Commit 4b885e20 authored by Andrey Pavlenko's avatar Andrey Pavlenko Committed by OpenCV Buildbot

Merge pull request #2068 from akarsakov:disable_ipp

parents f7b5e654 6ef0253f
......@@ -41,12 +41,13 @@
#include "precomp.hpp"
#if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7)
#define USE_IPP_CANNY 1
namespace cv
......@@ -3737,7 +3737,7 @@ void cv::cvtColor( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int code, int dcn )
CV_Assert( scn == 3 || scn == 4 );
_dst.create(sz, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, 1));
dst = _dst.getMat();
#if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7)
if( code == CV_BGR2GRAY )
......@@ -3760,7 +3760,7 @@ void cv::cvtColor( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int code, int dcn )
bidx = code == CV_BGR2GRAY || code == CV_BGRA2GRAY ? 0 : 2;
if( depth == CV_8U )
......@@ -1846,7 +1846,7 @@ void cv::resize( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size dsize,
int depth = src.depth(), cn = src.channels();
double scale_x = 1./inv_scale_x, scale_y = 1./inv_scale_y;
int k, sx, sy, dx, dy;
#if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7)
int mode = interpolation == INTER_LINEAR ? IPPI_INTER_LINEAR : 0;
int type = src.type();
......@@ -1874,7 +1874,7 @@ void cv::resize( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, Size dsize,
if( interpolation == INTER_NEAREST )
resizeNN( src, dst, inv_scale_x, inv_scale_y );
......@@ -3477,7 +3477,7 @@ void cv::warpAffine( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst,
int* adelta = &_abdelta[0], *bdelta = adelta + dst.cols;
const int AB_BITS = MAX(10, (int)INTER_BITS);
const int AB_SCALE = 1 << AB_BITS;
#if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7)
int depth = src.depth();
int channels = src.channels();
......@@ -3521,7 +3521,7 @@ void cv::warpAffine( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst,
for( x = 0; x < dst.cols; x++ )
adelta[x] = saturate_cast<int>(M[0]*x*AB_SCALE);
......@@ -3702,7 +3702,7 @@ void cv::warpPerspective( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, InputArray _M0,
if( !(flags & WARP_INVERSE_MAP) )
invert(matM, matM);
#if defined (HAVE_IPP) && (IPP_VERSION_MAJOR >= 7)
int depth = src.depth();
int channels = src.channels();
......@@ -3746,7 +3746,7 @@ void cv::warpPerspective( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, InputArray _M0,
Range range(0, dst.rows);
warpPerspectiveInvoker invoker(src, dst, M, interpolation, borderType, borderValue);
parallel_for_(range, invoker,<<16));
......@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ icvCreateHidHaarClassifierCascade( CvHaarClassifierCascade* cascade )
out->isStumpBased &= node_count == 1;
#ifdef HAVE_IPP
int can_use_ipp = !out->has_tilted_features && !out->is_tree && out->isStumpBased;
......@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ icvCreateHidHaarClassifierCascade( CvHaarClassifierCascade* cascade )
cascade->hid_cascade = out;
assert( (char*)haar_node_ptr - (char*)out <= datasize );
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