2f1ca1b6
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ GPU_TEST_P(Sobel, Accuracy)
cv::Mat dst_gold;
cv::Sobel(src, dst_gold, -1, dx, dy, ksize.width, 1.0, 0.0, borderType);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(dst_gold, dst, CV_MAT_DEPTH(type) < CV_32F ? 0.0 : 0.1);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(getInnerROI(dst_gold, ksize), getInnerROI(dst, ksize), CV_MAT_DEPTH(type) < CV_32F ? 0.0 : 0.1);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(GPU_Filter, Sobel, testing::Combine(
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ GPU_TEST_P(Scharr, Accuracy)
cv::Mat dst_gold;
cv::Scharr(src, dst_gold, -1, dx, dy, 1.0, 0.0, borderType);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(dst_gold, dst, CV_MAT_DEPTH(type) < CV_32F ? 0.0 : 0.1);
EXPECT_MAT_NEAR(getInnerROI(dst_gold, cv::Size(3, 3)), getInnerROI(dst, cv::Size(3, 3)), CV_MAT_DEPTH(type) < CV_32F ? 0.0 : 0.1);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(GPU_Filter, Scharr, testing::Combine(
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