Copies the selected image channel from a new-style C++ matrix to the old-style C array.
.. ocv:function:: void insertImageCOI(InputArray src, CvArr* dst, int coi=-1)
:param src: Source array with a single channel and the same size and depth as ``dst``.
:param dst: Destination array, it should be a pointer to ``CvMat`` or ``IplImage``.
:param coi: If the parameter is ``>=0`` , it specifies the channel to insert. If it is ``<0`` and ``dst`` is a pointer to ``IplImage`` with a valid COI set, the selected COI is extracted.
The function ``insertImageCOI`` is used to extract an image COI from a new-style C++ matrix and put the result to the old-style array.
The sample below illustrates how to use the function: