Commit 4c7ecf20 authored by Roman Donchenko's avatar Roman Donchenko Committed by OpenCV Buildbot

Merge pull request #1529 from vpisarev:polyfit_accuracy_2

parents a71a891b ca0956a7
......@@ -47,26 +47,37 @@
#include "precomp.hpp"
typedef double polyfit_type;
void cv::polyfit(const Mat& src_x, const Mat& src_y, Mat& dst, int order)
Mat X;
X = Mat::zeros(src_x.rows, order+1,CV_32FC1);
Mat copy;
for(int i = 0; i <=order;i++)
const int wdepth = DataType<polyfit_type>::depth;
int npoints = src_x.checkVector(1);
int nypoints = src_y.checkVector(1);
CV_Assert(npoints == nypoints && npoints >= order+1);
Mat srcX = Mat_<polyfit_type>(src_x), srcY = Mat_<polyfit_type>(src_y);
Mat X = Mat::zeros(order + 1, npoints, wdepth);
polyfit_type* pSrcX = (polyfit_type*);
polyfit_type* pXData = (polyfit_type*);
int stepX = (int)(X.step/X.elemSize1());
for (int y = 0; y < order + 1; ++y)
copy = src_x.clone();
Mat M1 = X.col(i);
for (int x = 0; x < npoints; ++x)
if (y == 0)
pXData[x] = 1;
else if (y == 1)
pXData[x + stepX] = pSrcX[x];
else pXData[x + y*stepX] = pSrcX[x]* pXData[x + (y-1)*stepX];
Mat X_t, X_inv;
Mat temp = X_t*X;
Mat temp2;
invert (temp,temp2);
Mat temp3 = temp2*X_t;
Mat W = temp3*src_y;
Mat A, b, w;
mulTransposed(X, A, false);
b = X*srcY;
solve(A, b, w, DECOMP_SVD);
w.convertTo(dst, std::max(std::max(src_x.depth(), src_y.depth()), CV_32F));
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