Commit 4d36be87 authored by Maria Dimashova's avatar Maria Dimashova

skip of table header in MLData (#1962)

parent 094c32ce
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ MLData
.. highlight:: cpp
For the machine learning algorithms, the data set is often stored in a file of the ``.csv``-like format. The file contains a table of predictor and response values where each row of the table corresponds to a sample. Missing values are supported. The UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository ( provides many data sets stored in such a format to the machine learning community. The class ``MLData`` is implemented to easily load the data for training one of the OpenCV machine learning algorithms. For float values, only the ``'.'`` separator is supported.
For the machine learning algorithms, the data set is often stored in a file of the ``.csv``-like format. The file contains a table of predictor and response values where each row of the table corresponds to a sample. Missing values are supported. The UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository ( provides many data sets stored in such a format to the machine learning community. The class ``MLData`` is implemented to easily load the data for training one of the OpenCV machine learning algorithms. For float values, only the ``'.'`` separator is supported. The table can have a header and in such case the user have to set the number of the header lines to skip them duaring the file reading.
......@@ -182,6 +182,20 @@ Sets the variables types in the loaded data.
In the string, a variable type is followed by a list of variables indices. For example: ``"ord[0-17],cat[18]"``, ``"ord[0,2,4,10-12], cat[1,3,5-9,13,14]"``, ``"cat"`` (all variables are categorical), ``"ord"`` (all variables are ordered).
Returns a number of the table header lines.
.. ocv:function:: int CvMLData::get_header_lines_number() const
Sets a number of the table header lines.
.. ocv:function:: void CvMLData::set_header_lines_number( int n )
By default it is supposed that the table does not have a header, i.e. it contains only the data.
Returns type of the specified variable
......@@ -2040,6 +2040,9 @@ public:
const CvMat* get_responses();
const CvMat* get_missing() const;
void set_header_lines_number( int n );
int get_header_lines_number() const;
void set_response_idx( int idx ); // old response become predictors, new response_idx = idx
// if idx < 0 there will be no response
int get_response_idx() const;
......@@ -2091,6 +2094,8 @@ protected:
CvMat* var_idx_out; // mat
CvMat* var_types_out; // mat
int header_lines_number;
int response_idx;
int train_sample_count;
......@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ CvMLData::CvMLData()
values = missing = var_types = var_idx_mask = response_out = var_idx_out = var_types_out = 0;
train_sample_idx = test_sample_idx = 0;
header_lines_number = 0;
sample_idx = 0;
response_idx = -1;
......@@ -117,6 +118,17 @@ void CvMLData::clear()
train_sample_count = -1;
void CvMLData::set_header_lines_number( int idx )
header_lines_number = std::max(0, idx);
int CvMLData::get_header_lines_number() const
return header_lines_number;
static char *fgets_chomp(char *str, int n, FILE *stream)
char *head = fgets(str, n, stream);
......@@ -153,9 +165,15 @@ int CvMLData::read_csv(const char* filename)
if( !file )
return -1;
// read the first line and determine the number of variables
std::vector<char> _buf(M);
std::vector<char> _buf(M);
char* buf = &_buf[0];
// skip header lines
for( int i = 0; i < header_lines_number; i++ )
if( fgets( buf, M, file ) == 0 )
return -1;
// read the first data line and determine the number of variables
if( !fgets_chomp( buf, M, file ))
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